it's dhs prom now. i wonder what's happening.
ok anyway, since the last time i blogged, been rather busy. packed with post 'A's activities. lol.
saturday. ok i can't remember what i did on saturday. let's go back to friday. i packed my stuff on friday. ended up with 3 yellow recycling bags of notes which i happily sent for recycling. packed a stack of newsweek and reason of things to donate to national library. packed a stack of clothes to sell/donate. i want to donate my pe attire (new worn twice only not the old one i wore since sec1) and sch uniform but i dunno what to do. and i'm left with a lot of files. like A LOT. oh and i prepared graduation presents :D ok actually i started baking the cookies since monday. friday was just packing them into packets and tying them up. so sweet hor me :D
ok back to saturday. i went out with who? AHHHHH... graduation day! ok so lugged 600 cookies to school. started giving out. i was like the only one giving presents. so paiseh. but ah well, it's just a sign of appreciation for all cookie receivers for being part of my life in dhs. expected grad day to be like sad and you knw all that oh-we-are-leaving-our-2nd-home-of-6-years. but dun have leh. there wasnt that mood. and 8 teachers turned up? after that cos me and sj had some time before we had our own programmes, we decided to go to cafe oliv. had the quesadella or however you spell it and the brownie. yummyummmyyyy :D
and OMG SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY. woke up at 3.30am cos my brother's friend fetching us there and their marathon starts at 5.30. after they started, i had an hour before my half-marathon, so i went to the marina bay there in front of the river and lie at some empty bench and slept like some homeless person. great feeling cos the wind is like cooling and i was tired. i mean it was like 5.30 in the morning. then half-marathon started. shunjie was late, so i started first. i ran for 15km (longer than shunjie leh) walked for 4km then ran the last 2km. i decided agains walk run walk run for the last 6km cos i know if i do that i sure will be like walk long long run 2 steps then walk again. finished in 2hrs 57mins.
ok according to the website...
Result in Entire Field - 6415th place
3379 finishers behind. About 65% of finishers ahead.
Result in Gender (Women) - 1838th place
1585 finishers behind. About 54% of finishers ahead.
Result in Division (F Under 20) - 52nd place
93 finishers behind. About 35% of finishers ahead.
not bad la hor. haha. and i got 6 pictures. HAHAHAHAHA. it was a ploy. i didn't want to run too fast so the camera can catch me plus i wanted to go home after the run. i didn't want to hang around for the prize presentation. so i run slowly. hahahhaha. sure.

51289 IS GREAT!
i'm really proud of myself for finishing the 21km. so i didn't run the entire thing, but i ran 15km. it's considered a feat as well, right? i didn't meet my target of 2hr and 45mins. but considering that i stopped training for an entire month. stopped running entirely actually and the furthest i ever did was 10km... i'm still satisfied and whoopee :D
after that went home to rest and came out to meet jolene for our 'prom'. we had good food. ok so we met at vivocity. went to brotzeit, a german restaurant for part 1.

40ml of Jägermeister! $9. jolene was being adventurous. haha.

my Schwammerl mit Semmelknödel. it's mushroom stew with bread dumplings. bread dumplings are apparantly some german snack. and the stew damn mushroomy. i like. got about 4 to 5 types of mushrooms inside. great for mushroom lovers, like me :D

jolene's huge bowl of potato wedges. which she couldn't finish and she da baoed back home.

Sauerkraut. how can eat german food don't eat this? it's sour and appetising. not that we needed it to kai1 wei4. haha.

jolene's Bauern Cordon. it's deep fried pork cutlet. there's bacon and cheese inside.

then we were rather full so we walked around to digest and then we settled at some manpuku like place for japanese deserts. but...

pumpkin crochette. sweet and yummy. me love pumpkins :D

sakura ebi okos. yummy too. but we felt rather cheated by the ebi. cos they were damn freaking tiny. like hei bi -.- ok i just checked. “Sakura Ebi” or Sakura shrimp is a vey small (maximum 5 cm) crustacean -.- and we ignored the sakura. lol.

japanese pancake with red bean ice cream.

japanese pancake with matcha icecream. jolene says they taste the same but no they are different. the pancakes were fluffy and light. yummmm.

some peach ice cream covered with white chocolate painted to look like a peach. very fruity and refreshing and...

it has a ferroro rocher for a seed. lol.

but all icecream. i wanted to eat cakes. so... we went to bakerzin and...

had a fruitcake with lots of fruit. more fruit then cake. how often do you see this? normally is like the fruit must dig one. enjoyed this loads :D

and tiramisu :D classic.

spent about $70 each. for good food (international cuisine leh german japanese italian) and good company. ok there was supposed to be more people but in the end only 2. but it's ok. quality not quantity. jolene don't need to be too touched :D haha.
oh and found out my passport expires on the 9th dec 2009. the day i'm flying to taiwan. haha.
monday woke up at 6.05 freaking early in the morning to go to ica to renew my passport. must go early then don't need to queue. finished everything in about 30 to 40mins. compared to the normal 2hours. went to city hall to meet up to go to the sph scholarship. i thought the talk was rather informative. i mean i don't want to be a journalist and i meet all the criteria of not being a journalist, but i did learn things that i dunno that happens in a newsroom. and the tea session was great. the food was damn good. love the cheesecake. and the fruit platter got strawberry. and there was goose liver mousse. swissotel is swissotel. lol. after that went to nlb for hus scholarship tea session. well... haha.
today. went to ura for the essay test. i hope i make sense. cross my fingers toes and eyes. i can't cross my eyes without the help of my finger. ok after that went to dinner with my parents at tampines1. we ate at the kopitiam. then we went outside to eat durian then we went back to tampines1 to go to bakerzin and had a cookies and cream cheesecake and a souffle. haha. im hooked to deserts.
ok tmr i have to wake up super early again to go collect my passport. come home and then off to the airport and then I AM FLYING OFF TO TAIWAN!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO~
away from 9th to 24th. don't miss me :D BYEBYE!
not bad la hor. haha. and i got 6 pictures. HAHAHAHAHA. it was a ploy. i didn't want to run too fast so the camera can catch me plus i wanted to go home after the run. i didn't want to hang around for the prize presentation. so i run slowly. hahahhaha. sure.

51289 IS GREAT!
i'm really proud of myself for finishing the 21km. so i didn't run the entire thing, but i ran 15km. it's considered a feat as well, right? i didn't meet my target of 2hr and 45mins. but considering that i stopped training for an entire month. stopped running entirely actually and the furthest i ever did was 10km... i'm still satisfied and whoopee :D
after that went home to rest and came out to meet jolene for our 'prom'. we had good food. ok so we met at vivocity. went to brotzeit, a german restaurant for part 1.
40ml of Jägermeister! $9. jolene was being adventurous. haha.
my Schwammerl mit Semmelknödel. it's mushroom stew with bread dumplings. bread dumplings are apparantly some german snack. and the stew damn mushroomy. i like. got about 4 to 5 types of mushrooms inside. great for mushroom lovers, like me :D
jolene's huge bowl of potato wedges. which she couldn't finish and she da baoed back home.
Sauerkraut. how can eat german food don't eat this? it's sour and appetising. not that we needed it to kai1 wei4. haha.
jolene's Bauern Cordon. it's deep fried pork cutlet. there's bacon and cheese inside.
then we were rather full so we walked around to digest and then we settled at some manpuku like place for japanese deserts. but...
pumpkin crochette. sweet and yummy. me love pumpkins :D
sakura ebi okos. yummy too. but we felt rather cheated by the ebi. cos they were damn freaking tiny. like hei bi -.- ok i just checked. “Sakura Ebi” or Sakura shrimp is a vey small (maximum 5 cm) crustacean -.- and we ignored the sakura. lol.
japanese pancake with red bean ice cream.
japanese pancake with matcha icecream. jolene says they taste the same but no they are different. the pancakes were fluffy and light. yummmm.
some peach ice cream covered with white chocolate painted to look like a peach. very fruity and refreshing and...
it has a ferroro rocher for a seed. lol.
but all icecream. i wanted to eat cakes. so... we went to bakerzin and...
had a fruitcake with lots of fruit. more fruit then cake. how often do you see this? normally is like the fruit must dig one. enjoyed this loads :D
and tiramisu :D classic.
spent about $70 each. for good food (international cuisine leh german japanese italian) and good company. ok there was supposed to be more people but in the end only 2. but it's ok. quality not quantity. jolene don't need to be too touched :D haha.
oh and found out my passport expires on the 9th dec 2009. the day i'm flying to taiwan. haha.
monday woke up at 6.05 freaking early in the morning to go to ica to renew my passport. must go early then don't need to queue. finished everything in about 30 to 40mins. compared to the normal 2hours. went to city hall to meet up to go to the sph scholarship. i thought the talk was rather informative. i mean i don't want to be a journalist and i meet all the criteria of not being a journalist, but i did learn things that i dunno that happens in a newsroom. and the tea session was great. the food was damn good. love the cheesecake. and the fruit platter got strawberry. and there was goose liver mousse. swissotel is swissotel. lol. after that went to nlb for hus scholarship tea session. well... haha.
today. went to ura for the essay test. i hope i make sense. cross my fingers toes and eyes. i can't cross my eyes without the help of my finger. ok after that went to dinner with my parents at tampines1. we ate at the kopitiam. then we went outside to eat durian then we went back to tampines1 to go to bakerzin and had a cookies and cream cheesecake and a souffle. haha. im hooked to deserts.
ok tmr i have to wake up super early again to go collect my passport. come home and then off to the airport and then I AM FLYING OFF TO TAIWAN!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO~
away from 9th to 24th. don't miss me :D BYEBYE!