read that. i think its damn sad ):
and this. 4th one alrdy lor. kinda scary.
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
2 papers down :D
ok let's rewind a little.
nth much happened over the weekend actually. i just youtubed a lot. haha. super destressing cos i laughed a hell lot :D haha.
oh and saturday i went for this bbq that was supposed to be a 21st bday celebration. i didnt knw the bday boy until i turned up for the bbq -.- cos his mother just invited all her friends (which includes my mother) and family. a bit lame lor actly. not my dai ji i also go. lol. but the agar agar very nice.
then sunday youtubed alot again :D then tht night went for buffet at mercure. the food was ok la. the crayfish was good. the cheese was good. they had a whole damn slab of blue cheese and i observed that i was the only one tht ate it. lol. ooh and their durian cake was heavenly. really damn yummy. i ate like half the cake. haha.
ok monday gp. i think its fine i guess. i did the science and sports question. paper 2 was like the passage was so boring. aq was crap. seriously. crap. ah well. hope i get a good pass.
today maths paper. well, im pretty much confident about it. so i hope i do well. please let me not have any careless mistakes. i didnt have much time to check. and i think people who used the GC to calculate the volume of P are so much smarter than those who integrated the damn eqn manually. heh.
oh and i recently discovered an old folder of mine called "one line". its this folder of songs that i have in which i like one or two particular lines of tht song. and i listen to tht folder only when im in the mood to listen to the whole song for tht one line. haha. apparantly tht mood doesnt come quite often cos i pretty much forgot about tht folder. haha.
le jiu ze sings nicely :D and i like his chinese. worse than mine :D hahahahaha.
ok after promos, when im in the mood i will listen to tht folder and discover which are the lines i like. haha. maybe i will blog about it. so lame. haha. but jiaqi thinks its cute.
ok i shall stop blogging. need to concentrate on yu le bai fen bai and xiaogui's cuteness :D
ok let's rewind a little.
nth much happened over the weekend actually. i just youtubed a lot. haha. super destressing cos i laughed a hell lot :D haha.
oh and saturday i went for this bbq that was supposed to be a 21st bday celebration. i didnt knw the bday boy until i turned up for the bbq -.- cos his mother just invited all her friends (which includes my mother) and family. a bit lame lor actly. not my dai ji i also go. lol. but the agar agar very nice.
then sunday youtubed alot again :D then tht night went for buffet at mercure. the food was ok la. the crayfish was good. the cheese was good. they had a whole damn slab of blue cheese and i observed that i was the only one tht ate it. lol. ooh and their durian cake was heavenly. really damn yummy. i ate like half the cake. haha.
ok monday gp. i think its fine i guess. i did the science and sports question. paper 2 was like the passage was so boring. aq was crap. seriously. crap. ah well. hope i get a good pass.
today maths paper. well, im pretty much confident about it. so i hope i do well. please let me not have any careless mistakes. i didnt have much time to check. and i think people who used the GC to calculate the volume of P are so much smarter than those who integrated the damn eqn manually. heh.
oh and i recently discovered an old folder of mine called "one line". its this folder of songs that i have in which i like one or two particular lines of tht song. and i listen to tht folder only when im in the mood to listen to the whole song for tht one line. haha. apparantly tht mood doesnt come quite often cos i pretty much forgot about tht folder. haha.
le jiu ze sings nicely :D and i like his chinese. worse than mine :D hahahahaha.
ok after promos, when im in the mood i will listen to tht folder and discover which are the lines i like. haha. maybe i will blog about it. so lame. haha. but jiaqi thinks its cute.
ok i shall stop blogging. need to concentrate on yu le bai fen bai and xiaogui's cuteness :D
Friday, 26 September 2008
i shall dedicate this post to my fellow flower eating partner :D
seriously, shes the best flower eating partner. i tell her about xiao gui and tang and she will go dadadadada and xiao zhu and give me loads of links and oooooh and melt and yah all sorts.
i tell quanyi, he just calls everybody noob. i tell weiliang, the horny perv starts talking about da xiao s -.- and jolene, dun need bother. she only have her bocky. LOL.

the ghost, the pig and the sweet <3
seriously, shes the best flower eating partner. i tell her about xiao gui and tang and she will go dadadadada and xiao zhu and give me loads of links and oooooh and melt and yah all sorts.
i tell quanyi, he just calls everybody noob. i tell weiliang, the horny perv starts talking about da xiao s -.- and jolene, dun need bother. she only have her bocky. LOL.

the ghost, the pig and the sweet <3
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
i didn't realise that i haven't blogged for almost a week.
probably cos nth interesting happened. except tht me and shunjie came up with a money making plan. heh :D :D :D so excited :D :D :D
oooooooooooh i think xiao gui is uber cute. he is officially on my cute guys list :D :D :D can't wait for flower eating sessions with jiaqi after promos :D :D :D lets hope they come soon ok? :D :D :D yay! the sweet, the ghost and the pig :D :D :D
ok thts a lot of smiley faces. but im super duper looking forward to end of promos :D :D :D
and i hate the econs and physics paper timing. afternoon paper then i can't watch yu le bai fen bai on my biiiig tv ): have to watch on the tiny little screen of my laptop ): but it's ok. xiaogui on big screen or small screen also very cute :D :D :D
thaddeus dun be jealous. you still have your black pigments :D :D :D
i feel like rewatching zong ji yi ban and zong ji yi jia. i shall see how :D :D :D
and i've got like swollen eyes. people get swollen breasts i get swollen eyes. or maybe its the weather. or maybe cos i've been looking at the computer screen for too long. and if you're wondering why i look at the computer screen for so long and not mugging like i shld be, i'm a computing student so must mug computing. LOL.
my mother keep asking hugo to go away and stop looking at her cook. she's feeling sore, cos just now hugo dao her. HAHAHAHA.
i'm gna watch mamamia later :D :D :D and im gng for buffet on sunday :D :D :D
xiaogui very cute tangyuzhe very shuai :D :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D
probably cos nth interesting happened. except tht me and shunjie came up with a money making plan. heh :D :D :D so excited :D :D :D
oooooooooooh i think xiao gui is uber cute. he is officially on my cute guys list :D :D :D can't wait for flower eating sessions with jiaqi after promos :D :D :D lets hope they come soon ok? :D :D :D yay! the sweet, the ghost and the pig :D :D :D
ok thts a lot of smiley faces. but im super duper looking forward to end of promos :D :D :D
and i hate the econs and physics paper timing. afternoon paper then i can't watch yu le bai fen bai on my biiiig tv ): have to watch on the tiny little screen of my laptop ): but it's ok. xiaogui on big screen or small screen also very cute :D :D :D
thaddeus dun be jealous. you still have your black pigments :D :D :D
i feel like rewatching zong ji yi ban and zong ji yi jia. i shall see how :D :D :D
and i've got like swollen eyes. people get swollen breasts i get swollen eyes. or maybe its the weather. or maybe cos i've been looking at the computer screen for too long. and if you're wondering why i look at the computer screen for so long and not mugging like i shld be, i'm a computing student so must mug computing. LOL.
my mother keep asking hugo to go away and stop looking at her cook. she's feeling sore, cos just now hugo dao her. HAHAHAHA.
i'm gna watch mamamia later :D :D :D and im gng for buffet on sunday :D :D :D
xiaogui very cute tangyuzhe very shuai :D :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D
Saturday, 20 September 2008
i'm very tired now. the preparation for the symposium, the rehearsals and the symposium itself is very energy draining. shunjie can vouch for it.
ok so basically, as winner of the best film paper, i have to present my paper at the symposium on Singapore Cinema at the Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium. most of the energy was drained worrying about the presentation cos i was really god damn nervous. as in seriously
"we've been classmates for so many years, this is the first time i see you so vulnerable" - Shunjie
yah, imagine how nervous i was.
so i spent thursday night preparing my powerpoint and then there was a rehearsal on friday, which ended at 9pm. after which, reach home still had to make changes and then practice. cos i needed to be really sure, or i will go to the stage and faint. so slept quite late and then today was the symposium.
oh right, initially jean said that eric khoo will be turning up so i got even more nervous cos my paper is based on 12 storeys, which is an eric khoo film. but he didn't in the end, cos he had My Magik stuff to do i think.
ah well, the presentation went fine. i was a little nervous at first but after a while, the nervousness just died down and i just looked at zhairui's hair to maintain eye contact with the audience. thankyou zhairui's hair. nobody asked me questions, so i was really damn relieved.
BUT. cos there was like extra time after all 4 paper presentations, the 4 presenters had to go back onto the stage to kena shoot -.- it was damn horrible. it's like standing in front of 200 people with bazookas. but the questions i had were ok. OOOOOH! time to brag.
ok so this guy stood up and addressed the question to me and shunjie. he started by saying we had IMPRESSIVE PRESENTATIONS. impressive leh. not even good. impressive. heh (: and the question is not important but ms teo said i answered the question well :D yay.
ok so the bazooka shooting ended and then it was break. so me and shunjie went to look for the guy who said we had IMPRESSIVE PRESENTATIONS to thank him for his compliments. this guy gave us his namecard and asked us if we could send him our papers and presentations so that he can go through them and maybe they will appear in some magazine (!!!!!) and we looked at his namecard and he is a CEO FROM NEWYORK! that is like ultra cool. we impressed a ceo from newyork. haha. he's namecard had newyork, singapore, hongkong and shanghai so we were like WOW. and then after that jean told us that he actly held a film festival the size of oscars. so we were like O.O and i got really high.
wait i havn't finish bragging.
so during the same break, me and shunjie were looking through the windows of this door which led to some staircase. so we pretty much look like a couple of idiots staring through space and then the CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER OF THE MEDIA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE came up to us to praise us for our presentation and paper. he gave us his namecard and offered to help us in the future if we ever need. he is super nice. and i tell u, EGO INFLATION!
wah i type this until damn shiok :D
and after that were presentations by the cineodeon team. i think the guy from ITE east, welven tan, is quite funny. he's a director with his own short films. must take note. he may make it big next time. then was the jury award presentation. 12storeys and eating air basically took most of the awards for feature films. i like eating air. it's nice. highly recommended. and then prize presentation and basically that's about it.
the movie tickets will come later. some printing stuff i don't know what, but they will come later through mail :D so excited :D i get 50 film garde tickets, if you still don't know.
so after that, there was this press conference. so initially i thought it was like chnl 5 chnl 8 chnl u or straits times or sth. so i was like damn excited about it cos i've nv seen a press conference before. and yah i was really excited lor. and i started worrying what if they asked me qns in chinese and how to answer "how do you feel about winning?" and you knw wad? the "press" is like student magazines from nus or ntu or somewhere -.-
oh and mrtanbeethiam, executive director of afa, asked if we wanted to review the dvd compilation of 9 singapore short films which will be out in october and we said yes. ok he asked shunjie first, cos the compilation theme was family, which is related to shunjie's paper and then i asked if i could do it too :D our reviews may be on the website leh. haha. but now is talk only la, no action yet, so this one kiv. heh.
ok so yah that's about it for the symposium side. so wonderful. haha. and i'm really damn proud of myself for completing my presentation rather smoothly. the praises just made my ego bigger than it already is. haha.
ok so cineodeon 08 ends today. the young critics program has been a really enriching one. with all the various inputs of ideas and opinions by film studies students, noob students like us and professionals. i really learnt alot. and i will watch the days. yeah. ah i just sent emails to the mentors for their erm.. mentorship. as dunmanians, we must take the intiative to thank people for their help. yay. lol. and i get one T3A :D
oh we took a picture with royston tan. wanted to take with kelvin tong and jasmine i forgot her surname. they directed eating air, fyi. but they were gone really fast so nvm.
ah i'm really tired. but really happy :D
ok so basically, as winner of the best film paper, i have to present my paper at the symposium on Singapore Cinema at the Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium. most of the energy was drained worrying about the presentation cos i was really god damn nervous. as in seriously
"we've been classmates for so many years, this is the first time i see you so vulnerable" - Shunjie
yah, imagine how nervous i was.
so i spent thursday night preparing my powerpoint and then there was a rehearsal on friday, which ended at 9pm. after which, reach home still had to make changes and then practice. cos i needed to be really sure, or i will go to the stage and faint. so slept quite late and then today was the symposium.
oh right, initially jean said that eric khoo will be turning up so i got even more nervous cos my paper is based on 12 storeys, which is an eric khoo film. but he didn't in the end, cos he had My Magik stuff to do i think.
ah well, the presentation went fine. i was a little nervous at first but after a while, the nervousness just died down and i just looked at zhairui's hair to maintain eye contact with the audience. thankyou zhairui's hair. nobody asked me questions, so i was really damn relieved.
BUT. cos there was like extra time after all 4 paper presentations, the 4 presenters had to go back onto the stage to kena shoot -.- it was damn horrible. it's like standing in front of 200 people with bazookas. but the questions i had were ok. OOOOOH! time to brag.
ok so this guy stood up and addressed the question to me and shunjie. he started by saying we had IMPRESSIVE PRESENTATIONS. impressive leh. not even good. impressive. heh (: and the question is not important but ms teo said i answered the question well :D yay.
ok so the bazooka shooting ended and then it was break. so me and shunjie went to look for the guy who said we had IMPRESSIVE PRESENTATIONS to thank him for his compliments. this guy gave us his namecard and asked us if we could send him our papers and presentations so that he can go through them and maybe they will appear in some magazine (!!!!!) and we looked at his namecard and he is a CEO FROM NEWYORK! that is like ultra cool. we impressed a ceo from newyork. haha. he's namecard had newyork, singapore, hongkong and shanghai so we were like WOW. and then after that jean told us that he actly held a film festival the size of oscars. so we were like O.O and i got really high.
wait i havn't finish bragging.
so during the same break, me and shunjie were looking through the windows of this door which led to some staircase. so we pretty much look like a couple of idiots staring through space and then the CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER OF THE MEDIA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE came up to us to praise us for our presentation and paper. he gave us his namecard and offered to help us in the future if we ever need. he is super nice. and i tell u, EGO INFLATION!
wah i type this until damn shiok :D
and after that were presentations by the cineodeon team. i think the guy from ITE east, welven tan, is quite funny. he's a director with his own short films. must take note. he may make it big next time. then was the jury award presentation. 12storeys and eating air basically took most of the awards for feature films. i like eating air. it's nice. highly recommended. and then prize presentation and basically that's about it.
the movie tickets will come later. some printing stuff i don't know what, but they will come later through mail :D so excited :D i get 50 film garde tickets, if you still don't know.
so after that, there was this press conference. so initially i thought it was like chnl 5 chnl 8 chnl u or straits times or sth. so i was like damn excited about it cos i've nv seen a press conference before. and yah i was really excited lor. and i started worrying what if they asked me qns in chinese and how to answer "how do you feel about winning?" and you knw wad? the "press" is like student magazines from nus or ntu or somewhere -.-
oh and mrtanbeethiam, executive director of afa, asked if we wanted to review the dvd compilation of 9 singapore short films which will be out in october and we said yes. ok he asked shunjie first, cos the compilation theme was family, which is related to shunjie's paper and then i asked if i could do it too :D our reviews may be on the website leh. haha. but now is talk only la, no action yet, so this one kiv. heh.
ok so yah that's about it for the symposium side. so wonderful. haha. and i'm really damn proud of myself for completing my presentation rather smoothly. the praises just made my ego bigger than it already is. haha.
ok so cineodeon 08 ends today. the young critics program has been a really enriching one. with all the various inputs of ideas and opinions by film studies students, noob students like us and professionals. i really learnt alot. and i will watch the days. yeah. ah i just sent emails to the mentors for their erm.. mentorship. as dunmanians, we must take the intiative to thank people for their help. yay. lol. and i get one T3A :D
oh we took a picture with royston tan. wanted to take with kelvin tong and jasmine i forgot her surname. they directed eating air, fyi. but they were gone really fast so nvm.
ah i'm really tired. but really happy :D
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
hello everybody!
you're now reading the blog of the winner of cineodeon's best film paper :D
please go read my abstract. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! totally unprepared. lol. shunjie's one is thr too! and the dhs cineodeon team one also there! yay dhs(senior high) rocks! lol.
ok back to vectors.
you're now reading the blog of the winner of cineodeon's best film paper :D
please go read my abstract. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! totally unprepared. lol. shunjie's one is thr too! and the dhs cineodeon team one also there! yay dhs(senior high) rocks! lol.
ok back to vectors.
Monday, 15 September 2008
today is a bad day.
school was crap. revision was unproductive cos i wasnt in the mugging mood.
well, i did a good deed. make it 2. 2-in-1 :)
ok so here goes.
i didn't board the bus at tamp int today cos i went to the library to return a book. so i boarded the bus at the library bus stop. and by the time the bus was out of the interchange, it's full. full as in no seats left. so there was this old lady with 2 bags. one was the huge red blue white stripes one. and she was really frail and hunched and old. so being such a nice kind-hearted girl, i carried the huge bag up the bus for her. and then we both stood in front of the green seats. u knw those for pregnant and old pple? yah those green seats. so there were 2 primary school boys seating there. and they didnt offer the old lady their seats. so when the bus moved, the old lady couldnt keep her balance and she held on to me. and we all knw my sense of balance is great, so it isnt exactly the safest thing for the old lady to do. so with one hand grabbing the handle, and one hand as a support for the old lady, i had no free hands. and i didnt feel like opening my mouth. so i kicked the boy in front of me. gave him the "eh excuse me this seat is for old people like the one holding on to me now" stare. the boy got a shock and hurriedly stood up to let the old lady seat :D
i am great. i scared a small kid and i helped an old lady get a seat. tht's 2 good deeds :D
don't say i'm mean. cos if i'm mean, i will kick the other boy to get tht seat for myself. and you knw what they were talking about? they were quarrelling over who pulled out more rubberbands from girls' ponytails today in school -.-
ok tht's the only highlight.
school was crap. revision was unproductive cos i wasnt in the mugging mood.
well, i did a good deed. make it 2. 2-in-1 :)
ok so here goes.
i didn't board the bus at tamp int today cos i went to the library to return a book. so i boarded the bus at the library bus stop. and by the time the bus was out of the interchange, it's full. full as in no seats left. so there was this old lady with 2 bags. one was the huge red blue white stripes one. and she was really frail and hunched and old. so being such a nice kind-hearted girl, i carried the huge bag up the bus for her. and then we both stood in front of the green seats. u knw those for pregnant and old pple? yah those green seats. so there were 2 primary school boys seating there. and they didnt offer the old lady their seats. so when the bus moved, the old lady couldnt keep her balance and she held on to me. and we all knw my sense of balance is great, so it isnt exactly the safest thing for the old lady to do. so with one hand grabbing the handle, and one hand as a support for the old lady, i had no free hands. and i didnt feel like opening my mouth. so i kicked the boy in front of me. gave him the "eh excuse me this seat is for old people like the one holding on to me now" stare. the boy got a shock and hurriedly stood up to let the old lady seat :D
i am great. i scared a small kid and i helped an old lady get a seat. tht's 2 good deeds :D
don't say i'm mean. cos if i'm mean, i will kick the other boy to get tht seat for myself. and you knw what they were talking about? they were quarrelling over who pulled out more rubberbands from girls' ponytails today in school -.-
ok tht's the only highlight.
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Saturday, 13 September 2008
me and quanyi asked thaddeus not to go back to india cos his pm was "i'm gonna be on the next plane home" and then we told june 2 seconds cos her pm was "how long does it take to say goodbye" or sth along tht line.
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. shunjie found the thaddeus thing super funny. me too. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
this is rule number 2.
laugh at people you don't see.
me and quanyi asked thaddeus not to go back to india cos his pm was "i'm gonna be on the next plane home" and then we told june 2 seconds cos her pm was "how long does it take to say goodbye" or sth along tht line.
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. shunjie found the thaddeus thing super funny. me too. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
this is rule number 2.
laugh at people you don't see.
huanjun the disgusting kuku didnt return my differentiation notes today cos my "house very far" -.- but nvm. i good mood so i shall be magnanimous and forgive him today. *clap clap*
tmr is ap/gp/sigma/mi day. tmr is a bad day. i don't like ap/gp/sigma/mi. mi is like totally pointless. ok maybe its important if you want to like prove some new eqns or sth. but i dun want to. and we are proving already proven things. it's like trying to eat alrdy eaten things. to make it more impactful, imagine you are shunjie trying to eat alrdy eaten things.
ok anyway, some updates.
yesterday was mooncake festival celebrations. went to collect my specs with quanyi yesterday before the celebrations. oh before that me shunjie and the oldshortfatbalding went to eat at the italian cafe/restaurant where bluespoon used to be. totally full. quanyi was full. so ok proven the food is feeling. i had bluecheese pizza. oooh nice. i told my mother and she said next time she buy and make :D yay. shunjie and quanyi had some ovenbaked marylamb and potatoes. a bit salty but nice and feeling. so yeah, if u suddenly hv the urge to splurge on food and all u have is ghimmoh, try tht place. please go with an empty stomach.
then went to collect specs. yay new specs :D
the games part in the LT was fine actly. ok i had no time to be bored cos i was practically in every game. i had to watch thaddeus eat hotdogs. of which he ate like erm 4 in 2minutes while cheeguan could eat 7 or 8 in a minute. then i had to peel pomelos. i was the first girl ok? and i was fourth. i only lost to huanjun, jinhui and waisiang. perfectly fine. i rock. they shld let me peel rambutans. i rock at tht. haha. then i had to watch weicheng throw peanuts and catch peanuts. i think xuanchen is totally cool even though he probably squashed a lot of hotdogs. im going to start practising. LOL. ok make it start learning. i throw always cannot catch one ): then stupid hairy went missing and i went for the makeover thingy. yigeng was cool. damn on. haha.
then had the concert. omg it was stuffy and hot and smelly and boring and we couldnt hear a thing. not to be mean but it was a flop. seriously. no control over the crowd. no highness. no nothing. only a whole bunch of stinky smelly kids playing with fire and got scolded by me. jolene and shunjie please cheer.
went back with shunjie quanyi huanjun tricia weiliang and jerome. and then tricia's legs couldnt catch up with ours, and she got left behind. then shunjie and quanyi went to join her and the 4 of us left first. and then at tampines mrt there the link me and huanjun went to try the mooncakes :D yay finally got somebody try with me. everybody else is too paiseh to do so. i also dunno why. they put there for u to try then try la. also no need to pay. heh.
then i went home bathed and slept. i was so tired and my bed was like "come to me~" i seriously contemplated just plopping down and sleep without bathing. but im not yellow and disgusting and remember we sat behind this bunch of smelly kids? yah so i bathed. and went of to lalaland.
OHH. ytd while gng for econs tutorial, me and shunjie were walking down the stairs and this small girl suddenly ran past the bottom of the staircase and almost knocked into chingsiang and weijie. then u knw beside the stairs is just an empty space then got one wall. so she just ran in and we heard a "BOM". so my reaction was like "她撞墙啊?" and i bend over and looked with a really hopeful and gleeful expression. but all she did was plopped down (really hard i suppose) and she didnt bang into the wall. and my expression immediately changed into disappointment. and u knw wad? shunjie did the same thing. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
and if u think we are mean...
me: eh u knw just now me and shunjie walk down the stairs then this small girl ran past us...
today daddy mummy and me went out for lunch. we went to simei to eat, buy baking stuff and groceries. i bought 24 oranges. they were going at 8 for 1.88. from africa. lol. ok thts not the main point. then while we were waiting for bus 9 to go home, i noticed tht my mother had 2 strands of white hair. then i went to check my father's hair and i realise he also got a lot of strands of white hair. hmmm ):
ah today was differentiation day. i got so fedup over one particular question i went to pump to vent. i did 3 diamond pumpings, male style (wow so cool), and i collapsed. OH NO! my muscles are gone. i'm turning into a quarter of a quanyi! AHHHHHHH!!! hahahaha. no la actly nv la. cos before tht i pumped alrdy so yes quanyi, you are alone in fattyland.
oh and i got selected to attend the moe teaching scholarship seminar thingy. so me :D i will make a great teacher. i've got the thing a that i think each and every teacher shld have. patience. i will make a great, patient teacher :D my subject will be "how to be mean". basically, there are only 2 important rules. so much better than any other subjects right? two rules only.
1) laugh at everyone you see
2) laugh at everyone you don't see
there is no coherence in this post. the phase difference is not constant -.-
huanjun the disgusting kuku didnt return my differentiation notes today cos my "house very far" -.- but nvm. i good mood so i shall be magnanimous and forgive him today. *clap clap*
tmr is ap/gp/sigma/mi day. tmr is a bad day. i don't like ap/gp/sigma/mi. mi is like totally pointless. ok maybe its important if you want to like prove some new eqns or sth. but i dun want to. and we are proving already proven things. it's like trying to eat alrdy eaten things. to make it more impactful, imagine you are shunjie trying to eat alrdy eaten things.
ok anyway, some updates.
yesterday was mooncake festival celebrations. went to collect my specs with quanyi yesterday before the celebrations. oh before that me shunjie and the oldshortfatbalding went to eat at the italian cafe/restaurant where bluespoon used to be. totally full. quanyi was full. so ok proven the food is feeling. i had bluecheese pizza. oooh nice. i told my mother and she said next time she buy and make :D yay. shunjie and quanyi had some ovenbaked marylamb and potatoes. a bit salty but nice and feeling. so yeah, if u suddenly hv the urge to splurge on food and all u have is ghimmoh, try tht place. please go with an empty stomach.
then went to collect specs. yay new specs :D
the games part in the LT was fine actly. ok i had no time to be bored cos i was practically in every game. i had to watch thaddeus eat hotdogs. of which he ate like erm 4 in 2minutes while cheeguan could eat 7 or 8 in a minute. then i had to peel pomelos. i was the first girl ok? and i was fourth. i only lost to huanjun, jinhui and waisiang. perfectly fine. i rock. they shld let me peel rambutans. i rock at tht. haha. then i had to watch weicheng throw peanuts and catch peanuts. i think xuanchen is totally cool even though he probably squashed a lot of hotdogs. im going to start practising. LOL. ok make it start learning. i throw always cannot catch one ): then stupid hairy went missing and i went for the makeover thingy. yigeng was cool. damn on. haha.
then had the concert. omg it was stuffy and hot and smelly and boring and we couldnt hear a thing. not to be mean but it was a flop. seriously. no control over the crowd. no highness. no nothing. only a whole bunch of stinky smelly kids playing with fire and got scolded by me. jolene and shunjie please cheer.
went back with shunjie quanyi huanjun tricia weiliang and jerome. and then tricia's legs couldnt catch up with ours, and she got left behind. then shunjie and quanyi went to join her and the 4 of us left first. and then at tampines mrt there the link me and huanjun went to try the mooncakes :D yay finally got somebody try with me. everybody else is too paiseh to do so. i also dunno why. they put there for u to try then try la. also no need to pay. heh.
then i went home bathed and slept. i was so tired and my bed was like "come to me~" i seriously contemplated just plopping down and sleep without bathing. but im not yellow and disgusting and remember we sat behind this bunch of smelly kids? yah so i bathed. and went of to lalaland.
OHH. ytd while gng for econs tutorial, me and shunjie were walking down the stairs and this small girl suddenly ran past the bottom of the staircase and almost knocked into chingsiang and weijie. then u knw beside the stairs is just an empty space then got one wall. so she just ran in and we heard a "BOM". so my reaction was like "她撞墙啊?" and i bend over and looked with a really hopeful and gleeful expression. but all she did was plopped down (really hard i suppose) and she didnt bang into the wall. and my expression immediately changed into disappointment. and u knw wad? shunjie did the same thing. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
and if u think we are mean...
me: eh u knw just now me and shunjie walk down the stairs then this small girl ran past us...
today daddy mummy and me went out for lunch. we went to simei to eat, buy baking stuff and groceries. i bought 24 oranges. they were going at 8 for 1.88. from africa. lol. ok thts not the main point. then while we were waiting for bus 9 to go home, i noticed tht my mother had 2 strands of white hair. then i went to check my father's hair and i realise he also got a lot of strands of white hair. hmmm ):
ah today was differentiation day. i got so fedup over one particular question i went to pump to vent. i did 3 diamond pumpings, male style (wow so cool), and i collapsed. OH NO! my muscles are gone. i'm turning into a quarter of a quanyi! AHHHHHHH!!! hahahaha. no la actly nv la. cos before tht i pumped alrdy so yes quanyi, you are alone in fattyland.
oh and i got selected to attend the moe teaching scholarship seminar thingy. so me :D i will make a great teacher. i've got the thing a that i think each and every teacher shld have. patience. i will make a great, patient teacher :D my subject will be "how to be mean". basically, there are only 2 important rules. so much better than any other subjects right? two rules only.
1) laugh at everyone you see
2) laugh at everyone you don't see
there is no coherence in this post. the phase difference is not constant -.-
Thursday, 11 September 2008
life rocks. im in pms mode now. im aching all over. the weather is killing me. i think im pushing myself too hard for promos. i want to sleep. pw is crap. and ermm... i don't like the exam schedule. fine. i don't like exams.
i love my life.
i was watching tv and i saw this 2 ads. one is the silky perfume and cologne. the one with felicia chin and michelle chia's boyfriend whatever his name is. the other one is the hugo boss perfume and cologne also. the XX and XY one.
they are like damn similar. but i think the hugo boss one sexier. lol.
im too lazy to upload the videos so u can just click on the links to watch if u are a loser who doesnt watch tv.
mervyn is looking at me blog. he is irritating. ok he isnt. yes he is.
thaddeus just said felicia chin is bloody hot. thaddeus is not colour blind.
mr gi just laughed.
oh there's a new computing teacher. he's coming next year. so i suppose he will be our computing teacher next year cos apparantly mr gi is teaching yr1s or sth.
aiya dunno wad to blog alrdy la.
thaddeus and mervyn requested for my study plan. now yigeng wants it too. i am great.
i love my life.
i was watching tv and i saw this 2 ads. one is the silky perfume and cologne. the one with felicia chin and michelle chia's boyfriend whatever his name is. the other one is the hugo boss perfume and cologne also. the XX and XY one.
they are like damn similar. but i think the hugo boss one sexier. lol.
im too lazy to upload the videos so u can just click on the links to watch if u are a loser who doesnt watch tv.
mervyn is looking at me blog. he is irritating. ok he isnt. yes he is.
thaddeus just said felicia chin is bloody hot. thaddeus is not colour blind.
mr gi just laughed.
oh there's a new computing teacher. he's coming next year. so i suppose he will be our computing teacher next year cos apparantly mr gi is teaching yr1s or sth.
aiya dunno wad to blog alrdy la.
thaddeus and mervyn requested for my study plan. now yigeng wants it too. i am great.
Sunday, 7 September 2008
ooohlala. i'm using google chrome to blog. WOW. i'm just trying it out. it works fine i suppose. as of now. cos all i've done with google chrome is import my bookmarks -.-
anyway, 2 more hours to the end of the september holidays. not that it has been much of a holiday. but it has been more holidayish than muggish. cos i only mugged on monday, a little on friday and a little today. ah well. 休息是为了走更长远的路 (:
ytd a bulk of 5c21 went to visit zijia. he seems happy that we visited him. seems like he really misses company. hope he gets well soon. sincerely. i knw i laugh at him, niao him, tease him, but seriously, i wouldnt wish upon anyone anything bad. i very 嘴硬心软 one. really.
kingkong is growling at naomi watts.
ohoh. yesterday, i laughed until cried. as in seriously. the tears couldnt stop. i found it highly amusing. really damn amusing. i just plopped on the floor and i couldnt stop laughing. so if the whole thing was mute and you didn't knw wad happened, it would have looked like jerome, shunjie, thaddeus, mervyn, sebas and whoever were looking at me laugh/cry bully me together. which we all knw will not happen. lol. well the grapes were sweet. too bad they had seeds.
kingkong is thumping his chest.
i was in a very caoge mood today so i spammed his songs while i was mugging for physics. the notes waved at me. ooh joke joke. shunjie's joke, which i found amusing. cos i was telling thaddeus and shunjie that i talk to myself when mugging. like you knw, i teach me. yah it's my habit la ok, you can try. lol. and then shunjie started talking to his superposition notes. so i corrected him by telling him that i talk to myself and not to my notes. and he said "but they are waving at me!" HAHAHAHA. not as funny as the cushions but still funny. good thing not as funny, later i roflol in the mrt.
and my brother's friends came to watch movie today. they watched dark knight. his girlfriend wanted to watch little mermaid 3. but of course they didn't, cos the rest of the friends were men (in process of NS so i shall call them men) and i suppose men and little mermaid dun mix but of course i knw shunjie loves little mermaid due to the lack of cloth. but then shunjie is not a men, not even a boy actually, so nvm. and then the notes were oscillating, and please, no matter how much i love physics, oscillating notes are uncapable of capturing my attention when there is like christian bale on the other side of the tv (i study at the dining table and i can see the back of the tv). so i went to watch christian bale.
and i shouldn't have packed my room ): i can't find my tie now. everytime i pack my room, i lose something. but i suppose, when the room is messed up (which will be real soon), the tie will pop out. my things love playing hide and seek in a neat room. maybe they are like neatophobic. they hide when my room is too neat. they thrive in mess.
my brother and his friends want to go on a holiday after NS. backpacking you knw. their choice was new zealand, but it's too expensive. i suggested africa. kenya actly. they have a giraffe centre. my brother gave me the -.- face. don't you think kenya is a good suggestion. i want to go to africa one day. who wants to go with me?
kingkong is fighting dinosaurs. dinosaur bite kingkong. ouch. you know why the dinosaurs bit kingkong? cos they got no sexy calfs to step on kingkong. they look like trex. i'm not sure though, i've never seen a trex in my life, have you? but whatever they are, they aren't calfosauruses. i've seen a calfosaurus before.
oooh, something smells good from the oven (: it's the holiday's last supper. wow. so arty -.-
and i seriously don't know what's wrong with the movies. during the whole course of the september holidays (not like it's very long, but that's not the point), they air movies like wall-e (which is G, like not even PG, just G and silent for the first half hour of the movie) and erm loads of m18 and 12 lotus. and omg boys like flower -.- jolene asked me to watch wall-e or boys like flowers with her. come on guess what was my answer -.-
and after the hols, the prime mugging time for promos, they have shows like babylon a.d. and bangkok dangerous and max payne and tropic thunder. all action/adventure other than tropic thunder which is action/comedy. all lot of actions. i like but.. but.... but....... WAAAAAAAH )':
ah mum mum time.
Friday, 5 September 2008
im not meant to study.
i shall update u about my mugging process. i mugged physics on monday. then tuesday there was maths lecture and tutorial, after which i went shopping with my mama. then weds and thurs i went out. which disrupted my mugging schedule (yes, i have a mugging schedule. it helps being organised). so im like behind my mugging schedule by 2 days. so i rejected jolene to go out cycling today cos i wanted to mug at home. and tada guess wad? i got diarrhoea and now im too weak to study. ahhhh. sian. plus i just ate some medicine and am feeling kinda giddy. oh help. all i did today was read market failure notes and attempted to do the tutorial. attempted.
ok byebye. tmr going visit zijia.
such a productive holiday.
i shall update u about my mugging process. i mugged physics on monday. then tuesday there was maths lecture and tutorial, after which i went shopping with my mama. then weds and thurs i went out. which disrupted my mugging schedule (yes, i have a mugging schedule. it helps being organised). so im like behind my mugging schedule by 2 days. so i rejected jolene to go out cycling today cos i wanted to mug at home. and tada guess wad? i got diarrhoea and now im too weak to study. ahhhh. sian. plus i just ate some medicine and am feeling kinda giddy. oh help. all i did today was read market failure notes and attempted to do the tutorial. attempted.
ok byebye. tmr going visit zijia.
such a productive holiday.
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
i'm in a good mood now :D
ok so today had maths make up lecture and tutorial. quite sian cos it's like holidays then have to squeeze with all the working people to the other end of singapore to study maths -.-
got back integration and MI test during tutorial. i got 19 :) lost 5 marks at the MI part cos of the hallucinations -.- but it's ok. im pleased with my results. and qy is easily satisfied. lol.
after tht jio my mother out to shop. hahahaha. i shop with my mother's wallet. shunjie shop with his. LOL. bought like a lot of things. a lot of food actually. cos i have this $30 marks and spencer voucher. then mns clothes all mature mature one not really suitable for a 17 turning 18 yr old like me. not my style. so i shopped at the food section. haha.
and then went to marina square. there was this new shop there. forgot the name but quite expensive. then the whole shop was on 50% discount. so we went in to take a look. and we went to look at the shoes. i saw this pair of really high heels. 3inches. really really nice 90 going at 45. i was ready to spend 45 on this pair of heels even though i wouldnt wear it much. so u can tell it's really nice. but they only had size 6 and 9. im like 7 or 8 ): 9 was too big. stockings wouldnt help. aiya. socks also not enough to feel up the empty space. but apparantly, the stocks arent fully there yet, so the person told me to go back a one or two weeks later. maybe i will. see how. my mother got this pair of golden heels that i chose for her. really elegant and nice (: i have great taste.
i was still thinking, i buy, then tomorrow i practice at home (ps la i nv wear so high one before) then i jio shunjie out and i wear the heels. HAHAHAHAHA.
then continue shopping and buying more stuff. after that met up with my father. then we went for early dinner cos we wanted to miss the dinner crowd. had dinner at kenny rogers (: yumyum. the macaroni and cheese side dish really very nice. i went to ask the person what cheese they used and she showed me. lol. it's some powdered cheese sauce from malaysia. but she said singapore should hv. shall go find :) and the ribs are yummy too. after tht, cos dinner was so early, we passed by swensens at 5.20 and i was like "STILL GOT STUDENT MEAL!" so we went in to eat :D student meal cheap lor. 2 sundaes for 9.90++ so we ordered 2 banana split. one banana split cost 8.50 ok. great deal right?! :)
then we decided to head home cos the after work crowd was coming in. then at the city link there i went into his shop i dunno wad shop. saw this bright red spaghetti top tht was really striking and nice. so i went to try. but i was wearing the wrong bra so it looksed weird. i mean u knw sports bra and a spaghetti top DO NOT go well together. then i looked and saw this vest. so i was contemplating whether to try M or L. then the salesgirl look at me and she was like i think L la. but i took both in to try. HAHA. so i went in and came out in M (i had to take another tight fitting shirt cos the vest will look weird with the uniform). and the salesgirl was like "WAAH. 你的腰很细leh! M ah?" i was like "yah" and i gave her a BIG smile. HAHAHAHAHAHA. wah piang DAMN SHUANG. and she was still marvelling at it when i changed out cos when i came out she was like "waah 你的校服 don't do you justice lor." wah piang SHUANG DAO BAO! but i still didnt get it. cos i didnt really like the cutting. heh.

saw this while shopping. why a lion when the brand is puma?
bought this bath foam at mns. pink colour. totally my colour (: it smells great (:
my mother said it's cute and was like "buy la so cute". guess where it's imprinted :P starts with U. LOL.
from mns also. beetroot chips. dunno whether nice not.
humungous packet pf chips. $5.60 only leh. and it's not salty.
wah this one the best. it's damn nice. seriously. the dark chocolate is damn fragrant and the cherry is sweet and the liqueur is like HEAVENLY. it's brandy btw. really really nice. recommended!
i was packing my room ytd. haha. hugo kept walking in and out. lol.
on my cupboard door :D

this is a dress i wore to a wedding many many years ago. i really like the dress. duh right. that's why still keeping it now. plus it's very expensive, according to my mother. next time i get married, the flower girl will wear this. lol.

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW~ sorry, can't resist :p
ok now the small-waisted me shall go watch tv. BYE!
ok so today had maths make up lecture and tutorial. quite sian cos it's like holidays then have to squeeze with all the working people to the other end of singapore to study maths -.-
got back integration and MI test during tutorial. i got 19 :) lost 5 marks at the MI part cos of the hallucinations -.- but it's ok. im pleased with my results. and qy is easily satisfied. lol.
after tht jio my mother out to shop. hahahaha. i shop with my mother's wallet. shunjie shop with his. LOL. bought like a lot of things. a lot of food actually. cos i have this $30 marks and spencer voucher. then mns clothes all mature mature one not really suitable for a 17 turning 18 yr old like me. not my style. so i shopped at the food section. haha.
and then went to marina square. there was this new shop there. forgot the name but quite expensive. then the whole shop was on 50% discount. so we went in to take a look. and we went to look at the shoes. i saw this pair of really high heels. 3inches. really really nice 90 going at 45. i was ready to spend 45 on this pair of heels even though i wouldnt wear it much. so u can tell it's really nice. but they only had size 6 and 9. im like 7 or 8 ): 9 was too big. stockings wouldnt help. aiya. socks also not enough to feel up the empty space. but apparantly, the stocks arent fully there yet, so the person told me to go back a one or two weeks later. maybe i will. see how. my mother got this pair of golden heels that i chose for her. really elegant and nice (: i have great taste.
i was still thinking, i buy, then tomorrow i practice at home (ps la i nv wear so high one before) then i jio shunjie out and i wear the heels. HAHAHAHAHA.
then continue shopping and buying more stuff. after that met up with my father. then we went for early dinner cos we wanted to miss the dinner crowd. had dinner at kenny rogers (: yumyum. the macaroni and cheese side dish really very nice. i went to ask the person what cheese they used and she showed me. lol. it's some powdered cheese sauce from malaysia. but she said singapore should hv. shall go find :) and the ribs are yummy too. after tht, cos dinner was so early, we passed by swensens at 5.20 and i was like "STILL GOT STUDENT MEAL!" so we went in to eat :D student meal cheap lor. 2 sundaes for 9.90++ so we ordered 2 banana split. one banana split cost 8.50 ok. great deal right?! :)
then we decided to head home cos the after work crowd was coming in. then at the city link there i went into his shop i dunno wad shop. saw this bright red spaghetti top tht was really striking and nice. so i went to try. but i was wearing the wrong bra so it looksed weird. i mean u knw sports bra and a spaghetti top DO NOT go well together. then i looked and saw this vest. so i was contemplating whether to try M or L. then the salesgirl look at me and she was like i think L la. but i took both in to try. HAHA. so i went in and came out in M (i had to take another tight fitting shirt cos the vest will look weird with the uniform). and the salesgirl was like "WAAH. 你的腰很细leh! M ah?" i was like "yah" and i gave her a BIG smile. HAHAHAHAHAHA. wah piang DAMN SHUANG. and she was still marvelling at it when i changed out cos when i came out she was like "waah 你的校服 don't do you justice lor." wah piang SHUANG DAO BAO! but i still didnt get it. cos i didnt really like the cutting. heh.

saw this while shopping. why a lion when the brand is puma?
bought this bath foam at mns. pink colour. totally my colour (: it smells great (:
my mother said it's cute and was like "buy la so cute". guess where it's imprinted :P starts with U. LOL.
from mns also. beetroot chips. dunno whether nice not.
humungous packet pf chips. $5.60 only leh. and it's not salty.
wah this one the best. it's damn nice. seriously. the dark chocolate is damn fragrant and the cherry is sweet and the liqueur is like HEAVENLY. it's brandy btw. really really nice. recommended!
i was packing my room ytd. haha. hugo kept walking in and out. lol.
on my cupboard door :D

this is a dress i wore to a wedding many many years ago. i really like the dress. duh right. that's why still keeping it now. plus it's very expensive, according to my mother. next time i get married, the flower girl will wear this. lol.

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW~ sorry, can't resist :p
ok now the small-waisted me shall go watch tv. BYE!
Monday, 1 September 2008
hello! happy teachers' day! happy knowledge day to russians. happy independence day to uzbekistan (correct spelling?)
ah well. since today is teachers' day and mature me is turning 18 soon so i should learn to be more mature and erm grateful and appreciative so ive decided to dedicate half of this post to teachers who have made a significant impact in my life. awww so touching.
ms mazlinah- my pri 1 and 2 form teacher and english teacher. ah well, she was great. she really liked me. haha. she praised my handwriting and i was her class monitress and her top student and yah. so she liked me. she was just a great teacher, very patient, funny and everything to make p1 students feel at home in school. ok maybe a lot of teachers are like that, but they weren't my teachers so haha. i can't really remember much about her. she likes to eat mos burgers. she went to japan to study something related to arts when i was in p3 and before she left she actually wrote me a card asking me to study hard and fulfil my potential.
姚老师- never expected a chinese teacher? haha. she didnt make me like chinese or what but she made me want to improve my chinese. she was a teacher with principles. i like people who have their own beliefs and principles and stand by them. and she's one of the reasons that i came to dunman high cos she was an alumni there. well, the improvement in chinese was never fulfilled. in fact, my chinese slackened. ah well, there wasn't another teacher like her who could make me want to do well for chinese. ok fine it's my problem, nth to do with teachers. the teachers were great. but yah, you can tell what an impact she made right? making me want to study chinese.
mr nigel koh- ok i'm sure this is like so damn obvious. so as most of you will know, mr koh is a physics teacher. he taught me in sec3 and 4. you know in sec1 and 2 we actually study general science, comprising of physics biology and chemistry. chemistry was my best science and physics was actually my worst. surprise surprise. and my favourite was biology. SURPRISE SURPRISE. (sidenote: i never liked chem) then i carried on taking triple science in sec3. and tada. mr koh taught me physics. he's a great teacher. i guess i don't have to elaborate about what a great teacher he is. so under his guidance and all that, i started liking physics, and physics is now my favourite subject (: i miss his teaching. and i dun think i will ever forget the moment when mr koh returned the yr4 yr-end physics paper to me and said "well done *smile*".
ok those 3 are the more impactful ones. but there are other great ones too.
ok let's move on to the other half of the post :D
so ytd was my cousin's 21st bday party. so the introvert in me was like erm full fledge. i just sat there and watched tv. so channel u was on the tv and being like young (even though im turning 18) i had no control over the remote. so i just watch lor. so it was 龙虎门. the donnie yen nicholas tse and shawn yue one. yah yah i knw you're gna think im gng to drool over nicholas tse and shawn yue. BUT NO! yah their like cute and handsome and tall but so what? im drooling over donnie yen. nono not his face. his muscles.
watch 6:07 onwards. the part where he has that "bring it on" gesture. that was the time when i decided he's sexy. haha. and u knw wad? and he's 1.73. haha. taller than me. ok not tall like WOAH. but u knw martial arts people normally not very tall one. like jackie chan and jet li. so yah.
and u knw the show is like a decade ago. and he has such nice muscles. my father says that he still has such nice muscles. he's 45 now. so all scrawny 17 yr-olds, please cry.
oh and u knw. my erm fondness of muscles are inherited. my mother likes muscles too. she likes the arm muscles and pecs (is that how u spell the word?). i like arm muscles too! and chest muscles. as in not those big like female ones. just a little bit to like can tell this guy trains. aiya complicated la dunno how to explain.
and donnie yen has 2 upcoming movies :D so im gng to watch both. ha! fighting movies :D i like. 叶问 and 画皮.
ok end of donnie yen :) shall wait patiently for his movies :)
ok please refer to my post on the 23rd december. yah i knw u will be too lazy too so i shall refresh ur memory for u. at the bottom of the post there's 2 pictures. one of danson tang and one of kim jeong hoon. yes daphne! CUTIES!!!
and u knw wad? they are spokesperson for some japanese company kracie. TOGETHER! like omg. *faints* ok maybe they dun have muscles like donnie yen but it's ok. the face makes up for the lack of muscles :D


ah well. since today is teachers' day and mature me is turning 18 soon so i should learn to be more mature and erm grateful and appreciative so ive decided to dedicate half of this post to teachers who have made a significant impact in my life. awww so touching.
ms mazlinah- my pri 1 and 2 form teacher and english teacher. ah well, she was great. she really liked me. haha. she praised my handwriting and i was her class monitress and her top student and yah. so she liked me. she was just a great teacher, very patient, funny and everything to make p1 students feel at home in school. ok maybe a lot of teachers are like that, but they weren't my teachers so haha. i can't really remember much about her. she likes to eat mos burgers. she went to japan to study something related to arts when i was in p3 and before she left she actually wrote me a card asking me to study hard and fulfil my potential.
姚老师- never expected a chinese teacher? haha. she didnt make me like chinese or what but she made me want to improve my chinese. she was a teacher with principles. i like people who have their own beliefs and principles and stand by them. and she's one of the reasons that i came to dunman high cos she was an alumni there. well, the improvement in chinese was never fulfilled. in fact, my chinese slackened. ah well, there wasn't another teacher like her who could make me want to do well for chinese. ok fine it's my problem, nth to do with teachers. the teachers were great. but yah, you can tell what an impact she made right? making me want to study chinese.
mr nigel koh- ok i'm sure this is like so damn obvious. so as most of you will know, mr koh is a physics teacher. he taught me in sec3 and 4. you know in sec1 and 2 we actually study general science, comprising of physics biology and chemistry. chemistry was my best science and physics was actually my worst. surprise surprise. and my favourite was biology. SURPRISE SURPRISE. (sidenote: i never liked chem) then i carried on taking triple science in sec3. and tada. mr koh taught me physics. he's a great teacher. i guess i don't have to elaborate about what a great teacher he is. so under his guidance and all that, i started liking physics, and physics is now my favourite subject (: i miss his teaching. and i dun think i will ever forget the moment when mr koh returned the yr4 yr-end physics paper to me and said "well done *smile*".
ok those 3 are the more impactful ones. but there are other great ones too.
ok let's move on to the other half of the post :D
so ytd was my cousin's 21st bday party. so the introvert in me was like erm full fledge. i just sat there and watched tv. so channel u was on the tv and being like young (even though im turning 18) i had no control over the remote. so i just watch lor. so it was 龙虎门. the donnie yen nicholas tse and shawn yue one. yah yah i knw you're gna think im gng to drool over nicholas tse and shawn yue. BUT NO! yah their like cute and handsome and tall but so what? im drooling over donnie yen. nono not his face. his muscles.
watch 6:07 onwards. the part where he has that "bring it on" gesture. that was the time when i decided he's sexy. haha. and u knw wad? and he's 1.73. haha. taller than me. ok not tall like WOAH. but u knw martial arts people normally not very tall one. like jackie chan and jet li. so yah.
and u knw the show is like a decade ago. and he has such nice muscles. my father says that he still has such nice muscles. he's 45 now. so all scrawny 17 yr-olds, please cry.
oh and u knw. my erm fondness of muscles are inherited. my mother likes muscles too. she likes the arm muscles and pecs (is that how u spell the word?). i like arm muscles too! and chest muscles. as in not those big like female ones. just a little bit to like can tell this guy trains. aiya complicated la dunno how to explain.
and donnie yen has 2 upcoming movies :D so im gng to watch both. ha! fighting movies :D i like. 叶问 and 画皮.
ok end of donnie yen :) shall wait patiently for his movies :)
ok please refer to my post on the 23rd december. yah i knw u will be too lazy too so i shall refresh ur memory for u. at the bottom of the post there's 2 pictures. one of danson tang and one of kim jeong hoon. yes daphne! CUTIES!!!
and u knw wad? they are spokesperson for some japanese company kracie. TOGETHER! like omg. *faints* ok maybe they dun have muscles like donnie yen but it's ok. the face makes up for the lack of muscles :D


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