flew to hongkong in the morning. went to some temple in which i didnt go in cos i can't stand the incense smell and somebody had to take care of the luggages. then went to tsim sha tsui to board the cruise. yes cruise again. LOL. but this time is virgo. more luxurious (:
oh before that we had ice cream. ate it 2 years back and its super nice so i looked for it again and bought the ice cream (: YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMY.
erm thts it lor. tmr will be in sanya and then tues in vietnam.
heh. and i just watched fan gun ba dan chao fan on tv (: HAHAHAHA.

the entrance to the temple.
watched some synchronised swimming performance on virgo. shall upload the video later.
more pics.
oooooooooh *melts*
he's calling me (: HAHA. and the virgo tv chnge to hd monitor. clear :D
no food today (: cos is just normal cruise food. heh. and the ice cream eating photo super unglam. LOL.