much better than dark knight. not as draggy. and i think michelle yeoh looks great for her age. i mean she's like 46 alrdy and still like WOW! yah u get wad i mean. shan't have any spoilers since i'm sure not many of you have a brother to treat you to a movie (: yes i'm showing off. HAHA!
morning went for cineodeon. a lot of waiting. cos there were people who were late. argh. anyway the briefing was soft. as in the speaker speak very soft. the mentorship turned out to be more of a debate between the mentors and like ask question answer question. quite cool. they had really interesting ideas.
professor chua said: "if you do not know, you cannot begin."
and u knw young critic is like not only for like jc students. got poly also but same age as us so ok la. but got got got got got UNI YEAR 3 STUDENTS leh! i was quite o.O at first cos i really thought this program is for like jc and poly students. i didnt knw uni students were involved too. lol.
after that went to snack with shunjie at ps. yum. then lunch and did some work then i went to run. yeah i went to run. i cannot come in last for the competitive run. so embarrassing.
ok pictures :D

i think this picture is damn cute. it's currently my hp wallpaper (:

they came to life. see the centre one at the last row? IT TURNED!!!!
ah the emperor. HAHAHAHAHAHA! the horses are in the farm. heh.
oh and today we went to ehub and then we saw haising catholic and my brother said tht it was one of his choices. so we started talking abt sec sch choices then ego me started boasting abt how i can go to any sch i point at except boys' schools (shut up shunjie).
then my father said: "you should put first 4 schools as boys' school then 5th choice as dunman high. then next time people ask you you can say i got 273 leh but i didnt get into my first 4 choices. ): "
oh and u knw my brother today go back mj get prize then got this booklet so i took a look.
can see? mr ng hao jin got most caring teacher award. quite suitable la hor. i mean the graphs and everything. haha. very yong4 xin1. and my brother told me there was no such teacher in mj -.- probably cos he taught j1 and my brother j2. lol.
there's curl tmr. i should go slp cos tmr very early. but no, im not gng to sleep so early on a saturday night. HA!