hmmm so let's recap.
monday first day of work. at lta in little india. woohoo thaddeus favourite :D there's another temp staff who came in with me but she's weird. for the whole week her mother will send her to work right to her table. and then go to her table to bring her out for lunch and then go to her table to fetch her home after work. eeeee. so i'm a finance assistant so i do finances la. lots of mathematical stuff and calculations. good. keep my brain working or else later school reopen i become stupid.
ok tuesday work lor.
wedsnesday i woke up with swollen eyes so i didn't go to work and went to see a doctor instead. apparantly i have dry eyes and weather dry so yeah. there was this small little indian boy making a lot of noise and being a nuisance in the polyclinic and his parents were playing with him. like erm aren't u supposed to be sick? so i got pissed off and told the boy to shut up. then the mother stare at me and i stare back. and u knw my eyes were like bloodshot and when u hv bloodshot eyes and u glare at pple, you look like a serial murderer so the parents shut up and told the boy to shut up and they went somewhere else like they had no business there. then went home had a long nap. and then i went to ms chia's bbq and ate and talk and bully people and then i had to leave early so i left alone and cos there were lots of construction going on there were lots of construction workers there and it was quite scary. i got lost on my way out then i saw a bus stop and there was a bus approaching and there were lots of workers so i just hop on the bus and miraculousy ended up at tiong bahru mrt :D yay.
thursday back to work and i don't think anything special happened.
friday went back for gpf in the morning. gi gl-ed a lot of pple as always. had a mini celebration for bobo. went to work. and finished the afternoon's work in 1 hr so i had 3 hrs of sitting thr to earn money. got bored after a while -.- i like to do work while working.
saturday went to republic poly for the standard chartered briefing. quite lame la the briefing. and then erm me jolene and weiliang volunteered to be the i forgot what's the name but it's a tiring job with lots of running and the person was shocked pple wanted tht job -.- after tht went to hv seafood with jolene leeyan weiliang quanyi. the meal cost 888.81. wooooo. ok it's 88.81 but the person key in wrongly and then paid leeyan 800 back in cash -.- oh and we finally had the roti tissue which me jolene and leeyan wanted to have like since 3 years back. ok hope leeyan enjoys herself in napahai and comes back with all limbs attached :D
today went out for lunch and walked ard shopped bought clothes and home.

medical claims for september o.o

i was watching lan qiu huo and i saw tht clock behind xiao zhu.

and this is the clock at home. lol.
i was looking for how to go to republic poly and yah 2 results for my search query. and i wonder what's the difference -.-