ah well. since today is teachers' day and mature me is turning 18 soon so i should learn to be more mature and erm grateful and appreciative so ive decided to dedicate half of this post to teachers who have made a significant impact in my life. awww so touching.
ms mazlinah- my pri 1 and 2 form teacher and english teacher. ah well, she was great. she really liked me. haha. she praised my handwriting and i was her class monitress and her top student and yah. so she liked me. she was just a great teacher, very patient, funny and everything to make p1 students feel at home in school. ok maybe a lot of teachers are like that, but they weren't my teachers so haha. i can't really remember much about her. she likes to eat mos burgers. she went to japan to study something related to arts when i was in p3 and before she left she actually wrote me a card asking me to study hard and fulfil my potential.
姚老师- never expected a chinese teacher? haha. she didnt make me like chinese or what but she made me want to improve my chinese. she was a teacher with principles. i like people who have their own beliefs and principles and stand by them. and she's one of the reasons that i came to dunman high cos she was an alumni there. well, the improvement in chinese was never fulfilled. in fact, my chinese slackened. ah well, there wasn't another teacher like her who could make me want to do well for chinese. ok fine it's my problem, nth to do with teachers. the teachers were great. but yah, you can tell what an impact she made right? making me want to study chinese.
mr nigel koh- ok i'm sure this is like so damn obvious. so as most of you will know, mr koh is a physics teacher. he taught me in sec3 and 4. you know in sec1 and 2 we actually study general science, comprising of physics biology and chemistry. chemistry was my best science and physics was actually my worst. surprise surprise. and my favourite was biology. SURPRISE SURPRISE. (sidenote: i never liked chem) then i carried on taking triple science in sec3. and tada. mr koh taught me physics. he's a great teacher. i guess i don't have to elaborate about what a great teacher he is. so under his guidance and all that, i started liking physics, and physics is now my favourite subject (: i miss his teaching. and i dun think i will ever forget the moment when mr koh returned the yr4 yr-end physics paper to me and said "well done *smile*".
ok those 3 are the more impactful ones. but there are other great ones too.
ok let's move on to the other half of the post :D
so ytd was my cousin's 21st bday party. so the introvert in me was like erm full fledge. i just sat there and watched tv. so channel u was on the tv and being like young (even though im turning 18) i had no control over the remote. so i just watch lor. so it was 龙虎门. the donnie yen nicholas tse and shawn yue one. yah yah i knw you're gna think im gng to drool over nicholas tse and shawn yue. BUT NO! yah their like cute and handsome and tall but so what? im drooling over donnie yen. nono not his face. his muscles.
watch 6:07 onwards. the part where he has that "bring it on" gesture. that was the time when i decided he's sexy. haha. and u knw wad? and he's 1.73. haha. taller than me. ok not tall like WOAH. but u knw martial arts people normally not very tall one. like jackie chan and jet li. so yah.
and u knw the show is like a decade ago. and he has such nice muscles. my father says that he still has such nice muscles. he's 45 now. so all scrawny 17 yr-olds, please cry.
oh and u knw. my erm fondness of muscles are inherited. my mother likes muscles too. she likes the arm muscles and pecs (is that how u spell the word?). i like arm muscles too! and chest muscles. as in not those big like female ones. just a little bit to like can tell this guy trains. aiya complicated la dunno how to explain.
and donnie yen has 2 upcoming movies :D so im gng to watch both. ha! fighting movies :D i like. 叶问 and 画皮.
ok end of donnie yen :) shall wait patiently for his movies :)
ok please refer to my post on the 23rd december. yah i knw u will be too lazy too so i shall refresh ur memory for u. at the bottom of the post there's 2 pictures. one of danson tang and one of kim jeong hoon. yes daphne! CUTIES!!!
and u knw wad? they are spokesperson for some japanese company kracie. TOGETHER! like omg. *faints* ok maybe they dun have muscles like donnie yen but it's ok. the face makes up for the lack of muscles :D
