ok so anyway, saturday went to some pre-ukdeparture thingy at suntec. basically a lot of general information which can be found in many places and being the free soul i am, i've found them so i didn't really learn anything new. just signed up at a lot of places and got a free go london tshirt which is too small for me because they can only find the 's' size -.- after that went to bugis to walk around and then met up with jolene and leeyan to eat steamboat. jerome was sleeping and wenyi had to rush a project. and leeyan's gaydar was like i dunno, on full alert. lol. and she ate a lot of balls, jolene ate a lot of corn and i ate a lot of grass. lol. met up with wenyi later and headed to shuangyuan where we just sat down and talked and waited for weiliang. and of course sit down and talk must eat :D hehheh.
yummy :D
i dunno what the hell is she doing -.-
gotta love my zi pai skills :D
sunday i had tuition. i went to cut my hair and now its too short ): i dun like ):
monday i went out to makan :D like what else do i do la. i met wenyi at koi. lol. ok just to be honest, it's my first try. cos the queues are always so long, and that day there was only wenyi before me but she bought like 5 cups -.-
i think its nice, fragrant enough, but not worth the long queues and $2.90. bloody expensive.
today, fetched my brother to nus to book in, went to collect free corni-ware and brought hugo to the vet for annual vaccination.
my father left to collect the corni-ware and hugo went frantic in the car, kept looking out. so cute :D
jolene, leeyan, grace and daphne are like neighbours. i am so jealous. makes me think about my accom. baaaaa. 53 more days!!!
i'm gng to the bird park tmr :D chirp chirp?