OMG SCENARIO 1 IS OVER. O-V-E-R. OVER! :D such a tiring, intense but actually it was quite fun week. woohoo! i hope we come out of it fine :D but anyway, i think my group's really cool. the best thing that came out of this was that i made 6 new friends :D haha. yeah. i didn't knw my group members before this. lol.
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Group A+ |
5th November was Guy Fawkes Night. so guy fawkes is this guy who wanted to blow up the houses of parliament on the 5th November 1605. he was caught. On the night of November 5th, throughout Britain, we commemorate the capture of Guy Fawkes with bonfires and fireworks, and by burning an effigy of Guy. yah, google it.
so there were fireworks on friday, saturday and sunday at many different locations. some free, some charged. so i went to the free ones. like duh. haha. originally wanted to go for just 1, but i got hooked. haha.
friday went to the one at clapham common. left the hall with fuwei at like 6.20pm. the tube was sooooooooo crowded. the stations were packed. you don't know what is people mountain people sea till you see it, the tube stopped at like every single station for damn long cos of the human traffic and dunno what. so yah, we decided to get down a few stops earlier and walk. while walking towards the place, the fireworks started, so we kinda missed 5 mins of it. but the display was 25mins long. so we still caught 20mins of it. the fireworks were really really pretty :D like boom boom boom. haha. omg boomz. haha. yah ok i dunno how to describe it, you have to see it for yourself. the clapham common one was more like ndp or new year's one i supposed. like really huge and grand and wow. yah. ok i suck at describing. haha.
pretty. but there were trees blocking ): |
after that we went for dinner at fourseasons. the roast duck very nice. and i'm great at picking up tofu with my chopsticks. woohoo. omg and the kailan. chinese vege leh. haha. and then despite the cough, we went to eat haagan daz icecream. bailey's, rum and raisin and belgian chocolate. yummy ttm :D satisfied my icecream craving. and we were at leiscester square and there was this fun fair going on, so we went to take the carousel. like £2 per person. and we were the only ones on it. lol. but their merry-go-round turn daaaaaaaamn fast. like daaaaaaaaaamn fast. but it was fun. love merry-go-rounds :D
yummmmmmmy :D |
the very fast merry-go-round |
Saturday went to blackheath at greenwich to watch the fireworks. we left earlier in case the same thing happened again. and we had to change tube to tube to dlr. first time on the dlr. we were like 2 suakus, dunno where to go and how to pay and yah but we found our way and we reached blackheath like an hour before the display was supposed to start. haha. there was a funfair kind of thing there, so we went to look see look see and ate a hotdog bun cos i was freaking hungry (brunch was bad that morning). and then waited around and finally the fireworks started.
yummy. |
OMG THIS ONE IS DAAAAAAAMN AWESOME. LIKE SERIOUSLY. i think this is the best show out of the 3 i watched. the fireworks were sooooo nice. they were like soooo near we, putting them off 50m away from us and we could feel the debris dropping on us. ok maybe that's not good but it was that close. and yah it felt like the fireworks were going to fall onto us and like omg it's just sooooooooo pretty. like hogwarts dining hall feel u knw. you look up and it's sooo magical :D and the best part was the place was just this really really big grass field. so no trees no nothing and we were standing quite in front. perfect view :D
im so sorry the picture is doing the fireworks no justice. |
after that we headed back and it was like 11pm by the time we reached so most of the places were closed. ate at chinahouse. recommended by many people. so yah i went to try. food was quite nice. see below. haha.
king prawn fried noodle. the prawns were so crunchy. very got kou gan. yummy. and got taugay :D i love taugay :D |
fuwei ate beef horfun. very nice also. beef very tender. |
ok after that we ate ben & jerry's icecream. chocolate fudge brownie or sth like that. yummmmmy.
sunday, since lujie the poor little boy missed the friday fireworks and i could totally feel his disappointment like the vibes were so strong, so i asked him to go watch the one at victoria park. so him me and sam went to the victoria park one. had to miss dinner, so we packed a sandwich meal deal from tesco to picnic there while waiting. reached rather early, like 45mins before. so we just stood around and ate our sandwiches.
the 2 small boys eating happily and in anticipation of the fireworks haha |
i personally feel that this one paled in comparison to the other 2. but it was still very nice and pretty. and it was like a pyrotechnic show. they had lights and music. the music made the whole atmosphere really fun and lively. it was a very cheerful feeling. watch alrdy will very happy one, which the 3 of us were at the end :D
:D :D :D |
while trying to get out of the park and squeezing with the people (it was another people mountain people sea), we saw benedict. and he looked like he was with another girl. we got super excited and high. haha. we started stalking him. lol. until lujie saw that he was with 2 girls. sian. hahahaha. but it was damn funny. maybe the whole cheerful atmosphere minus off a few numbers off our age or sth. lol.
look at the people. and spot benedict. hahahaha. |
after that met up with fuwei for supper before he left for austria. went to hare & tortoise which sold malaysian singaporean food. wanted to go there the previous night but it was closed. so this time we were early enough. haha. and i ate penang prawn mee. nice leh. not very penangish la but it was nice. and it made me think of the beach road prawn mee. i want!! haha.
wooooooooo~ |