its been a long time since i posted. the previous one doesnt count. it was copy and paste.
much has been going on since lessons started. my combi is physics maths econs computing. plus gp and pw. ok maybe pw doesnt count as a subject. so 5 subjects, and 3 of them are new. quite a big risk i would say, to take up so many new subjects at a go. new as in totally new. but it's ok, i guess i will survive. maybe half-dead, but not dead. plus there's shunjie to struggle with me. and a few others i'm not sure who.
plus i'm not too sure about my teachers. i got like undergrads for econs and gp (NEW subjects somemore). not that i've got anything against undergrads. but its like they just finished NS, they dun have training, they dun have experience, they probably didn't touch their books while marching or commando-crawling. its hard to trust their teaching abilities. well, only time will tell. but probably by the time they prove themselves, if there is ever such a time, they will be leaving to go to Uni, and then we will have to get used to new teachers ALL OVER AGAIN.
joined sailing for cca. it had its fair share of troubles. but hopefully, we can start next week. and we're gna get our lifejackets and stuff next week. cool huh? to own ur own personal lifejacket, though its not much of a use at home or in swimming pools or wad. oh maybe if i take up 3star with jerome then i can wear it -.-
oh and who can forget the whole short skirt thing. im not gng to say much. just go to jolene's blog. its really detailed and i think its well-written. or rather well-typed. i'll just say, i dun think my skirt is short. and i got caught for it. like ugh.
haven been feeling very up and about. more like down and under. its funny how pple feel not right but in school, they just look right. maybe its easier for others to be with you when they think u're in a good mood. i dunno. maybe. or maybe its easier to be in a good mood when there are pple around you. i dunno why, but i've been slipping into emo mood when im alone. oh its bad.
anyway, im cg rep or in other words class chair. i volunteered. ok so maybe my motive for volunteering wasnt all that noble and good and nice and proper. but who knows la, maybe i huai xin zuo hao shi leh. i'll prove it. watch me.
and i hate my timetable. it seriously sucks. esp for monday. i go home at 4.45 with a total of 3hrs break in between. i could like end sch at 1.45 lah please. plus not forgetting the 5.45 on tuesday and 5.15 on thurs. and weds and fri are cca days so release early. super sian. i hope it wun be like this for the whole year.
and i made a bet if huanjun. if he runs 2.4km in 8 and a half mins, i owe him a treat. if i run in 10 and a half mins, he owes me a treat. im training ok. i run like almost everyday. monday tuesday i run during pe. weds fri release early i come home run. sat sun i run also. so i run like 6 times a week la. hiong hor? i think so too. i think im crazy. but somehow, i started running, then when i dun run i feel funny. so now its more of a habit. lol. and my bro doesnt believe i can make it in 10 half. actually i dun also. but i wun leave it until i try. plus there's no harm running. healthy lifestyle ok?
there was this random bbq with random pple (me jerome shunjie quanyi huanjun jiajin biqi) at jerome's hse ytd. totally random. i've never been to a bbq where the number of people can't even circle the bbq pit totally. it was quite funny.
guess who's legs?

guess who's shoes?
A person always has lots of wishes and wants, the more wishes and wants they have, the more unsatisfied they become, up to the point when they will do anything and everything just to get what they want. If we just live life as it is, there won't be quarrels, there won't be backstabbing and hypocrisy. Maybe we should all sit down and think. Do we really want everything that we wish for? When we get what we want, we just wish for for. It's a vicious cycle, it will never stop. Be practical, be realistic, learn to appreciate, learn to be content. It's a huge world out there. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. If we just walk pass them, taking note of their weaknesses, self-believing that we are superior, then we will never succeed, never be content, never be happy. We will just be living in our own fantasy. We should stop, look at people from a different angle, appreciate their strengths, learn. 一山比一山高,we should just stop comparing. Without comparison there is no improvements. I say its bullshit. To compare, to improve oneself till you're on par, there is a limit. To not compare, and to continue improving yourself, that's limitless. 我们应该把心房扩大,试着去包容每一个人。i'm in the process of re-evaluating my wrong half of the world. i detest hypocrisy, so im not gna act friendly or what. There's half of the half of the wrong half that i've never talked to before. i jsut dun like their face or sth. come to think of it, its childish. its stupid. i just feel that they need a chance. i mean its unfair to give them the death sentence without letting them know the reason. i'll try, but no guarantee, for some at least. i mean, its only human to dislike. im not all that noble. im not saint. im human.
if i take ki, i will prove that i dun exist. but too bad i dun, so i just have to face the fact that i exist and so does everything nice and not.