Went to cruise during the last week of june. special cruise to ho chih minh city and redang for the school hols. went with my parents, aunt and aunt mother and aunt friends. eat and eat and eat and eat. some photos on fb. interested go see yourself i too lazy to blog alrdy so long ago.
FRIDAY 260610
18chefs with hj qy sj wl ly jolene. ate and caught up.
Wednesday 300607
River Cruise along singapore river. my brother was working at the river festival so special cruise exclusive for crew family. photos on facebook.
Sunday 040710
went out with grace, weiliang and jolene. ate lunch at just acia. ate and talked and ate and talked. interesting to hear about jolene's and grace's camps.
new shirt :D
new shirt :D
not very new shirt :D
new shirt. and really, better without the head? hahahahaha.
after jolene left, the 3 of us went to white sands to walk around and tada, time for dinner!
then time for desserts! :D
Monday 050710
KBOX with shunjie and jolene (!!!) lol damn funny. we had to shoo the singers (weiliang, nicole and quanyi) away. really, it's a compliment we don't allow you to sing with us :D
oh god, what an experience. hahahahaha.
i don't care if they couldn't hear me. they were too far. hmpf.
dinner at kenny rogers. jerome who joined us later yumyumyum. food yum, not jerome. haha.
ooh look at the cheek muscle. hahahahaha
yigeng and grace and ziren (the hand at the bottom right) joined us later on.
after that went to the food court to sit around and talk and eat desserts then we went home and before that jolene grace and i took a detour to red mango and had yogurt. we are sampling and finding the best. my favourite is yami, not yumi like jolene's and j.co :D
oh yesterday, i went to the polyclinic to do like follow up check-up regarding my periods. urgh. so my thyroid level is on the low side and i did another blood test -.- that's like the 4th or 5th time they are taking a tube of blood from me.
today, i went to do my visa to uk. ok i have a lot of gan3 chu4 about this but im too lazy to blog about it now because its very late and my brain is not working very well. anyway, i just came back from knight and day with jolene. pretty good i would say. i think its more comedy then action. cameran diaz was funny. haha.
i think that summed it all up pretty well. bye.