i just watched yu le bai fen bai and it was a whole episode of tangyuzhe (: handsome (: HAHAHAHA. he got new book lehzxzxzzx. i wanna buy. but singapore is slow like a snail. so i think i shall get it when i go to taiwan in june. YAY. makes me more excited about the trip. i alrdy very excited now even more excited. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

and my father bought me something that i wanted to eat after i had my jiu ceng gao. HAHAHAH. im in a kueh mood. LOL. its the pink and green balls kueh. y'knw? the one tht u have to dip in orange colour sugar and coconut si1. yumyum (:
saturday went for guitar concert with yuki, quanyi, jolene and weiliang. yuki so extra. haiyoyo. HAHAHA. quite ok i guess. sorry la. i can't appreciate music without lyrics. HAHAHA. and i only went cos quanyi had free tix. lol.
2 crazy people. LOL. and i suddenly find the whole thing retarded and damn funny. LOL. if i certainly burst out laughing when i see some sweet in school its all gna be your fault.
retarded smiles. LOL. and *ahem* flab... *ahem* i so nice. crop out for u. HAHA. now not so obvious. hahahahaha.
the rest of the long weekend was spent finishing the huge hw pile. and i din touched computing at all. lol. and i totally have no idea how to do the econs case study. i did the essay halfway dunno how to do le. and the circular measures also catch no ball -.- zzz.
tmr is tuesday and there's school. sian. long day somemore. but nvm. thurs holiday (: HAHAHAHAHA.
ok i just checked. its called ma kuo kueh.

erm for picture purposes its probably in a nicer shape. cos the ones my father bought and all those i ate before are all round and bally. LOL.
since im in a rare happy blogging mood. shall post some pictures :D
WILL the whale :D

LOL. thaddeus' cake. the tq days. so glad they are gone. and now got the dunno wad AIR thingy. omgzzz.

one fine day when everyone suddenly needed to hold the pole. LOL.
one day when they ordered mac delivery and the tea just spilled. yigeng had to drink his from the plastic bag. the cup was empty fyi. LOL.
shall end with this. HAHA. can't rmb if i posted this before. trademark retarded smile. LOL.