by month i mean 30 days.
let's see. exams ended. watched my first nc16 movie with compliments and a chef salad. had post exams activities which were totally boring. had bsp which was even more boring. but 4c girls had motivation to pull through the gruelling hours. me and my tang yu zhe. jiaqi and her yan ya lun. kim and her nicholas tse. yuxuan and her he jun xiang. yiwei and her jared padelecki. oh and my pavarotti. haha. damn chio. sorry we are all shallow pple who go for good looks. haha. damn i really think tang yu zhe is damn shuai. i have this thing for guys with ultra nice eyes and lips slightly thin. why do good looking guys all go to taiwan and pursue acting or singing careers? can't they be my classmates? :( LOL. and the service for nature electives were fun. for once, i didnt choose the wrong electives.
we went to semakau. saw sea stars having sex. saw snails giving birth and many other interesting things. then we went to nus. they have a marvellous cafe called megabites. as long as you dun get the drinks, the food is cheap and good and super filling. went to pulau ubin. probably the last time i will ever be there. ok me blogging about it makes this elective seem like a total bore, but it is really interesting and fun.
oh and a girl wanted me to be her girl boyfriend. if you get what i mean. freaky.
one month of not blogging, and i can only come up with a post this length. oh well. at least i updated.
i shall end with an eye candy :D

and jiaqi bought me his album. LOVE JIAQI LOADS <3
ohoh. and i realised that the way tang yu zhe or rather lei ke si pushes up his specs in zhong ji yi ban is how i push up my specs :D just that im right handed and he's left handed. oh haha.