Friday, 31 October 2008
Thursday, 30 October 2008
had op trials in front of the whole class and guess what? it is only my second trial. cos i missed my group's first trial and i had to leave early for my first trial, which was yesterday. so today can be considered my first full trial. and tomorrow is the real op. lol. but after today's trial, i'm rather relaxed about tmr i dunno why dun ask me why.
ohh. yesterday after i settled my stuff which i had to leave op trials early for, i went to bugis and bought a pair of ankle boots. 3 and 1/2 inch heels. now shunjie refuses to go out with me for fear that i will wear the pair of boots out and he will look short. i'm too lazy to take and upload a picture so yah.
ok and erm holidays have started. i'm rather looking forward to this holidays i dunno why i just am. and i've actually made a holiday resolution to leave school work alone until 09. i dunno about tht now because all the teachers are like PLEASE REVISE YOU WON'T HAVE TIME NEXT YEAR. so erm let's just see how la. still got homework somemore. zzz.
ok so for now my holiday schedule is rather packed. cos i'm working. and going on a few short holidays. like 14 15 16 i'm going to genting and i'm gng to see if i can go into the casino since i will be just 4 mths away from 18. and then 21 22 23 i'm gng for cruise (yeah again) to watch lin you jia sing. weiliang please dun turn green :D and december sth i dunno when im gng on another cruise trip to some beach i dunno what beach. then there is sailing and the sailing race which i'm rather looking forward to cos it's the first sailing race for us. and then there is the standard chartered thingy and the lego thingy. and bbq at ms chia's hse and i need to work on the stamford essay. and in early jan i've decided to go for some spf thingy. and there's my cousin's wedding. and some zouk thing which i haven decided if i want to go. hmmm. ok actly also nth much la. trying to make myself look busy nia. lol. oh still got i want to learn boxing rmb? i've decided on cardio boxing because muay thai is twice the price. but its at 7 to 8 and i end work at 6 so i dunno if i can make it in time so i shall see how first since the course starts in mid nov and i'm starting work next week. so i shall kiv cardioboxing. at most i cannot make it i can always go to some void deck find some kids and practice boxing myself.
that is such a long paragraph.
ok i've signed up for facebook for purpose of pw so now since i have an account i shall go explore it.
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
anyway, im troubled ):
i dunno if i shld take up the promoter job during wkends. then i really burn my hols. zzz. but maybe they also wun want me when i tell them i hv many busy wkends. aiya see how tmr la. and then erm aiya dunno wad alrdy la.
tmr is the last day of school.
oh i got nominated for spf book prize :D
ok bb
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Saturday, 25 October 2008
anyway, today we didn't save the singapore dogs. because bloody hell the damn table was small and there were too many people. so me and shunjie decided that it was a waste of people, time and talent so we left and went shopping. it was interesting.
1) shunjie thought of this idea to fart into little kids face when going up the escalator and the kid is behind you. he is damn gross.
2) a little boy was peeing into a plastic bag held up by his mother in the middle of suntec. he was damn gross (like shunjie).
3) we went into OP and i took up this little skirt for little girls and measured it against myself. just the right size. for one leg. anyway, shunjie made funny comments and the two of us started laughing and the shopkeeper was damn amused. nobody was gross here.
4) shunjie bought collagen water which had 2000mg of collagen. 2000mg too much cos it made the water too heavy and the guardian plastic bag broke.
5) i can't rmb.
ok byebye. i am not gng to save singapore dogs tmr. i need other forms of CIP. help.
didnt go the school on thursday. all i did was sleep at home. friday went to school to collect result slips but only had the draft. super lame. shldnt have gone since i alrdy knew my results. such a damn waste of my time.
anyway, my results are AAABC. satisfied.
gng to marina square with shunjie. we having a date. ok june u can LOL alrdy. hahaha.
nah we'er gna SAVE THE SINGAPORE DOGS! WOOOOHOOOO! ok please go down. its until 9plus. marina square. somewhere near guardian wherever it is. tmr also have. next week also hv but i dunno where. update next week. ok please go down and save the singapore dogs. bring money (:
woof wooof woooooooof
Sunday, 19 October 2008
sailing exhibition. simple and nice.

close-up of our board.
gladine spoilt the exhibition by drawing this. the sail is on the wrong side -.-

(: outdated i knw but still... heh :D
and now the picture u have all been waiting for :D

my new slippers (: trail 2. hahahahahahaha. this time they are red cos orange no stock. i shall go down the gradient. next pair will be erm pink? lol.
and i've decided to take up boxing during the holidays. deciding between cardioboxing and muay thai.
Saturday, 18 October 2008
16th October 2008 is a very significant day. it is the day i threw my trail slippers away.
my trail slippers have been with me for many many years. they have followed me to many camps, countries, hawker centres, school activities, markets, roads, footpaths... ... ...
they have been worn by me for so long and so many times that wearing them is like walking around barefooted -.-
trivia: the left one belongs to wenyi. we mixed our slippers up one fine day and never swopped back.
Friday, 17 October 2008
so tuesday was daphne's bday. so there was a surprise bday dinner for her. at fishnco and then yah lor she was surprised and we had dinner sang a song. birday song. lol. the fishnco pple damn unsynchronised and it was highly amusing and a tad embarrassing. lol. liddat lor. i think the food is overpriced. so is the cake -.-
oh and the 69 for computing is not final result. so cross my fingers toes and eyes.
and erm im watching tv now. wr is finally over. but now have op and i&r. and a lot of cip which i signed up for with jolene and shunjie. and i dunno wad else alrdy la.
ok bye.
Thursday, 16 October 2008
omg shunjie just told me sth super exciting. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
i can't really rmb what happened since i last blog so i'm just gng to blog what i can rmb.
monday was cca exhibition. i think its totally pointless. as in they are a bunch of year4s. 16 at least. they shld knw what they want what they like, so i think all they need is the cca info and not all the exhibits and OH COME JOIN US DAMN FUN kind of stuff. and they love asking ask what we do. like hello sailing club members sail la -.- and then had to wait super long for h3. AND I NV FALL ASLEEP DURING H3 OMG I ROCK! HAHAHAHAHAHA FIRST TIME LEH. ok no big deal.
ok then next 2 days got back results. i achieved my target of AABBC. so im generally pleased. just that i felt that i could hv done better.
GP - 58 (the targeted C)
a tad disappointed with paper1. i just passed. when i heard there were 40s around, i was expecting higher cos i thought my essay was fine. so 25 came as a bit of shock. but paper 2 cheered me up so im fine with it. i got 7/8 for aq leh (: hahahahaha.
PHYSICS - 78 (the targeted A)
(: but when i knew jonsung got 94, i started wondering whether i could do better with less youtube. but aiya nvm la. i got 2nd highest in class. the difference is like 16 O.O but i'm fine and pleased cos this 78 has more or less confirmed an overall A for me :D yay.
ECONS - 64 (the targeted B)
wasn't pinning much hopes on this so ok la (: and i got highest in class wor~ but its a rather low highest score as compared to other classes. but we have a rather high lowest score. i guess that's what mr lee meant when he said that our classes have rather tight scores unlike other classes whose highest and lowest scores are like WOAH.
COMPUTING - 63.5 (the targeted B)
:) :) :) :) hahahahaha :) :) :) pratical score came as a pleasant surprise :) :) :) and and and because i did the bonus i just nice get 70 for overall :) :) :) yay A :) :) :) i will try to brush up on computing during the hols. try la. it's the thoughts that count :)
i went to look at the computing results and i just realised my 70 became 69 ): i rather get a 68 ):
MATHS - 87 (the targeted A)
if i say i'm disappointed i will kena whack so :D :D :D :D but actually the same thing applies to maths and physics. just that for maths jon sung got 97 not 94. lol. but still happy la :D :D :D and yep A for overall :D :D :D
ok that's it for results. hopefully econs and gp earlier half i did well enough to get Bs. then i have ABABA. hehheh.
more like BABAB ):
today was pw chionging day.
ok byebye.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
after that, went to ehub with shunjie and leeyan to meet jolene and weiliang for movie. we settled on connected 保持通话.
it was crap. serious.period.
please don't watch it if you're planning to. go watch sth else. ok so in layman terms, it isnt good. i wun go as far as to say it sucked. it seriously isnt good. please dun waste/spend your money on it. if u are thinking "ok fine nvm i go there see hunk/babe" oh please dun. loius koo looked like an uncle and barbie hsu looked like an auntie. in short, if u really want to catch it, wait for the dvd and rent it for $3 or sth when u have ard like 10 friends with u.
ok i shall write a review on it later.
im a film critic :D haha.
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Saturday, 4 October 2008
and i realised that beneath all the funny antics and stuff, he knows what he is doing. he knows what he wants. he has a dream, he has an ambition and he is working really really hard towards it.
then i watched this episode of yu le bai fen bai that is actually a special edition about xiaozhu's journey in the entertainment industry. and i realised that he too put in so much hard work to achieve his dreams, for himself and for his parents, that it's rather hard to belief. i mean, it's like he's that clown every weekday at 5pm.
then i started asking myself, what's my ambition? yah i love physics, i wanna be an engineer? i don't even know what an engineer does. seriously. writing about film? i never saw that as a career. just an interest. for now maybe. i seriously dunno how long it will last.
it's like i dun even know what i'm studying for. frankly speaking, i'm not treating promos as a big deal. maybe it's the assurance i give myself (and many others give me to) that i will definitely be promoted. ok so maybe im still relatively more hardworking then many other people, but as compared to before, i feel like im on holiday (ok exaggeration). i don't even watch that much youtube during the holidays -.-
ahh i don't make sense.
but i believe everyone is worth something. no matter how minute, i believe each and every one of us exist for a reason. i will find my reason soon.
i hope.
p.s. now i don't think xiaogui is another cute guy, or xiaozhu is another entertainer, they are great people who fight for what they want. we should learn from them. it's just a bonus being cute.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Which Dark Knight Character Are You? | |
You are Joker. When people see you coming they usually scurry away like mice! You are moody and dark and extremely intense. You can be cool and calm one moment, but then wild and crazy the next! You seek revenge on those that have hurt you- and your revenge is often much worse than anything imagined. You are a feared leader, and take challenges very seriously. You will do whatever it takes- with no exception- to get what you want. You are confident and intelligent and tell the world exactly what you think- and you apologize for nothing! | |
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Which Disney Princess Are You? | |
You are part Cinderella. You are hard-working and never complain, however, your trust is sometimes misplaced and people sometimes take advantage of you. Still, you are beautiful inside and out, and one day you will realize it and find true love. | |
You are part Pocahontas. You defy convention and sometimes do what is considered taboo. Unfortunately, others do not always appreciate your differences, so it's good that you are so strong-willed. You are loyal and you believe in fate. Your true love will find you one day. | |
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Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Character Are You? | |
You are Raphael. You have a sarcastic wit, but it can sometimes get you into trouble. | |
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Which Disney Villain Are You? | |
You are Lady Tremaine. You're the evil stepmother little girls have nightmares about. Hooray for you, who helped kids learn to love their birth parents and do everything possible to avoid stepparents. Next time, though, be careful not to get in between a girl and her dreams. | |
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Which Fantastic 4 Character Are You? | |
You are The Silver Surfer. Chance has it that you're the villain with unbounded power and treachery. Although at most times you are definitely a forced to be reckoned with, deep down lies a confused soul. | |
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Which Pixar Character Are You? | |
You are Dory. You are naive and gullible. Wait, that's a good thing. Your ability to trust any stranger is a trait not many people have, but be more cautious next time a stranger offers to buy you lunch or you might find yourself in a fishy situation. | |
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