after the holiday on monday, tuesday was school again. so sickening. i mean seriously. lecture, tutorial, lecture, tutorial. super sian. ah well. i can't rmb anything that happened. ok, mass pe was more interesting than usual cos the teachers had their 2.4. mr gi came in first. and me and yuki were running and i was like cheering some teachers on. mr gi will give the thumbs up sign. mr tay turned smiled waved. mr teo waved without turning. mr leong gave a stupid face. haha. damn interesting. ok that was it. wonderful tuesday. absolutely loved it.
oh right. we went to ben&jerry's. jerome/gabriel/kevin told us it was free cone day and got us to go to dempsey road to get our free cones. we walked so far, took a bus and walk somemore only to realise that the dempsey branch doesnt have free cone. but we still ate there. cos we didn't want to leave with empty stomachs.
thaddeus and june shared this.
sebas and jerome/gabriel/kevin shared this.
and shunjie and me shared this. imba right? heh.
satisfied. haha. and late for 15 min for physics.
wedsnesday was a relatively short day. no sailing so i went home early. yay.
thursday was labour day. woooohoooooooo. slacked the morning away. ok more like slept. i woke up really late. studied abit and went for cs concert at night. with ivanhu ivantam tommy and kueifu. the concert was good i guess. really like the xiangshengs. and i think the senior high skit was good. the opera was well. let's just say i can't appreciate it but i think whoever who played chuncao is really good. she didnt zou yin. lol.
friday today. sucky morning. first thing in the morning saw sth that upset my mood. school's as per terrible. had fire drill. super duper hot sun. i wouldn't be surprised if somebody's hair just caught fire or sth. hate the damn weather. after school went whitesands with jolene while waiting for yuki. jolene had to shop for her siblings presents. i helped choose.

june wrote: businessmen releasing carbon dioxide to gain profits and ignoring environmental concerns.
june (yes, june again) wrote: cellular immorality
met up with yuki later to go to mj to watch the soccer match. NOTE: it was yuki who wanted to go. i was there to accompany her. had an erm... interesting bus ride. reached mj and we thought it was an industrial park. and its really really nice. nice building. and we felt god damn out of place. like hello? we were the only 2 non-soccer dunmanians there. like woah. talk about school spirit. want cheer also paiseh to cheer. so we basically just stood there and watched. oh we helped refill their 100plus. lol.
soccer boys in action.
i dunno why. but watching them play made me think. but i've been thinking a lot these few days. probably a bit too much.

the black one is ziren. like duh.
mr botak :D HAHA. realise his name his in full and not initialised. cos D WUU is too short. LOL.
y'knw, it really sucks knowing and not being able to do much. or rather, not being able to do anything. at all. its damn horrible waking up time to time from the same image. from the same nightmare. i really hope it nv comes true. i guess what he said is right. all i can do is just be there.
ok back to econs.