weiliang and shunjie came over for popiah on sunday. dear little weiliang never had homemade wrap-it-yourself popiah so he very very noob. me is the pro :D hahahaha. maybe, i should go over and have like popiah party. everybody is going to want me as a best friend i can cook so many things omg so ego. hahahahaha ok sorry feeling high.
yummy yummy :D |
after eating we were supposed to go cycling but it was sooooooooooooooo hot. not that i'm lazy but it was really too hot. so all we did was nua around on the sofa. haha. then we had teabreak at 3pm, eating the cakes and mooncakes from friday's dinner. then we nua somemore. and then we left for some fruity icy dessert that weiliang the little girl was craving for. haiz, no more nuaing around with them for dunno how long :/
after that, i made my way to novena to meet mabel and celebrone for the greater london exco dinner. it is sooooo ulu. how can mrt station not have old chang kee and bubble tea and mr bean? celebrone was late, like duh. haha. then we made our way down to ulunisation. the prata place was close as it's the hari raya period so we ate at some chinese restaurant. met like some people from the various excos and they were all like "eh, why got freshers one?" sorry la, dhsya(uk) 1st year and not enough year2s -.- we then headed to udders for icecream. ooooooooh oooooooooooooh oooooooooooooooooooh soooooo yummmmmmy. love love love the maoshanwang and tiramisu. YUMMMMMY. after that, jiapei came to fetch us to supper with his og cos you know? *winks at mabel and celebrone* ya you know. HAHAHAHAHAHA. then he sent us home. yay car :D
at udders *slurp* |
monday i packed. ok i know very early. i dun fly until sunday why pack so early? i kiasu ok. i needed to ensure that everything can fit and they will not be overweight. plus it makes me feel more settled. so i packed. cannot fit! then i unpacked. then i pack again. so now i have like last few things to buy and put in and the luggage is 24kg and the backpack is 16kg. yay 40kg! plus a few more things, maybe 42kg?
WAR! | | | |
Hugo kept walking around. i wonder if he knows what's happening. |
i will miss hugo ): |
sent mabel off on tuesday morning. saw kassandra at the airport and she was apparantly taking the same flight as mabel so i sent her off too. haha. went home to sleep then i went to bugis. needed to get a phone for my father cos its actually my student plan. one hour wait o.O so i went to make my isic (international student identity card). it's actually more like a discount card for travels with sta. and the card making process is so manual. the person printed stickers, then paste on a blank card then put my real passport size photo on it then pasted a plastic cover over -.- then i had lunch. then i went back to wait a while more and finally my turn. they needed proof that i'm a student. so i flashed my isic. hahahahaha.
met my mum at mandarin gallery. went to arteastiq. it's this tea lounge by marx. like a tea lounge in a furniture shop. SUPER DUPER ATAS. but pretty nice atmosphere. good for just sitting around, reading, relaxing. only recommended if you have too much spare cash.
triple scoops of gelato $12.90. maoshanwang (yummy), lychee martini (no martini taste), ginger spice (good if you like cinammon) |
pomelo tea $11. very nice :) i like. |
arteastiq |
the bill went to $25 after ++ and a 10% discount cos i have hsbc card. atas hor?
today, nothing is happening. i'm gna stay home and make dog biscuits for hugo :D