ok so woke up at 5.30 to go to the airport and boarded the plane bound for hongkong to transit to taiwan. reached taiwan at around 3. and i watched hero on the plane. lol. after reaching taiwan, took a bus to my hotel in taipei. left our stuff and headed out to eat eat and eat. LOL. we very zai one ok. we take public transport. haha. and it was 32degreescelsius when we reached and now its 22. super big change. probably cos thrs a thunderstorm now. lol.

on the bus to taipei
on the way there. i wonder what this shop sells. LOL.
freaking lot of scooters
freaking lot of taxis
hotel room. the single bed is mine like duh. haha.
a sign in the toilet.
outside the hotel. mango ice and strawberry ice. yummy. haha.
they have a station called banqiao. LOL.
we went to eat at dan shui. some zhongzheng jie.
the left side one is called you yu geng and the right side one is tian bu la. quite nice (:
taiwan's ou luar.
beef soup. yummmy. the beef is damn tender.
LOL blood cake for $30
the watermelon is like freaking huge. and the pineapple very very sweet.
then we went to shi ling night market to eat somemore. LOL.
my mother said their bittergourd honey juice is nice. you know its not from my expression. lol.
this one is some egg with milk ice thingy. this one is nice (:
this chicken chop is huge and crispy and hot and yummy (:
ok its late. i shall go slp. long day tmr. haha. wooooooohooooooooooooooooooo :D