computing was downright traumatising. period.
after that, went to ehub with shunjie and leeyan to meet jolene and weiliang for movie. we settled on connected 保持通话.
it was crap. serious.period.
please don't watch it if you're planning to. go watch sth else. ok so in layman terms, it isnt good. i wun go as far as to say it sucked. it seriously isnt good. please dun waste/spend your money on it. if u are thinking "ok fine nvm i go there see hunk/babe" oh please dun. loius koo looked like an uncle and barbie hsu looked like an auntie. in short, if u really want to catch it, wait for the dvd and rent it for $3 or sth when u have ard like 10 friends with u.
ok i shall write a review on it later.
im a film critic :D haha.