Saturday, 30 August 2008
oh anyway, was talking to shunjie just now, discussing what movies we can watch over the hols. so i wanted to watch the hunting party but its m18. then shunjie mentioned that maybe can go in since we are like half a year short of 18.
it nv occurred to me that im so close to 18 although this somebody im talking to now is like not 17 yet. HAHAHA. he's weiliang, btw. i feel more like 16 17 instead of 17 18. somehow la. dunno why. maybe cos there isnt a change of environment or sth. i dunno.
ah ok while blogging, i became a few minutes closer to 18 -.-
the games were zzz. the whole thing was a total mess. as in the games were everywhere, instructions were unclear, and we couldnt find the cake -.- the dressing up was pretty cool though. i mean some classes really went all the way out to dress up so it was kinda cool. 5c21 took the easy way and decided to go with ah long cos it's rather easy to dress up in like erm black and black. only shunjie was more wei qu in a sense but it was like so totally him so yeah. concert was ok i guess. the best part was mr nigel koh's transformer. totally cooooooooool (: no wonder he's one of my favourite teacher (:

5c21. the ahlongs and the lancers.
it's horrible not being able to smile when taking a picture.

yeah :D friendly longs.
after that went to vivo with shunjie and leeyan to eat. ate at white dog's cafe. the food was ok. and there was this tiny little drama mime going on and we were guessing what happened. i shall go copy paste from shunjie's blog. im too lazy.
Well okay here's the story. So sitting opposite me and leeyan behind jasvin was a father-daughter pair, or so we presume anyway. The girl was a secondary school girl, from SMSS, don't look particularly pretty or smart or stupid just normal. Then the father had this like stern look on his face talking to her and she was like red eyes and tearing. So it caught my attention then jasvin leant back to kaypoh and listen and all she heard was "one year". After that I heard them talking in cantonese.
So we started to speculate what they were talking about.
1) Girl is pregnant. Father tells her to drop out of school for one year (and maybe go back to hongkong during this time).
2) Father and mother going back to hongkong for one year will leave girl with evil aunt for this period of time.
3) Mother is dying. Has one year to live.
4) Father is having an affair. One year already. Parents are going to separate and he will bring her and his new woman to hongkong.
5) Mother had an affair. Parents decide to separate for one year and one of them is going to hongkong.
Haha okay then she really cried and they left.
walked around trying to buy stuff but nice stuff are normally out of my teeny weeny little budget. wanted to get a shirt for my brother but couldnt find a nice one so i bought chocolate from candy empire. expensive high class one ok. haha.
cineodeon today. last mentorship.
oh i saw this shirt at alano and it said sth along the lines of eating your words be nice i believe in karma don't be mean. i wanted to get it cos it's like soooooooooo suitable for me but it came in weird colours. so i didn't.
and now im waiting for johnny english to start so i can laugh a bit and relax and i dunno wad. mugging starts on monday. for now, rest.
it's time to move on.
Thursday, 28 August 2008
i am feeling excited cos im going to eat nice food tmr :D with shunjie. i tell u eat with shunjie very nice one cos he enjoys eating so he eat eat eat then make u want to eat eat eat also. yummmmmmm...
ok anyway, last week of school is over :D tmr celebrations no count. so sep hols. zzz. no hols lor. need study for promos and the amount of hw we hv is as if we have a 3 mths holidays -.-
ahhhh my phone ringing and its in the room so far away. zzz.
ah back. lame message -.-
ok back to school. ermmm... ok i cant really rmb what happened in the past week. aiya dunno wad to say la. school lor. boring lor. sian lor. what else? -.-
aiya dunno wad to blog alrdy la. oh zijia, get well soon! but i dun think he reads this. but nvm. i smsed him alrdy so he knws i wished him.
and right! i want to complain. the scs are a bunch of scammers. wahpiang. the love actually thing, they say until like they will deliver straight into the person's hands PERSONALLY. and u knw wad? i wrote like 30 over postcards for every single person in 5c21 and a few others. so nice hor? ok but thts not the point. then i put in the box. thinking tht the scs will deliver to them straight. ooh guess wad? they arrange arrange then they pass the whole stack of postcards and a few other notes to me to pass to my clsmates. oh yay. then i put into the box for wad? wahlao. its like taking off your pants to fart -.-
ah watching tv. sian. FOOD TOMORROW!!! :D :D :D
Sunday, 24 August 2008
i haven enjoy my weekend leh ):
woke up at 7 to walk hugo then ran over to jolene's hse. played 40mins of badminton. talked for 1hr plus then i ran home. wanted to bathe and sleep again cos the weather was damn cooling and nice but bathe alrdy felt kinda refreshed plus i suddenly had a brainwave on how to do the aq so i did it. yay :) figured out a few qns for javapractical 7 i think i rock.
baah. such a boring sunday -.- shall go watch olympics now.
Saturday, 23 August 2008
ok firstly, I AM SO SORRY SHUNJIE I FORGOT TO ASK YOU TO COME ALONG. you would have enjoyed yourself. i mean its a buffet. i'm sorry. but then, look on the bright side, you had time to do maths (: ok so im forgiven (:
ok lets summarise. monday boring little day. nothing much. had extra econs lesson. a bit of drama. but nvm. since it was more of scolding the 5points. tuesday. can't rmb so should be nth special. OH! maths test. omg i hallucinated. i saw plus signs and did summation for the MI qn -.- wedsnesday. sailing test. failed closehaul cos i nv sheet in, but i thought i did ): nvmnvm. next week test part 2. lol. thurs. spa and case study. i think spa easier. seriously. nth difficult about it lor actly. just foreign. friday. went to esplanade to watch eating air with shunjie. nice movie. benjamin heng acted in it. he has fluent hokkien. and i thought he ang mor ang mor one.
my summary skills rock!
today. went to marina square for lunch at kenny rogers. went to nvpc for cineodeon mentorship. last week's one was better. today one a bit boring. met jolene to go for sakura buffet. free (: it was suppose to be SHINE 09 recruitment dinner but i think it didn't really meet its purpose. more like spending excess money. but nvm. me and jolene had fun. LOL. cos got food. oh and we made a new friend. clement. i suppose that's how his name is spelt.
erm yah now im really full. and im gng to run to jolene's hse tmr to play badminton. then wun get fat. LOL.
i bet there are a whole load of pple who mugged today. see im not a chao mugger (:
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Sunday, 17 August 2008
i've decided to think about michaels. michael is like a name of great people or sth.
michael phelps
michael jordon
michael jackson
michael schumacher
michael buble
michael bay
michael douglas
michael kors
michael miu (courtesy of leeyan)
michael learns to rock
michael wu (he's my uncle)
michaelangelo (courtesy of weiliang -.-)
michael owen
michael caine (he is alfred in dark knight and a real knight)
micheal fay (he was great. at vandalising)
ok i cant think of anymore. back to tv.
why the heck do we need 2 channels showing the same pingpong game? yah i knw singapore's first medal yada yada yada but not everybody likes watching pingpong u knw. LIKE HELLO LEE CHONG WEI VS LIN DAN LEH. WORLD NUMBER 1 VS WORLD NUMBER 2. SO EXCITING AND THEY NOT EVEN SHOWING?! at first i tot got delayed telecast at 12 but now no more. now change to show fencing. like hello? who watches fencing la please. and its nor where near as exciting as the NUMBER 1 VS NUMBER 2 BADMINTON MATCH. omg la please. RARH! cant they put chnl 5 watch pingpong then chnl u watch badminton? @#$%^&*(
i am freaking pissed.
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Friday, 15 August 2008
i'm watching the repeat of the semi-finals of pingpong between singapore and korea. rather exciting la. but i still prefer watching badminton. and i think phelps is great. as in seriously. great. and he eats damn hell a lot a lot a lot. oh the umpire for the pingpong match totally camouflages into the chair. so blue. like the pingpong table -.-
ah it's been a tiring school week. as usual i suppose. most of the school weeks this year were tiring. it's just that school is so tiring that i am super tired. oh wow. great description -.-
ok let's pick out interesting stuff to blog. june went for mass pe on tuesday. wind too small on wedsnesday so the sailing test is postponed, again. i was the only one who did waves tutorial again -.- went to esplanade to watch some singapore films today.
ok thts it. my life is boring -.-
oh today during pw:
Guardians (xSxJ)
Self-Esteem in Dependability
Guardian self-esteem is greatest when they present themselves as dependable, trustworthy, or accountable in shouldering their responsibilities. “No matter what,” says the Guardian, “you can count on me to fulfill my obligations and honour my contracts.” Unfortunately, the Guardian’s tireless sense of dependability can take its toll. The problem is Guardians seem almost incapable of refusing added responsibility and shouldering extra load. Others may even take advantage of a Guardian’s dependability. Guardians suffer when not appreciated for their efforts, or even worse if they fail to appreciate themselves to find satisfaction in their own work. They spend much of their lives doing a thousand thankless jobs, apparently to discharge the feeling that somehow they haven’t done enough.
Self-Respect in Beneficence
While self-esteem does not come easily to Guardians, they can develop a healthy self-respect based on their beneficence, which means doing good deeds. Guardians are natural Good-Samaritans, ever on the lookout for ways to help their fellow mankind. The care of others, particularly the young and old, the impaired and infirm, and those in positions of authority, is another concern of the Guardians. Although service to others come naturally to them, Guardians do not do it freely and joyously; rather, they look upon their service as obligatory – to do otherwise is to be shiftless and selfish. The Guardian self-respect is built on fulfilling their obligation to serve, and in turn the greatest blow to their self-respect is to become dependent on the charity or services of others. Witness the Guardian who goes to a party, but in order to have a good time helps the hosts serve the refreshment and insist on cleaning up afterwards.
Self-Confidence in Respectability
Self-confidence can be a problem for Guardians. More than others, Guardians are innately modest, unassuming, even self-effacing – and putting themselves forward comes perilously close to showing off, a kind of behaviour which they find truly repugnant. But if having confidence in themselves is difficult for Guardians, being respected by others is a great comfort, and public recognition is indeed the foundation of their self-confidence. Guardians take very seriously all of these public and personal honours, since being highly respected in their business, community or family proves they have put in long years conscientiously doing their part.
those in bold are scaringly true (:
oh today mr gilbert lee gave us this small little talk. rather inspiring, i must say. and shunjie was saying i will never understand how it is like to feel the "i feel stupid i will always fail" feeling. maybe it's cos i dun give myself the chance to. having do well since like erm pri 1, success have just been there. good results, good grades. maybe it's the fear of failure. cos trust me, i get really upset everytime i fail something, even if i do expect tht fail grade.
yah so tht probably explains why i do my tutorials, do my assignments and study for my tests. cos i want to do well. actually, to me, it is more of a need to do well. plus, i feel that it is the responsibility of a student to do what we are supposed to do. tht day during sailing, mr koh expressed his displeasure towards students who obviously did not study for the econs essay test. cos he felt that if teachers make the effort to come up with the test and mark the test, it's basic mutual respect that students should make the effort to study. i agree. same with tutorials and assignments i guess. teachers make the effort to go through and to mark, we should just make the effort to do them. it benefits us anyway.
it's more of a responsibility of a student thingy. and i'm one who takes my responsibilities really seriously.
sometimes too seriously.
some things are bugging me really badly these two days. rarh. it's so irritating.
oh and i just came across this really old forum topic about whether girls should be excused from pe during periods (yeah i knw its a really old topic i dun frequent the forum). i think it is so bloody lame. yah and im speaking from the point of view of somebody who had to run 2.4km during her period (heavy flow, mind you) from sec1 to sec4. this year lucky year only mock then tio. please la. a bit of cramps pon pe. my eyelash drop need pon school not?
Monday, 11 August 2008
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. Write the song name down no matter how silly it sounds.
抢玫瑰. ermmm...
迷迭香. i am NOT a plant -.-
Scandal. omg?
为你存在. if 你 is the sofa then yah.
我想要说. so my life's purpose is to talk?
小眼睛. O.O oh i mean -.-
忘了美丽. i make you forget beauty? how can? im an epitome of beauty. LOL.
维多利亚的秘密. ssssh secret.
最爱还是你. o.m.g.
杀手. ok my besties are murderers. steer clear.
幸福的理由. if there was such a person, this finally makes sense -.-
出神入化. O.O
That's why you go away. HUH?!
路. huh why??? im not leeyan...
霍元甲. ermm... ok...
夏雪. summer snow?
遗落. what does this mean?
可爱. LOL!
多爱我一天. this doesnt make sense, does it?
不爱. ok fine so now u knw the truth. i secretly hate all of you -.-
ok finish alrdy. now i need go fine sth to entertain myself with again.
The truth is tearing up my heart
I can't recognise this place
The endless road without a stop sign
Can't even find a stranger this time
Why am I still holding back my tears
In this loneliness there's nothing left to fear
Every chord still seems a wonder
How we could be together
Everytime I ask if this would be the last
Why am I still talking to myself
Hoping you will have the keys to my cell
Every song might calm the weather
But it just draws me deeper
How do I get out of this
I think~ I never will
A crystal forming in the eye
Maybe this would be the last
The winding path down my face
Till I begin to taste the bitterness inside
Why am I still holding back my tears
In this loneliness there's nothing left to fear
Every chord still seems a wonder
How we could be together
Everytime I ask if this would be the last
Why am I still talking to myself
Hoping you will have the keys to my cell
Every song might calm the weather
But it just draws me deeper
How do I get out of this
I think~ I never will
I never will
so emo. haha. nono im not emoing. i just think its a really nice song (:
take a look at the other articles if u hv the time. quite interesting. lol.
watched badminton, swimming, boxing, diving and now weightlifting.
i like watching badminton. cos i understand wad they are doing. so i guess it makes the game more enjoyable, rather than watching something which u dunno wads gng on. plus u knw play badminton, need muscles, especially the forearms area cos need lots of wrist movement. so hahahahahaha.
anyway, the match between ronald susilo and lee chong wei wasnt tht exciting cos it was pretty obvious lee chong wei was the better player. i mean he's really swift and good reflexes. plus i think ronald susilo was nervous and stressed up cos lee is like world no2. so yeah.
the match between kenneth jonassen and lee hyun ii was cooler and more exciting. cos the scores were rather close. like u get one point i get one point those kind. cool. but jonassen was obviously stressed up in the lsat set and made a lot of mistakes so yah lee won. oh and jonassen plans to quit competitive badminton to coach. ok random.
swimming i watched taoli get 5th. i tot she got 4th. apparantly i was looking at the wrong lane. lol. and i watched the relay. omg so damn exciting. cos yah usa and france i think were like so damn close. france was leading at first and at the last moment then usa caught up and got first. phelps must have almost peed in his swimming attire or sth. haha. so he's 2 golds down. 6 more to go.
and erm boxing. wow cool. it was like powpowpowpowpowPONG one point. i watched for a while before i realised how the points were scored and after tht cos i knew more or less wads going on so i kinda enjoyed it. haha. its not really violent lor actly. wrestling then violent. boxing is more like skills, u need to knw where to box and stuff. wrestling is just i carry u and throw u down. ok la to me its like this.
and then i watched diving. so damn cool. the chinese (as in china divers) were daaaaamn cool. damn synchronised. and i was discussing with weiliang tht if divers commit suicide, will be sui sui one. haha. ok but of course i hope they dun la. haha. and there's one aussie or usa diver i can't rmb quite cute. LOL.
and now is weightlifting. female. frankly speaking, i hv no idea why females will actly like weightlifting. i mean all u do is train for freaking huge muscles and carry stuff. i mean if u hv muscles cos u swim or play tennis or sth then ok la. but err i dunno la. and its damn boring. its like watching aunties struggle with too many ntuc plastic bags.
but HEY YOU ARE ALL DAMN COOL. i figured i shld say tht cos i dun supposed anybody will want to offend somebody whose biceps are the size of your thighs or sth. lol.
and there's sailing today but tv nv show ):
Sunday, 10 August 2008
i remembered 4 yrs ago, athens olympics, michael phelps was like this hot big shot. not like he isnt now la. and there were some 2b girls who had his pictures in their files. i was amused. haha. after olympics, his pictures were gone. lol.
stuck at home on a sunday. how sad.
hai. i dunno wad to blog already. sian.
aiya dun wan blog already la. got ongoing internal war.
Saturday, 9 August 2008
but the main reason i spent such a long time doing is cos i keep getting distracted by random thoughts.
now i don't feel like doing the econs essay 2 anymore. lalala.
anyway, cineodeon again today. interesting, but i guess there should have been more chitchat. it was a little too quiet for a discussion, but overall, i think its fine. just tht i felt damn hungry halfway and my stomach kept growling and growling and growling.
went to snack after tht. like i mean you know, its me and shunjie, so ya eat. haha. plus shunjie needed to find clothes for mickey. mickey is still naked now though. heh.
ohOH! today, when i was on the mrt, i was reading the straits times. for the econs article. then this small little boy came to disturb me. he erm zhuan1 his head underneath to see who was reading the newspaper. like from below u knw. so if i was reading the bottom, then his head will block me. u understand? anyway, thts just so tht u get the picture clearer. so being jasvin, i ermm... close the newspapers :D HAHAHAHAHA. so he was like stuck inside. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
it's disappointment. again and again.
Friday, 8 August 2008
i'm going to skip the whole run thing. i didn't complete it. fell down. and no, you don't need to know how i fall. it's damn embarrassing. and if you even care at all, i'm fine, just a few abrasions here and there.
something nice happened today (: i guess somebody was praying really hard that it would happen. well, i hope it's a good enough thing to happen for you to stop your weird moodswings and emoness and cheer up. i'm sorry that the "two greatest people" suck at consoling people. at least you know that however much we suck at consoling you, we will be there for you. oh my, so mushy.
oh i realised i haven't talk about the something nice. let's make it subtle. somehow, the thing that brought us together again was what blossomed our friendship in the first place. so there's the little regret that i harbour for not completing the run. with you.
allow me to quote "It's difficult to think of something which you cannot put into words. Such is the beauty and strength of language. That it stands capable of influencing our thoughts." and i wonder why my blog content is largely superficial things that happen here and there and rarely what i really feel deep inside. perhaps i can't think. i'm secretly a starfish. *gasp* i assure you that's not the case.
i'm just one that feels a need to keep certain, or perhaps most stuff to myself. blame it on my lack of trust towards people. i find it hard to confide, i don't know why. it becomes so hard for me spill anything too personal that i just burst everything out to hugo, my pillow and my bolster. imagine the catastrophe if hugo suddenly finds the ability to speak one day. he knows loads of my secrets.
oh, please don't find me weird just 'cos i talk to inanimate objects and a dog. at least i don't talk to tamtams.
or maybe it's 'cos i have absolutely no idea what i want. cos right now, there's this little war between my head and my heart. the head is winning, though, like always. but i don't know why, somehow the heart is fighting back really aggressively.
am i making any sense at all?
kick, punch, bite. guess who won?
Thursday, 7 August 2008
1. The person who last tagged you is: Shunjie
2. Your relationship with him/her is: Friend/classmate/ccamate/fellow cam whore
3. Your five impression of him/her: whines too much. sissy who wants to be a clerk during NS. has a huge nose. doesnt have eyes. made up of only skin.
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you: be my friend (:
5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you: i acknowledged that you are a girl.
6. If he/she become your lover, you will: faint.
7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be: manliness. complexion. muscly-ness. height. shoulder width. bigger eyes. smaller nose. loads. HAHAHAHHAHA.
8. If he/she become your enemy, you will: pour head and shoulders on him.
9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be: when he has 5 v-shapes and needs to moisturize himself regularly.
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is: leave him alone with nothing at all and watch him shrivel and die.
11. Your overall impression of him/her is: he's a really nice person inside. outside, CMI. HAHA.
12. How you think people around you will feel about you? i am great :D
13. The characters you love of yourself are: i won't shrivel and die when left alone. my self-discipline, my independence and that i think buddha gained enlightenment under a fig tree.
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are: none, really. i love myself too much to hate anything about me.
15. The most ideal person you want to be is: me, duh.
16. For people that care and like you, say something to them: YOU GUYS HAVE ABSOLUTELY GREAT TASTE!
17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons of whom you wish to know how they feel about you:
1. Jolene
2. Leeyan
3. Weiliang
4. Wenyi
5. Daphne
6. Chingsiang
7. Quanyi
8. Selina (if she still reads this)
9. Jiaqi
10. Tinghui (i can't think of anybody else who reads my blog and has a blog)
18.Who is no.6 having relationship with?
Chingsiang: ermm.. his muscles?
19. Is no.9 a male or female?
Jiaqi: female
20. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
Quanyi and Tinghui: well...... ermmm..... if they are happy together....
21. What is no.2 studying about?
Leeyan: girls
22. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
Weiliang: this morning?
23. What kind of music band does no.8 like?
Selina: erm emo emo ones? i dunno.
24. Does no.1 have any siblings?
Jolene: yah. one brother and one sister who are twins.
25. Will you woo no.3?
Weiliang: of course NOT! eewwwwww. NO WAY!
26. How about no.7?
Quanyi: no. he will look at his muscles more than he looks at me.
27. Is no.4 single?
Wenyi: i think so.
28. What is the surname of no.5?
Daphne: KEOK!
29. What 's the hobby of no.4?
Wenyi: see me, since it's been a long time since we met.
30. Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
Daphne and Jiaqi: i dun think they know each other. lol.
31. Where is no.2 studying at?
Leeyan: dhs
32. Talk something casually about no.1:
Jolene: mean
33. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?
Selina: no need la. developed alrdy. SELINA I LURRBU LURRBU YOU.
34. Where does no.9 live at?
Jiaqi: somewhere where her things rust easily.
35. What colour does no.4 like?
Wenyi: ermmm... hot pink.
36. Are no.5 and 1 best friend?
Daphne and Jolene: they are great friends
37. Does no.1 have any pets?
Jolene: no but she wants.
38. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
Quanyi: of course not. like hello, there's me around.
39. What is no. 10 doing now?
Tinghui: making his surroundings dark
ok and im left with 15 minutes before recess. yay.
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
school was boring. bmtc visit was ok i guess. nth much. except for errol. haha. nice forearms, nice complexion, officer (manly worzxzxz), but shunjie says he's short. haha. lol. aiya also nth much la. just walk walk see see. then ya lor liddat lor. and yongchiang flies. lol.
aiya dun wan blog alrdy. i shall go watch tv while waiting for my chickens.
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
i finally realised why i enjoy softball even though i suck at it (ok maybe i will do better when we use the real ball and the bat and not the huge volleyball cos big ball i scared -.-) it's cos it is like the only thing 5c21 does together as a class. our only common subject is maths and i'm sure not all of us do that.
there comes a time when things get so suffocating all you want is a breather and a well-deserved rest. but all too often, these times come when you can't afford a rest, cos in this hell of a rat race, you lag when you stop. and nope, i dun wanna lag.
i can't.
ok let's start from sunday. CurL day. went over to jolene's hse to take her dad's car to harbour front. super duper early. zzz. ah well, there was a lot of waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting... hate waiting for nothing. lack time management and disorganised and inefficient. there weren't enough tiles and so there was a lot of sitting around doing nothing. but being hardworking students, we bought stuff to do. i read econs notes and did like erm 3 qns of gp. aiya, it was basically only dhs students studying. bunch of chao muggers. haha. but it's called making full use of our time. lol.
yah so erm my group got like erm "most interesting gorup" -.- it's so obvious that the most what most what prizes are to ensure that all groups have a prize. i'm not complaining though. haha.
yah so tht's CurL for you. no more. unless i am bored enough to go for the unveiling ceremony on the 31st august (it's at hort park 10am i think if u're interested). for which i'm not cos we (me jolene shunjie and gladine) want to take part in the smrt dunno wad thing to win $2000. haha.
i think hort park looks like a series of backyards. it's like take out a backyard from each home and put together. no cohesion and coherence.
ok monday. school day lor. normal lor. played softball with a volleyball. it was fun and funny. really damn funny. haha. pe is interesting when you have certain creatures with 5 triangles doing stupid things and making stupid comments. and bobo who hit himself with the ball -.- damn funny. haha.
gp lecture was interesting. as in the topic is interesting. but well... i wanted to be an architect before lor. haha. and the video about the g-sth musuem was soooooooooooo slow. the building interesting also become boring alrdy la. but i think it's a really nice piece of architecture, a really nice building but with lousy furnishings (or rather lack thereof)
oh and i didn't sleep during h3 :D haha. first time leh. so amazing. haha.
ok today the day isnt over yet. but it's alrdy like 3.05 ): so late still not over ): nth interesting today. econs? ok i got 17 for my essay test. totally flopped the 1st qn. haha. but it's ok. maths lec recess gp pw. omg PW.
ok so mr gi opened the lesson with CIP. he would have ended the lesson with CIP if jerome didnt remind him it was PW time. ok i shant comment much. i mean u pretty much alrdy knw how i feel about this cip thingy, or rather the person in charge of this cip thingy.
then econs consultation. fast and efficient. i like. haha. went out for lunch with bibi and bobo -.- stupid man cook bibi's prata so long. idiot.
ok so now im here for computing. later got maths and then mass pe. siiiiaaaaaaaaaaan. dun like tuesdays.
tmr got bmtc visit. kinda looking forward to it actly. cos u knw, i wanted to go for NS before. ok shunjie is gng to say i have to cos im a guy. but tht's not the point. i mean it's not like we can go everyday right? so yah, im kinda looking forward to it. yay. but have to miss sailing test. zzz.
ok now ermm... i shall go find sth else to do.
Saturday, 2 August 2008
much better than dark knight. not as draggy. and i think michelle yeoh looks great for her age. i mean she's like 46 alrdy and still like WOW! yah u get wad i mean. shan't have any spoilers since i'm sure not many of you have a brother to treat you to a movie (: yes i'm showing off. HAHA!
morning went for cineodeon. a lot of waiting. cos there were people who were late. argh. anyway the briefing was soft. as in the speaker speak very soft. the mentorship turned out to be more of a debate between the mentors and like ask question answer question. quite cool. they had really interesting ideas.
professor chua said: "if you do not know, you cannot begin."
and u knw young critic is like not only for like jc students. got poly also but same age as us so ok la. but got got got got got UNI YEAR 3 STUDENTS leh! i was quite o.O at first cos i really thought this program is for like jc and poly students. i didnt knw uni students were involved too. lol.
after that went to snack with shunjie at ps. yum. then lunch and did some work then i went to run. yeah i went to run. i cannot come in last for the competitive run. so embarrassing.
ok pictures :D

i think this picture is damn cute. it's currently my hp wallpaper (:

they came to life. see the centre one at the last row? IT TURNED!!!!
ah the emperor. HAHAHAHAHAHA! the horses are in the farm. heh.
oh and today we went to ehub and then we saw haising catholic and my brother said tht it was one of his choices. so we started talking abt sec sch choices then ego me started boasting abt how i can go to any sch i point at except boys' schools (shut up shunjie).
then my father said: "you should put first 4 schools as boys' school then 5th choice as dunman high. then next time people ask you you can say i got 273 leh but i didnt get into my first 4 choices. ): "
oh and u knw my brother today go back mj get prize then got this booklet so i took a look.
can see? mr ng hao jin got most caring teacher award. quite suitable la hor. i mean the graphs and everything. haha. very yong4 xin1. and my brother told me there was no such teacher in mj -.- probably cos he taught j1 and my brother j2. lol.
there's curl tmr. i should go slp cos tmr very early. but no, im not gng to sleep so early on a saturday night. HA!