the games were zzz. the whole thing was a total mess. as in the games were everywhere, instructions were unclear, and we couldnt find the cake -.- the dressing up was pretty cool though. i mean some classes really went all the way out to dress up so it was kinda cool. 5c21 took the easy way and decided to go with ah long cos it's rather easy to dress up in like erm black and black. only shunjie was more wei qu in a sense but it was like so totally him so yeah. concert was ok i guess. the best part was mr nigel koh's transformer. totally cooooooooool (: no wonder he's one of my favourite teacher (:

5c21. the ahlongs and the lancers.
it's horrible not being able to smile when taking a picture.

yeah :D friendly longs.
after that went to vivo with shunjie and leeyan to eat. ate at white dog's cafe. the food was ok. and there was this tiny little drama mime going on and we were guessing what happened. i shall go copy paste from shunjie's blog. im too lazy.
Well okay here's the story. So sitting opposite me and leeyan behind jasvin was a father-daughter pair, or so we presume anyway. The girl was a secondary school girl, from SMSS, don't look particularly pretty or smart or stupid just normal. Then the father had this like stern look on his face talking to her and she was like red eyes and tearing. So it caught my attention then jasvin leant back to kaypoh and listen and all she heard was "one year". After that I heard them talking in cantonese.
So we started to speculate what they were talking about.
1) Girl is pregnant. Father tells her to drop out of school for one year (and maybe go back to hongkong during this time).
2) Father and mother going back to hongkong for one year will leave girl with evil aunt for this period of time.
3) Mother is dying. Has one year to live.
4) Father is having an affair. One year already. Parents are going to separate and he will bring her and his new woman to hongkong.
5) Mother had an affair. Parents decide to separate for one year and one of them is going to hongkong.
Haha okay then she really cried and they left.
walked around trying to buy stuff but nice stuff are normally out of my teeny weeny little budget. wanted to get a shirt for my brother but couldnt find a nice one so i bought chocolate from candy empire. expensive high class one ok. haha.
cineodeon today. last mentorship.
oh i saw this shirt at alano and it said sth along the lines of eating your words be nice i believe in karma don't be mean. i wanted to get it cos it's like soooooooooo suitable for me but it came in weird colours. so i didn't.
and now im waiting for johnny english to start so i can laugh a bit and relax and i dunno wad. mugging starts on monday. for now, rest.
it's time to move on.