it was a terrible first week. i shall summarise. got back all our papers except for computing. i got BADD. ohmy read that out. it's BAD with a capital D for Dreadful. LOL.
new pe teacher: mr william tong.
seems nice and muscly. lol. shunjie weiliang and thaddeus can like look for him tgt to do weight training. LOL. eh no. shunjie need skin exercise. haha. so for pe we are gna do like erm softball. ah well. we'll see how it goes.
new econs teacher: mr gilbert lee.
mr tong's good friend. nice teacher. i like. haha. he treats us as young adults. no need greet, no need raise hands to talk, no need ask permission to go toilet. 7 out of 10 of his students got distinction in a lvls. and he is a polar bear.
new physics teacher: ms eleanor chia
she runs marathons to gobi desert. cool or cool. anyway, i think she's fine. friendly and she likes to end sentences singlishly. and she's quite pretty. haha. makes looking up and listening less of a chore. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
new maths teacher: mr ng hj
new gp teacher: ms elizabeth teo
first saw her along the computer lab corridor when me and shunjie were looking for teachers to attack. haha. seems nice. seriously hope her consulting will help. but i think she very you xin si to actually plan our consultations for us.
new sailing teacher: mr koh chee wee
erm he doesnt teach us sailing but he's nice. can ask econs stuff. lol. and he drives. ok that was random. lol.
ok thts it for the new teachers i guess.
main issue of this week is probably x-site-ting stuff. ah well chionged it out in 2 nights. first night of school start sleeping at 12 plus 1 alrdy. damn sickening. it's like no slowly chnge gear or wad. full speed ahead from the start. now crash alrdy. need repairs over the wkend. LOL. and i think it is like super incredible. plus our group, me jerome and leeyan did the whole site based on paint and apana and notepad? lol. actly mostly leeyan la. since i do content and jerome did javascripty stuff. and leeyan got like E for computing leh. i gg. shunjie GG. HAHAHAHAHA.
and 5c21's timetable is still as sucky as before ): but i like fridays. SHORT AND LAST DAY. haha. mostly gp and econs. yay.
oooh i need to blog about today. ok so we had like 3 free periods first. so me and shunjie went around attacking teachers to buy our coupons for waff. i think we did pretty well lor. haha. a lot of our attacks succeeded ok. hahahaha. super happy. we cleared 2 booklets within 2 periods plus. and mr sng bought from us :D YAY. oh right, we saw him with ms teo at the corridor. haha. he was looking for the lab tech for her or sth. so nice right? haha.
had gp had econs lecture had pc in which we listened to jazz and i slept but woke up after every song to clap then had econs tutorial again then had waff meeting then home.
oh and we hven gotten back computing results. zzz. so anxious la. i really hope i dun fail later i dun qualify for h3 physics. baaaaah. all i need is a BADDD. LOL.
tmr got csi so exciting :D heh.
oh and i' m currently on a mission. it's called PROJECT WEILIANG. this project aims to help improve weiliang's skin condition. yeah :D if you see him eating deep fried or heaty or oily food, WHACK HIM HARD. permission granted from me. HAHAHAHAHAH.

this is the hopeful end product. haha. it took me geraldine and jerome to photoshop this ok. HAHA.