ok so went to my cousin's wedding last night. ok im not gng to go all WAAAAH over it cos its not the first wedding i attended. unlike dear little june who has nv been to any. JUNE I MISS YOU!! hahahahahahaha.
but yah brides always look pretty.
and erm we ate and talked and laughed and drank and yah liddat lor. weddings are dinners with a groom and bride. heh. ok and lots of love in the air. heh.
tell u secret. i want to get married by 30.
ok and ytd wasn't only my cousin's wedding. it was also my brother's bday. so i bake a cake for him. we celebrated on sunday. and u knw one of his campmate baked a cake for him too. so sweet right? next time then i upload pictures.
ok and i also found out tht another one of my cousin is getting married next year end and another one beginning 2010. that's a lot of weddings. i pity ppl like june who have nv been to weddings. ive been to like i dunno. 10? or more maybe -.- ooh i mentioned june again. heh.
little souvenir.
the place. see the cake? its fake. i want a real one next time.
(: my boots. ok boot.
ok that's lin you jia. but the picture is so clear if i say it's andy lau also can.

look bobo, that's how much u cost.