first i wanted to bring my dog for grooming so i called the shop and he told me 12.30pm. ok so i left at ard 12.15 and i reached there at 12.25. the damn shop wasn't open so i waited cos i'm the early one so i cannot blame the person for being late. but shouldn't u open before the time ur customer is supposed to come? i waited until 12.30 shop not open. so i called the person and he told me he's reaching in 5mins. oooohhhkkkaaay..... i wait. 5 mins, no appearance. 10 mins, still no appearance. i got fedup and left. he called me at 1pm. that's nice.
and this isnt the first time alrdy. the first time i decided to use their free transport service, they came late to fetch hugo and also came late in returning hugo. then for convenience sake, i used they boarding services when i went overseas for 4 or 5 days i can't rmb. hugo came back smelling horrible with matted fur. horrible service.
i decided to write a review, and tada. let me show you.
like what the hell?
and you won't want to know what happened to the phone call.
ok so hugo didn't get groomed. he's getting groomed tomorrow by an experienced groomer who has quite good reviews.
ok so ytd i went to watch bedtime stories. very lighthearted story. i think it's rather creative though it also has some really cliche parts but if you want a laugh and a happy ending, you can try this. i haven't watched yesman. dang. oh the guinea pig in the movie is damn cute. bugsy is his name. haha.
ok so pissed off part 2 of the day happened after the movie. went to eat at koufu and the dessert shop service is horrible i tell you. i wanted tau suan. but they didnt have. so it went liddat.
me: 我要tausuan 跟 ...
B1: tausuan 卖完了 (walks away)
me: EH! i haven't finish my order!
* after some time *
B2: 你要什么?
me: chendol 跟 icekacang 红豆而已
B2: (gives me chendol and icekacang with corn all over)
me: 我要红豆而已 (stresses on 而已)
B2 to B3: 她要红豆而已
B3: (scoops the corn out of the icekacang together with the ice such that my icekacang looks more like a column then a pyramid)
me: 你把我一半的冰那掉, 给我一个新的.
B3: (stare at me but she has no choice cos who as her scoop my ice away?)
don't tell me i'm unreasonable. everybody hawker selling icekacang knows that red bean only means only ice syrup and red bean. since when has corn been red bean? corn is yellow for goodness sake. and you do not give your customer half the kacang because you prepared the order wrongly.
B does not stand for banana. i leave it up to your imagination as to what B stands for.
ok i ended horrible day watching 娱乐百分百 on youtube so it was ok cos the show is funny.
today was a great day. i didn't do anything. all i did was slack around. i like.
oh i just finished this hk serial called 東山飄雨西關晴. there's this guy inside super cute. he's called 蕭正楠 edwin siu.

he's 31 you know. don't look like right? looks abit like 郑伊建. and some pictures look like 周星驰. but cuter :D ah damn cute. and he's 1.8m. he's bday is 4days before mine :)
speaking of my bday, really nobody want go watch linjunjie concert with me ah? ):