ok so since the last post, i went to the bird park with my mama. she collects owls so yah. haha. i prefer the zoo cos im more interested in like 4 limbed things then birds. and a lot of the birds were repeated so it's like looking at the same things over and over again. but it was still nice. i got bitten by mosquitoes. thank god i wore like trackpants. so smart of me :D hehheh.
i can't rmb what happened on thurs and friday so i think nth much happened. haha.
saturday went for some pre-departure gathering held by the ucl singsoc. met some other fellow students and found another guy doing civil eng. learnt some useful stuff from the seniors. more useful then the suntec one. after that john very kindly fetched the dunmanians to dunman high for homecoming. 6c21 didn't have a table so i kind of floated around. mainly at the 6c12 table where i helped to bbq and at the 6c34 table where i just helped myself. haha.
it was good seeing people i haven't seen in ages like tommmmmmmy and jiaqi and yuxuan :D and erm june. see june, i dun discriminate against you :D really june i lurbe you :D though i dun think i will hug you around the waist and yah :D
was supposed to go for supper and midnight movie with shunjie and weiliang but i left early with leeyan because i was smelly and sticky and tired. so i didn't get to see weiliang. but nvm because i went out with him today.
i like this picture :D monday went to marina bay with my mother. took a look inside marina bay sands. still lots of renovations going on so can't say much about the interiour. it's huge. took a walk down the helix bridge. rmb i said it looks like part of the construction? it still does. but walking through it is a different feeling. it's really nice. the way the steel twist and turn and interlink to form the curved bridge is really pretty. walked to boat quay where we lunched and some place and had a crabby meal :D
today this poor guy have an off day but nobody else is free to go out with him so i took the sacrifice. before meeting him i went to pass my brother sth who was at tampines for some nus flag day with his og. saw keok :D so funny to see my friend and my brother in the same og. lol. met up with weiliang and we ate and talk and ate and talk and ate and talk for 5 hours at 3 places and under $15 :D yay. htht wor. hahahahahaha.
this is in pioneer :D i got $30 popular voucher. i was aiming for $80 but $30 also good la :D hehheh :D yay :D