Sunday, 25 January 2009

ok i figured since today is the last day of the rat year, i should blog. or else i will qian4 blogposts for the rest of the year -.-

so 2 weeks of school have passed. feels like 2 mths. so busy ): im stressed ):

ok orientation was ok i guess. i missed the watafest cos of my leg. might as well. everybody came back black and sunburnt with weird tan lines all over. and they are all peeling for chinese new year. haha. sorry saddistic :)

ok school, as usual lor. the teachers are not slacking. can't say much about the students. but can tell the teachers are all OY IT'S A LEVELS BUCK UP!

i'm watching what a girl wants now on okto. and i think the ian in the show is cute. ok digressed.

ok so for the teachers, form teacher still mr gi. computing teacher is now mr gi and mr pang. maths teacher still mr ng :) physics teacher still ms chia :) econs teacher still mr lee. gp teacher changed to ms pauline-ann tan. i will not grow up to be like her ok.

ok and there's h3. i took the semi conductors module by NTU at HCI. with jochebed. the trip there is uberduper long. the trip home is uberdupersuperzuper long. released before 6pm and i only reach home at 8pm. super late. but it's ok, i will endure! HA! oh and i have to miss physics tutorial for h3. cos h3 starts at 4.30 at HCI and physics tutorial is from 345 to 445. and tht's the only physics tutorial in the whole entire week.

and i got my eyes on the Nanyang Scholarship. and maybe the CNYang Scholar's Program. hmm...

ytd my brother and his gf made pineapple tarts tgt. in very interesting shapes. got penguin, crab, pig, bear... and hotdog bun -.-

ok dunno wad to blog alrdy.

happy chinese new year. gong xi fa cai. xue yue jing bu. HUAT AH!

everybody study hard!