i got a stinking 71.75 for bio ca2.
3 papers down. 5 more. hamlet ah well. frailty, thy name is hamlet. maths paper 1 was okay i guess. but i dunno how to do the inequality qn. i dun like inequality. i dunno why there is a need for inequality. isnt there supposed to be EQUALITY in the world? sorry, im a bit erm. i can't think of a word now.
physics paper was quite traumatising. screwed up partially but it should be fine. i dun like balloons. ok fine i like balloons. just dun like them in exam papers. if i dun have any careless mistakes in the questions tht i know how to do, i should be able to get a 75. hopefully. hopefully.
teacher's day celebrations today. the teachers were damn cool. i think their performances were like sooooooooooooo much better than the students'. but it was good effort la har. at least they tried. and the stupid sms thing cheat pple one. me and shunjie and waisiang sent a total of 10 and the stupid thing cocked up. idiot.
wanted to go out just now. but i fell aslp on the mrt and was a little unfocused and couldnt think properly. forgot to get my lunch. and the weather was damn hot. so i took an afternoon nap and went to dreamland instead. sian.
and i want to cut my hair. but later i cut then not he2 ge2 then have to cut again. but better than pin up hor? ah shall go cut someday during the holidays. oh what holidays?!
and i think the model for the triumph deep-V advertisement is damn sexy and seductive and pretty. im straight.
i got the word. cranky.
Friday, 31 August 2007
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
ah pooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
im here to get some last minute relaxation before the physics paper tmr. baaaaah. have been doing nth but spamming physics for the past 3 days. hope its useful. i nv studied so hard for a paper before. but then im not jolene. i dun wan a 30/100 for my physics paper. i wan a 83. cos tht entitles me to an overall A+. or maybe sth close. so i still hv a chance of A+ after moderation. oh bababaa.
shall slack from now till the start of the paper tmr. in case anymore studying make me forget all my faraday and lenz and snell laws and god knows what laws. i shall dream of them tonight. they are oh so my dream guys. haha. dreaming about stuff u did in the day is good. according to the la holiday hw. ah well. at least sth good came out of la for once. other than all the hamlet chatter, which is now history :D
good luck to me and you and anyone who wants to get above 30 for the physics paper. ha.
im here to get some last minute relaxation before the physics paper tmr. baaaaah. have been doing nth but spamming physics for the past 3 days. hope its useful. i nv studied so hard for a paper before. but then im not jolene. i dun wan a 30/100 for my physics paper. i wan a 83. cos tht entitles me to an overall A+. or maybe sth close. so i still hv a chance of A+ after moderation. oh bababaa.
shall slack from now till the start of the paper tmr. in case anymore studying make me forget all my faraday and lenz and snell laws and god knows what laws. i shall dream of them tonight. they are oh so my dream guys. haha. dreaming about stuff u did in the day is good. according to the la holiday hw. ah well. at least sth good came out of la for once. other than all the hamlet chatter, which is now history :D
good luck to me and you and anyone who wants to get above 30 for the physics paper. ha.
Friday, 24 August 2007
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Saturday, 18 August 2007
today was a cool day.
and its not because of parent-child day. parent child day was ok i guess. it was quite funny. haha. there were a lack of parents and too many ponners. so there were manymany empty chairs. and i think its quite sad. i mean its just the school's effort for us to communicate with our parents. then no parents come. no students come. quite sad har?
so due to the lack of parents, my parents were surrogate parents to yuki and jocelyn. haha. quite cute. and my mother is pretty amaze at how alike me and yuki are in terms of looks. though i still dun think we look alike. and she says chikong walks with his butt swaying. haha.
and my mother talked to mrleong and mrleong told her he liked my positive energy :D bwaha.
ok now for the cool part. we (that is my papa mama korkor me) went to raffles to see the mega illusion. and it was bloody freaking cool. that illusionist guy, jc tan i think, just disappeared from this box and appeared at the top of oub centre (which is 50storeys or 280m high) in 5 freaking seconds. damn cool. and his assistant is called nick. haha. and nick is a female. but the illusionist is kind of plump. must need lots of magical aura to disappear. and he says the magical aura burns. and i wonder why his helpers din get hurt. lol. it was cool anyway. and im part of magical history. cos i was there. haha. this mega illusion is the first of its kind in southeastasia u knw. but i rmb david copperfield teleported to hawaii or somewhere the previous time he came to singapore for a show. maybe jctan meant first southeastasian. or maybe david copperfield just showed the video and he din really do it. cant really rmb. i was really young. and so were u.
ok tht was a big chunk.
and another cool thing. on the way home, we went past marina bay. and saw the fireworks. really really really pretty fireworks. my father stopped so we could watch. and thts the only time chemistry is beautiful and really wonderful. though it pollutes the air. but its still really nice. and then with everyone else just stopping at the side of the expressway to watch even though its against the traffic rules. haha.
oh! and parent-child day has another significance.
you knw?
and its not because of parent-child day. parent child day was ok i guess. it was quite funny. haha. there were a lack of parents and too many ponners. so there were manymany empty chairs. and i think its quite sad. i mean its just the school's effort for us to communicate with our parents. then no parents come. no students come. quite sad har?
so due to the lack of parents, my parents were surrogate parents to yuki and jocelyn. haha. quite cute. and my mother is pretty amaze at how alike me and yuki are in terms of looks. though i still dun think we look alike. and she says chikong walks with his butt swaying. haha.
and my mother talked to mrleong and mrleong told her he liked my positive energy :D bwaha.
ok now for the cool part. we (that is my papa mama korkor me) went to raffles to see the mega illusion. and it was bloody freaking cool. that illusionist guy, jc tan i think, just disappeared from this box and appeared at the top of oub centre (which is 50storeys or 280m high) in 5 freaking seconds. damn cool. and his assistant is called nick. haha. and nick is a female. but the illusionist is kind of plump. must need lots of magical aura to disappear. and he says the magical aura burns. and i wonder why his helpers din get hurt. lol. it was cool anyway. and im part of magical history. cos i was there. haha. this mega illusion is the first of its kind in southeastasia u knw. but i rmb david copperfield teleported to hawaii or somewhere the previous time he came to singapore for a show. maybe jctan meant first southeastasian. or maybe david copperfield just showed the video and he din really do it. cant really rmb. i was really young. and so were u.
ok tht was a big chunk.
and another cool thing. on the way home, we went past marina bay. and saw the fireworks. really really really pretty fireworks. my father stopped so we could watch. and thts the only time chemistry is beautiful and really wonderful. though it pollutes the air. but its still really nice. and then with everyone else just stopping at the side of the expressway to watch even though its against the traffic rules. haha.
oh! and parent-child day has another significance.
you knw?
Saturday, 11 August 2007

baby foxes. cute hor? look like chihwahwa. heh.

i forgot what is this but i think it looks damn cute too.

awwwww... so sweet.

i never knew kangaroo pouches looked like this. looks more like a hole in the tummy.

hola. funny bird. its called Guianan-Cock-of-the-Rock. doesnt have a very elegant name if u get my meaning.


nope its not albino. its a snow leopard and i think its really pretty.

some kind of blue jay. yah those that feeds on the oh-so-great peppered moth that led to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

cool har? eagle on eagle. haha.

and last but not least...

PUMBA!!! y'knw the one in lion king. pumba? yeah pumba. skinnier than i thought. haha. their warthogs btw.
and in case you still don't know what im talking about...

yeah pumba.
and while i was looking for pumba, i found this.

damn cute. haha.
and there's timon :D
li lao shi wanted us to find a song with a set of lyrics that we like. so ive decided to use this. and we are supposed to give reasons for why we like the lyrics. i like this cos this set of lyrics comes with the sweat, tears, blood, laughter, pissed-offness, the wonderful memories, the not-so-wonderful memories and the lubb we have for one another.

i miss the lot.
some random stuff. 50cent used his solo career to bet that his newest album will outsell kanye west's album on the day of release, which is 911. quite interesting huh. i wonder what will happen if kanye west's album really outsell 50cent's. not my problem. i don't listen to their music anyway.
oh and the picture of me, jolene and buzzlightyear above. ah well. fahrenheit took a similar one when they were in hk recently. damn cute. hoho.
:D and nope i didnt slip and fall on a banana skin. cos that method only results in a :) and mine is a :D.
li lao shi wanted us to find a song with a set of lyrics that we like. so ive decided to use this. and we are supposed to give reasons for why we like the lyrics. i like this cos this set of lyrics comes with the sweat, tears, blood, laughter, pissed-offness, the wonderful memories, the not-so-wonderful memories and the lubb we have for one another.

i miss the lot.
some random stuff. 50cent used his solo career to bet that his newest album will outsell kanye west's album on the day of release, which is 911. quite interesting huh. i wonder what will happen if kanye west's album really outsell 50cent's. not my problem. i don't listen to their music anyway.
oh and the picture of me, jolene and buzzlightyear above. ah well. fahrenheit took a similar one when they were in hk recently. damn cute. hoho.
:D and nope i didnt slip and fall on a banana skin. cos that method only results in a :) and mine is a :D.
Friday, 10 August 2007
- Banana Skin
1) Place the banana skin on the floor.
2) Retreat a few steps.
3) Walk.
4) Step on the banana skin.
5) Slip and fall.
6) Hit the back of your head hard.
7) Make sure you hit your head real hard.
8) Get a concussion.
9) Forget everything
10) :)
- Banana Skin
1) Place the banana skin on the floor.
2) Retreat a few steps.
3) Walk.
4) Step on the banana skin.
5) Slip and fall.
6) Hit the back of your head hard.
7) Make sure you hit your head real hard.
8) Get a concussion.
9) Forget everything
10) :)
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
be an angel. click here.
today was a relatively sian day. i woke up at 6.10. which is very late considering i normally wake up at 5.45. but super me brushed my teeth peed changed had a cup of milo and a cream puff in the lift and reached the bus stop at 6.16. i think thats really really commendable. but i panted for a very long time afterwards. haha.
lessons were soso i guess. mr koh is back :D
and i was irritated by a lot of pple today. which made me indirectly irritated at somebody else and about every other thing. this is called ams. after-menstrual-stress. haha.
anyway. tomorrow is national day celebrations. and the whole school is gng to look like baboon asses. red. cant understand why we cant wear white. its on the national flag too. and it represents purity and i dunno wad.
and i hv to chiong la film now. which makes me irritated at somebody else. baaaaaaaah.
shall go chiong now. and im gna wear a very chio red tee tmr. ha.
today was a relatively sian day. i woke up at 6.10. which is very late considering i normally wake up at 5.45. but super me brushed my teeth peed changed had a cup of milo and a cream puff in the lift and reached the bus stop at 6.16. i think thats really really commendable. but i panted for a very long time afterwards. haha.
lessons were soso i guess. mr koh is back :D
and i was irritated by a lot of pple today. which made me indirectly irritated at somebody else and about every other thing. this is called ams. after-menstrual-stress. haha.
anyway. tomorrow is national day celebrations. and the whole school is gng to look like baboon asses. red. cant understand why we cant wear white. its on the national flag too. and it represents purity and i dunno wad.
and i hv to chiong la film now. which makes me irritated at somebody else. baaaaaaaah.
shall go chiong now. and im gna wear a very chio red tee tmr. ha.
Sunday, 5 August 2007
i read something from my brother's GP homework today. and i found it pretty amusing. the essay is titled "agression".
"In Italy for thiry years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."
don't you find it amusing? haha.
and tommy will go: "OH SWITZERLAND! *GUFFAWS*" cos thats my country. i am a swissy. my country for mock un that is. *GUFFAWS LIKE TOMMY*
and i bought a new jacket today from ipzone :D it cost $15. cheap hor? keok's favourite shopping mall (east point) that ipzone shop was having a sale. haha. they are always on sale. and the jacket is black and purple. hoohoo.
and i love next week's timetable. monday tuesday. and wedsnesday is celebrations day. and tada LOOOOONG weekend :D i like :D and my mother said we can go watch Rush Hour 3. YAY!
没有人看得见 我心深处的阴暗面
"In Italy for thiry years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."
don't you find it amusing? haha.
and tommy will go: "OH SWITZERLAND! *GUFFAWS*" cos thats my country. i am a swissy. my country for mock un that is. *GUFFAWS LIKE TOMMY*
and i bought a new jacket today from ipzone :D it cost $15. cheap hor? keok's favourite shopping mall (east point) that ipzone shop was having a sale. haha. they are always on sale. and the jacket is black and purple. hoohoo.
and i love next week's timetable. monday tuesday. and wedsnesday is celebrations day. and tada LOOOOONG weekend :D i like :D and my mother said we can go watch Rush Hour 3. YAY!
没有人看得见 我心深处的阴暗面
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