CAO GE!!! haha. today his concert tix first day sale. i wan watch but so ex ):
thinkquest! LOL. and dun be mistaken. i don't miss it.

what's with the expression? LOL.
guitar concert (:
my bday present (:
our first gp teacher, mr too. left. and now mr yap is leaving too. sian. i like mr yap. he's funny and nice and he likes to niao june which is everybody's hobby.
4c outing during new year (: zhiqian's pose looks oddly familiar. HAHA.

orientation08. i dunno who they are just everybody sleeping so i took a photo.
xingdong. first to leave 5c21. lol. and erm first 5c21 outing i guess. LOL.
ah. sailing. we upgraded. using the white boats now. not these brightly coloured ones that remind me of my primary school cos my ps (<< !!) colours are blue and yellow. lol.
pelepah trek. the main point of this pic is the people behind. HAHA.
LOL. closer view. and look at the socks and slippers. camps are like time for fashion disasters. LOL.
group photo (:
ok back to moving in uncircular motions.