mouth itchy so we ate sth after we checked in. haha. bbq stuff. across the hotel. damn good.

oh we stopped over at new york on our way to taipei 101
there. taipei 101. nth special. just tht its really tall? lol.

see the diagonal lines? its diagonal crossing. damn cool. naha have also. why singapore dun hv? no wonder pple jaywalk. LOL.


the singapore food fest
im having papaya milk again. lol. no effect leh. HAHA.
deep fried mushroom. yummy :D but damn hot cos it was just fried. lol.

the pai gu is damn good
they have huge watermelons
bo lo bao. some hongkonger came to taiwan to sell. yummy. famous one ok. yangzongwei eat before one. haha. and it was in the zongyidageda before. heh.
ok this is retarded looking but i had to show off my 可利饼. its freaking huge.