I AM SO SATISFIED WITH MYSELF. decreases the weekend workload so much (: love my discipline. ok maybe not. i slacked a little while in between, visited the fridge a little too many times (and always leaving with sth in my mouth :p)
ok so tmr i'm left with like all the WAFF stuff. need to bring hugo for his grooming session. i hope the place opens early tmr. i only hv the morning. and then my lunch date (: (: (: go collect stuff from bedok and do somemore WAFFY stuff. listen to caoge's concert HOPEFULLY. nobody seems to want to go with me ): at most i go alone and emo outside. LOL. and maybe do my MI tutorial. ok maybe not. mr ng not so fast. still have to learn AIR. zzz.
ok so the week has been a damn tiring one. slept an average of like 5 hrs each night? cmi. cos i make up for the lack of slp during lectures. so now i dun quite get econs. but maybe i can read the notes tmr or sth. ok im planning tmr like i have 48 hours -.- ok i'm quite glad i chose not to go for rockclimbing. doesnt interest me anyway. and i would hv to go digging for more time.
lemme recap the week. ok i can't really rmb. nth special. mr gi is on course for the whole week so june was our appointed CT and we only had 2 computing lessons google talk. the rest of the lessons were spent in the canteen or sth cos the labs were taken and library coms are slow (THEY USE IE 5 WE WERE APPALLED WHERE IS THE SUPERIORER BROWSER?!?!) and they dun hv xampp or apache. i hv leh. i just dled. LOL.
ermm... oh sailing on weds was erm as usual lor. just sailing. SAILING. not floating. like finally. and mr koh started discussing with us the erm future of sailing club. frankly speaking, i see it more as a recreation then a competitive sport. cos with the water time we get, i don't think we will be up to competition standard anytime soon. plus, i dun think i want to commit another day for sailing. especially not my wkend, which happens to be like the only time we "have" time.
and i really hate thurs timetable. and tues also. tues everybody go home then we just finish maths and have to go for mass pe -.- and then thurs after pw everybody go home then we like idiots liddat sit in canteen wait for spa. siiiiaaaaaannnn.
oh well, and i guess today will be the last early friday for me cos h3 starts next week. and my mother treated me to swensens today. it wasnt really for nth. it was cos she knew i end early today and plus the fact tht for the past 4 days wad she mostly said to me was 这样晚了还没睡啊?so we caught up. haha. and i updated her with erm latest happenings ard me. HAHAHAHAHA. damn hilarious. ok mother daughter secret. lol.
ah well. i dun think i will be blogging anytime soon. cos tmr is a busy day. sunday is waff day from 8am to around 11pm i suppose o.O h3 starts on monday and im gna crash h4 so long day until 6.15. tues i have my disgusting dismissal time of 5.45. weds sailing. thurs until an atrocious timing of 5.15. and friday YIPPEE until 3.45 ONLY. then sat 12nn to sun 12nn got xtreme apps. SO EXCITING. ok which reminds me. AIR. argh.
ok i guess this is like a relatively long post. so this shld last until i blog again.

ok a picture of me in case you miss me (: this picture is taken by mr chia gh. i have erm 16 out of the 241 pictures he have. HAHAHAHA. its a little too little actually. they should make posing for a camera a sport like shunjie suggested. lol.
and nope, i do not have 4 eyes to need 2 pairs of specs. i think the other pair belonged to chikong. lol.
ok now i shall go eat sth my mouth is itchy then i dno wad else i need to do then i shall slp.