ok i spent the first 11 and a half hours of 2009 sleeping. i was so tired. i totally just skipped caoge fell asleep with my head and shoulders on the sofa and legs on the dining chair means it's like erm my body is in midair (such a wonderful sleeping position) at 11.30pm and woke up at 11.30am. it was a great sleep. a great way to start 2009. cos i'm pretty sure we will be missing sleep this year.
ok i spent the afternoon like garfield.
and then i cooked the great dinner.
ok it's 4 course but because we don't have a waiter, i served everything except the dessert together. so there's this fruit salad for appetizer which is basically yah fruits and a very yummy syrupy kind of salad dressing. then for the main course is chicken with some sauce made from orange. yummy also. and double-baked potato. yummy also :D oh i forgot about the soup. it's tomato soup. not can one ok. i had to chop the tomatoes, cook, blend and everything. all FRESH.
the dessert. ok i know the picture doesnt look nice but it is really very yummy. the red things are pears. red-wine pears. expensive highclass and very yummy :D and the ice cream is swensens ok. swensens lehhhhh. damn ex.
ok so this 4 course meal will cost about 40 to 50 per person and i used less than 50 to get all the ingredients. got extra somemore. hoho.
yummy dinner. next time i can't find a job, i'll work in a school canteen. i love kids.
oh anyway, today's dinner topic was damn interesting and it almost gave my mother a heart attack. haha. me and my brother were telling my mother stuff she never knew we did when we were young. like my brother from second floor jump to first floor via aircon compressor. i jumped from the balcony using the railings. haha. and how my brother threw a huge pair of scissors at me last time good thing i siamed or else maybe i have a hold in my head now. the scissors is still in existence in the kitchen drawer. heh and alot like yah alot. haha.
ok and since this is the first post of 2009...

oh drool

oh drool again. his album coming out 16th jan yay.

ahhh cute :D maybe an album or a 3rd book? nvm still cute :D
but he has just been groomed so now not fluffy. now can see his figure. slim ok not fat. heh :D
ok happy new year. byebye.