Thursday, 31 December 2009
Friday, 25 December 2009
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
it's dhs prom now. i wonder what's happening.
ok anyway, since the last time i blogged, been rather busy. packed with post 'A's activities. lol.
saturday. ok i can't remember what i did on saturday. let's go back to friday. i packed my stuff on friday. ended up with 3 yellow recycling bags of notes which i happily sent for recycling. packed a stack of newsweek and reason of things to donate to national library. packed a stack of clothes to sell/donate. i want to donate my pe attire (new worn twice only not the old one i wore since sec1) and sch uniform but i dunno what to do. and i'm left with a lot of files. like A LOT. oh and i prepared graduation presents :D ok actually i started baking the cookies since monday. friday was just packing them into packets and tying them up. so sweet hor me :D
ok back to saturday. i went out with who? AHHHHH... graduation day! ok so lugged 600 cookies to school. started giving out. i was like the only one giving presents. so paiseh. but ah well, it's just a sign of appreciation for all cookie receivers for being part of my life in dhs. expected grad day to be like sad and you knw all that oh-we-are-leaving-our-2nd-home-of-6-years. but dun have leh. there wasnt that mood. and 8 teachers turned up? after that cos me and sj had some time before we had our own programmes, we decided to go to cafe oliv. had the quesadella or however you spell it and the brownie. yummyummmyyyy :D
and OMG SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY. woke up at 3.30am cos my brother's friend fetching us there and their marathon starts at 5.30. after they started, i had an hour before my half-marathon, so i went to the marina bay there in front of the river and lie at some empty bench and slept like some homeless person. great feeling cos the wind is like cooling and i was tired. i mean it was like 5.30 in the morning. then half-marathon started. shunjie was late, so i started first. i ran for 15km (longer than shunjie leh) walked for 4km then ran the last 2km. i decided agains walk run walk run for the last 6km cos i know if i do that i sure will be like walk long long run 2 steps then walk again. finished in 2hrs 57mins.
ok according to the website...
not bad la hor. haha. and i got 6 pictures. HAHAHAHAHA. it was a ploy. i didn't want to run too fast so the camera can catch me plus i wanted to go home after the run. i didn't want to hang around for the prize presentation. so i run slowly. hahahhaha. sure.

51289 IS GREAT!
i'm really proud of myself for finishing the 21km. so i didn't run the entire thing, but i ran 15km. it's considered a feat as well, right? i didn't meet my target of 2hr and 45mins. but considering that i stopped training for an entire month. stopped running entirely actually and the furthest i ever did was 10km... i'm still satisfied and whoopee :D
after that went home to rest and came out to meet jolene for our 'prom'. we had good food. ok so we met at vivocity. went to brotzeit, a german restaurant for part 1.
40ml of Jägermeister! $9. jolene was being adventurous. haha.
my Schwammerl mit Semmelknödel. it's mushroom stew with bread dumplings. bread dumplings are apparantly some german snack. and the stew damn mushroomy. i like. got about 4 to 5 types of mushrooms inside. great for mushroom lovers, like me :D
jolene's huge bowl of potato wedges. which she couldn't finish and she da baoed back home.
Sauerkraut. how can eat german food don't eat this? it's sour and appetising. not that we needed it to kai1 wei4. haha.
jolene's Bauern Cordon. it's deep fried pork cutlet. there's bacon and cheese inside.
then we were rather full so we walked around to digest and then we settled at some manpuku like place for japanese deserts. but...
pumpkin crochette. sweet and yummy. me love pumpkins :D
sakura ebi okos. yummy too. but we felt rather cheated by the ebi. cos they were damn freaking tiny. like hei bi -.- ok i just checked. “Sakura Ebi” or Sakura shrimp is a vey small (maximum 5 cm) crustacean -.- and we ignored the sakura. lol.
japanese pancake with red bean ice cream.
japanese pancake with matcha icecream. jolene says they taste the same but no they are different. the pancakes were fluffy and light. yummmm.
some peach ice cream covered with white chocolate painted to look like a peach. very fruity and refreshing and...
it has a ferroro rocher for a seed. lol.
but all icecream. i wanted to eat cakes. so... we went to bakerzin and...
had a fruitcake with lots of fruit. more fruit then cake. how often do you see this? normally is like the fruit must dig one. enjoyed this loads :D
and tiramisu :D classic.
spent about $70 each. for good food (international cuisine leh german japanese italian) and good company. ok there was supposed to be more people but in the end only 2. but it's ok. quality not quantity. jolene don't need to be too touched :D haha.
oh and found out my passport expires on the 9th dec 2009. the day i'm flying to taiwan. haha.
monday woke up at 6.05 freaking early in the morning to go to ica to renew my passport. must go early then don't need to queue. finished everything in about 30 to 40mins. compared to the normal 2hours. went to city hall to meet up to go to the sph scholarship. i thought the talk was rather informative. i mean i don't want to be a journalist and i meet all the criteria of not being a journalist, but i did learn things that i dunno that happens in a newsroom. and the tea session was great. the food was damn good. love the cheesecake. and the fruit platter got strawberry. and there was goose liver mousse. swissotel is swissotel. lol. after that went to nlb for hus scholarship tea session. well... haha.
today. went to ura for the essay test. i hope i make sense. cross my fingers toes and eyes. i can't cross my eyes without the help of my finger. ok after that went to dinner with my parents at tampines1. we ate at the kopitiam. then we went outside to eat durian then we went back to tampines1 to go to bakerzin and had a cookies and cream cheesecake and a souffle. haha. im hooked to deserts.
ok tmr i have to wake up super early again to go collect my passport. come home and then off to the airport and then I AM FLYING OFF TO TAIWAN!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO~
away from 9th to 24th. don't miss me :D BYEBYE!
Friday, 4 December 2009
that's it. over. a level came and went. one entire month of exams with painfully long breaks in between. the exam itself wasn't stressful. the wait was. ah well, whatever. it is O-V-E-R.
so i guess now we'll wait. after all the hard work, tutorials, lectures, consultations, mugging... all put to test in the last month. i tried my best. i studied hard. i worked hard. i hope i get the results i want. no use thinking or doing anything about it now so i'll just put it behind me, know that i've done my best (and hopefully well enough), pray that i didn't screw up anything (namely econs and gp) and wait for march 2010.
it was quite sad that we were the last to finish. cos everybody else is already celebrating and we were still bitterly waiting for it to be officially over. couldn't believe it when the clock striked 10.30. seemed like just yesterday when gilbertlee was telling us we were left with 200 days and soon the number will start with 1. now it's negative. lol.
well, i was really stressed about it. proven by my weight loss -.- but now that's it over, im gna enjoy myself and play :D and eat.
went to have a mini celebration today with jolene and grace. primary school outing leh. haha. ok la we wanted to look at contact lenses. lol. we ate at manhattan. i was terribly hungry. had a scholar's platter. scholar leh. i hope i become one. after that went to coffee club for deserts. i had 2 :D had a matcha tiramisu which was light and refreshing and a rum and raising chocolate truffle which was sweet and chocolatey. oooh love deserts :D
next few days are busy days. and then i will be flying off on the 9th to taiwan :D woooohooooo. after such a long wait. finally :D can't wait. so excited. will be back on xmas day.
ok now i need to go prepare my grad day presents :D byebye.
Friday, 2 October 2009
went cycling with quanyi. met up with him at 10plus at sunplaza bicycle kiosk. we cycled from tampines park connector to pasir ris park. went round inside pasir ris park trying to get to changi beach and it was wrong so we went in for nothing. asked for directions and made our way to changi beach. then we had to go behind changi airport to go to ecp. and omg it was beside the airplane runway so it was like 7-8km of never ending straight road. finally reached ecp. stopped at burger king cos qy wanted to shit but bk no toilet. went to macs. had lunch there. qy didn't shit. i ate a happy meal and got a free superman. continued on to the city. went to suntec there then went to esplanade there the merlion park. rest. continued back to dhs hostel to ask yuki to refill our water bottles and give qy some sunblock and then we went to ecp and then siglap park connector and then returned out bikes at telok kurau bicycle kiosk.
quanyi is pink like a lobster. i'm just slightly burnt on the back. the racer-back print is like tatooed on my back. lol. but it's ok, i'm not pink and burnt and in pain like qy. haha.
ok after tht went to aljunied to meet jolene leeyan and weiliang for dinner. walk around and ended up in some china restaurant with no gst and service charge. took a bloody long time to decide on our food. but we finally decided. had dinner. not bad. exploited leeyan. qy went off. the 4 of us crossed a highly dangerous road to have durians. 1 for $1. D23 i think. not bad also. exploited leeyan and weiliang. then stupid weiliang say he want icecream and jolene started craving. then we went to tampines. walked around tampines1, century square and tampines mall but cannot find cheap and good icecream so we went to ntuc and bought a tub. didn't even finish a quarter of the tub. lol. then we went home and weiliang got dragged to tampines for 10 spoonfuls of icecream. haha.
ok im tired. i shall go watch tv. byebye!
Thursday, 1 October 2009
anyway, we are supposed to erm rest and relax :D so that's what i'm doing :D woohoo. i like :D
yesterday, went to ion to eat the swensen's ice cream buffet with my mummy :D so yummy so yummy so yummy so yummy :D :D :D wooohoooooooooo. quite different from the last time round. got some different ice cream flavours. but i ate a lot of durian gelato :D so yummmmmmmmmmmmmy :D and the chocolate fondue the strawberries really free flow. so i ate alot :D damn nice. and got brownies and blondies. ohohohoh the the the macademia nuts now they very smart they chop it up. but the good thing is the flow never stop. wooohoooo. i think i eat the nuts alone also got back my money :D yay me love ice cream :D
today gng ziren's house to play mahjong and eat mooncake. tomorrow gng cycle and seafood and saturday gng badminton and steamboat. and sunday i cannot tellu nanny nanny poo poo.
ok i gtg byebye.
Sunday, 20 September 2009
urgh. a part of each paper is over. had computing paper1 first. well, it turned out slightly better than i thought. not that traumatising, but it's computing la, so it was still a little ooh la la, whatever it means. and mr koh said i was green -.- air con cold.
yeah and then i fell sick that night and next day had maths paper. good thing it was an afternoon paper so morning was spent erm waiting for the dizzy effect of clarinase to wear off. clarinase is strong and good. it allowed me some sleep. i thought maths paper was easy enough :)
and then had phyiscs p3. i was feeling drowsy throughout the paper and was like skimming through everything. read a bloody load of qns wrongly but i think it should be fine. it's physics. good thing not econs, or else sure die x_x
between physics and econs paper, i basically concentrated on recovering. i did 3,4,5. didn't know what i was writing. somehow not feeling very confident about the essays at all ): as;ldkjfasjuga;lskd. hope they turn out fine.
and now i'm sick again but then, my next paper is on weds. so no worries i guess. should recover by then. and i haven't ran for a week. oops.
ok i shall go read up on operating systems -.-
Saturday, 12 September 2009
this holiday has been crap. like total crap. i can't wait for 3 months later when i will be in taiwan. oh gosh even thinking about it is great. 3 months people. only 3 more months :D
yeah anyway this holiday has been crap cos all i did was eat sleep study run.
that day i ran and took a wrong turn and got lost -.-
quanyi is a living joke. u can ask him about it. he went to comex a handsome boy in cool clothes. haha.
i ran to changi village today. then i had dinner. haha. yumyum and i am very full now and there is nothing on tv. computing is on monday i am so worried. i dreamt that i failed maths last night. jiaqi dreamt that i had long hair -.- which one more nightmarish? lol.
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Saturday, 22 August 2009
i dunno what i've done. why did i sign up for the half marathon?! i today go run 6km alrdy so tired how to run 21km?!?!?!?! NO I WILL TRAIN AND I WILL RUN THE 21KM. it's just erm.. a matter of time. haha. BUT I WILL NOT WASTE MY MONEY. i will finish the half marathon. without stopping. and i need a new pair of sports shoes. old one spoil liao. what a time -.-
and i've reached a plateau for econs and gp ):
aiya dun wan blog liao. byebye
Thursday, 20 August 2009
FINALLY HAD THE SWENSEN'S ICE CREAM BUFFET. at 10 bucks per person (cos got 1-for-1) it's really quite a deal lor. i mean 1 sundae 2-3 scoops is alry 7 to 8 bucks. so 10 bucks ate like many many scoops. and u can choose ur own toppings and everything :D
oohhhhh had lots of my favourite yummy raisin. and they had a lot of flavours. i like the durian gelato and the super lemon gelato. the sarsapalila or wadeva tasted a little weird. their cakes can be missed ba i guess. the new york cheese cake and chocolate truffles were good, but nth special. oh and their carrot cake tastes like huat kueh. haha. sorry no pictures. shunjie was worried i will become crazier than i alrdy was. i was bursting with excitement la. hehheh. so satisfied :D :D :D
oh and they had macadamia nuts. and u knw macadamia nuts are damn expensive, so the 4 of us ate lots of macadamia nuts :D but less than this small little girl who took the whole freaking bowl. seriously damn #$%^&*(.
yup satisfied :D and coursework is over :D i printed all my stuff before the printer jammed and refuse to work.
go people go eat the swensen's ice cream before the 1 for 1 ends. cos i think 20 bucks not very worth but 10 bucks is totally worth it. but if u scared fat and gng to eat 2 scoops only then forget it.
oh then we took a walk ard ion. seroiusly way out of my budget to shop there. the grapes at the 36 market or wdv it's called is like $98 per bunch o.O
but a little downside is i went to cut my hair and it's a shorter than i wanted it to be. cos the stupid hairdresser went to cut my hair straight. like use ruler cut u knw. then i was like O.O and i said i dun wan straight. so it was either short or straight. i chose short. and photo taking on monday ): nvmnvm. not like my hair nv short before ):
it's ok! the elation from the ice cream covers for the sadness from the haircut :)
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
ok i suppose it will come soon. there's the science centre thingy tmr. quite looking forward to it cos i wanted to go see the da vinci thingy i just couldn't find anybody to go with me. and then thurs! yay. end of coursework then swensen's!!!
thurs will be a great day.
anyway, i'm signing for standard chartered half marathon.
i am great :D
Friday, 14 August 2009
anyway. Coursework part b finish already. yay. Frankly speaking, i'm really proud of myself for completing part b with programs that can be compiled and can run without errors. Can use one lo. Yeah :) and plus when preparing at home got receive help from pple like leeyan and gary. But i did most of the code myself. So, i am great :) oh that's my quote u know. haha :)
ok what else? I may be going to cambodia next jan :) wanted to go from taiwan one but no flight link. So waiting see got cheap tickets to go not.
Anyway, weds went for the useic writing workshop. I think it was informative. Not very relevant to me since i have no plans to go to us, but still informative. So now waiting for the monday uk one. Hopefully can help me in my decision making.
Any of u not enough photos to fill up your space? I can lend u mine to use. Haha.
Ok i don't know what else to blog about already.
Oh right. So i've been getting a lot of remarks and comments and concern about my weight loss. I am not anorexic or bullimic or whatever eating disorder. I am fine, i am eating i just don't know where everything is going. Stress maybe. But no nothing is wrong with me. I love food and eating too much to diet. In fact next week going swensen ice cream buffet to celebrate end of coursework. Thanks for the concern anyway, u still worry then u can treat me to lunch or dinner, preferably good buffet like shangrila or pan pacific :)
i'm pretty worried about computing theory after coursework :( and gp :( how?
Ok i shall stop blogging. Back to forces -.-
Saturday, 8 August 2009
ok nth much has been happening recently. school's as usual. nothing much ba, i guess. can tell mr ng is very stressed. and maths syllabus finally finish. urgh. it's just revision revision and revision. computing coursework next week finsih part b yes my programs are working and all next week just need to comment and beautify :D yay. gp finally got a bit of improvement and direction. doing loads of work for it. hopefully im doing the right stuff and hopefully will have improvement.
some tuesday, was it the last one? got the university and scholarship sharing session. i think it was quite beneficial and informative. i mean for one i know i shouldn't be aiming for psc scholarship but the ura one since i've already decided the field i want to work in. i don't really need/want the 2 years rotation thingy. but i dunno leh, i really hope i can get a scholarship.
and im feeling damn confused now about the whole university thing. to study overseas or in singapore. no scholarship then definitely singapore lah but if have, should i go? many people telling me got the ability, got the chance then should go. i've checked, most of the top universitities in terms of civil engineering are in uk. like POUNDS leh. it's gng to be freaking expensive ):
so there's this university of southamptom which is like tops for civil engineering. university of manchester also. imperial college as well, like duh la. a few american ones which i've striked off cos i dun want to go to usa. then there's hongkong university of science and tech, a cheaper overseas alternative, i suppose. ahhh dunno where to go ): ok i've striked off netherlands one cos the delft university teaches in dutch. i dun mind non-english speaking countries as long as the course is taught in english cos i think i can handle conversational foreign language. learn as i go along ma. urgh.
why do we have to make so many decisions?
ok i've decided to stop blogging and go back to watching donnie yen :D sexy fighting scenes. woohoo.
Sunday, 26 July 2009
ok screw the exclamation sign. i'm not the excited or enthusiastic. in fact, i'm feeling quite sian cos i just realise i dun have friends to go to prom with. i'm such a miserable loner ):
ok nvm about that, i'm still deciding whether to go and i'm slanting towards not gng because $85 is quite a lot of money for food that will most probably not be very nice. and plus it's the company that matters, so $85 can have a lot of gatherings. plus save up on all the prom wear, make up, hair, accessories, cab fare and what not. or even if not alot, can probably spend the money on like good food. panpacific lobster buffet is 78++ and shangri-la buffet is 88. like shangrila leh. 85 can eat buffet at fullerton also la. and i was telling shunjie we can go eat fine dining at sentosa then end of with like drinks at some beachside pub and look at hunks and babes in the moonlight. but shunjie says they will be covered up he wants uncovered ones -.-
and prom is on the 8th im flying on the 9th.
school has been horribly boring. class hasn't been full since dunno when. people keep falling sick. and when they return, others fall sick. there's a bug and our classroom has been sanitized. com lab too, for coursework purpose.
speaking of coursework, we are now on part B and im done till q2. spent the entire afternoon doing q3 and im worried i cannot remember the algo. after q3 still got q4 ): 30% of a levels leh. so worried i will screw up ):
august is coming soon. gng to be makan session at cafe oliv with shunjie soon :) and august coming means national day coming means buffet offer coming means buffet soon :) and passion card just sent this book of promotions and vouchers and got 1-for-1 buffets :)
oh i forgot i'm supposed to be anorexic. sure.
ytd went for mini gp discussion with wl and jolene. rather interesting discussion though i'm still rather confused about weiliang's qn which is "Entrepreneurship is just a name for personal greed. Do you agree?" or sth liddat. yah we spent damn long debating on that. shall wait for his essay to come out and maybe i will be less confused about it. lol. and we can't find a common slot together so we are gng to consult our own tutors so i shall go book a slot tmr.
after that we ate at this coffeeshop like place selling muslim food, or rather the food stalls were tended by muslims. cos there were chinese food, and turkish food and western food. we ate at this western, middle-eastern stall. not bad. the shepherd's pie was quite yummy.
and then we went to watch harry potter. it isn't as bad as how people make it out to be lor actly. i thought it was quite good. i mean it definitely has less action, and not that much excitement, but the way movie builds up and the humour they put in and how it makes u need to watch the last movie, yah i thought they were pretty good. lavendar brown isnt how i pictured her to be. the one in my mind isn't so blond. but yeah, pretty good movie overall. though i think there should have been a little more emphasis on the half blood prince aspect cos it was like really briefly mentioned and that's it. and i think malfoy looks good in his suit. like he oozes charm. i'm guessing that it's the way he needs to be portrayed, the whole black face i am a bad guy look that's making him not tht good looking as before. he's probably handsome in real life. heh. oh and snape put on weight. and daniel radcliffe is short. like seriously.
oh and the twins are cute :)
ok thts it. i go eat mango now. byebye.
Saturday, 18 July 2009
this will be the first and last time i'm happy about it. my period has finished it's 5 month hiatus -.- and it answers my foul mood this whole week. sorry to all whom i was anal to. i tried keeping my mouth shut, cos i knw the moment it opens, someone's gna suffer.
shall blog about hbl.
i enjoyed that week :D wedsnesday went shopping with my mother. didn't buy anything much. bought a necklace with an alien and a spaceship. that's all. and it's only 5 bucks. after that met up with my father to eat at billy bomber's with the voucher given to us during hip diner trip. and i got 3 more vouchers -.- but it's not cafe oliv so i dun think i will be gng back. heh.
thursday went to eat sakura buffet with jolene leeyan weiliang and quanyi :D full, satisfied but we didn't eat our worth i think. especially weiliang and leeyan. the 2 of them eat buffet bloody waste money. next time just me and jolene go can alrdy. ok shunjie can join us. haha. oh and i baked a lot of things on thursday. i baked a cheesecake for jolene's friday surprise. i baked another cheesecake for home consumption and i baked cookies :D
friday woke up early in the morning to go to jolene's house for her surprise bday. and liddat lor. eat cake then we played a bit of mahjong and then we all did out own stuff. i ended up reading her mother's recipe book -.- oh and we called for pastamania delivery. and i cooked authentic italian pasta with leftover cheese (from cheesecake baking). it's yummy but freaking fattening.
ok saturday and sunday was spent doing hbl? i can't really rmb. OHOH!! saturday had the durian feast :D i ate like 20 seeds of durian, a few mangosteens and a lot of watermelon to cool down and went home freaking full. burrrp and smell the durian. heh. sunday ermm... lemme think. can't rmb la.
ok so monday was back to school and got back all our results. HELLO EVERYBODY I AM THE TOP PHYSICS STUDENT! oh it feels good to say that :D proud of myself :D yay. i'm basically pleased with my physics, maths and econs essay. terribly disappointed with my casestudy and gp. computing pretty neutral and managed to scraped an A with bonus mark counted. but i take it as a B cos the bonus qn was so lame. so i got AAABD. yeah D for gp.
urgh, so in an attempt to improve GP, me weiliang and jolene have formed a GP study group. i really want/need to improve. yes i will do it, and make it to page 1, with shunjie.
i got news that 10 people in my class have fallen ill o.O
get well soon people. back to HP (:
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
yeahyeah call me crazy. whatever. ok, i've always wanted to try walking home from school but could never find the time or energy to do so. so i took the opportunity this afternoon, after ct, had stuff to think about and i was free so i walked. i didn't walk home. i walked to east point mall. yeah it's 12km. the walk took me 2 hours.
it's a rather surreal feeling. maybe i should do it like once a month or sth.
ok i just wanted to blog about this. that's all. bye.
Sunday, 5 July 2009
ok so common tests quite over alrdy, left a case study. i dun like the timetable. i lost the momentum for ct mugging alrdy. lol. today i just flip my notes here and there and then i started doing other stuff.
me having popiah tonight :D
ytd went to orchard hotel for the psc scholarships and career fair with my mummy. did learn abit more about bca, ura and hdb (i think i'm pretty counting on them for a job in the future). and civil engineer now got shortage leh :D heh.
ok thts not the interesting part about ytd.
then, we (me shunjie quanyi juney bobo sebas) had a mini erm end of ct celebrations though it wasnt the end. we went to iluma to watch ice age 3 in 3d and to eat. i went to bugis street before tht to have teabreak cos the fair ended early. ate some pancake thingy and some potato thingy and a cup of ice blended passionfruit. passionfruit is a nice fruit. tht's really not a lot for teabreak ok i only had porridge for lunch.
so met up with shunjie and bobo and we ate at empire state. shared half a slab of ribs with bobo cos i wanted a whole brownie ice cream and all to myself and me scared fat. really. but then didnt have time. after tht june came qy came sebas was late. then we watched the movie. funny light hearted movie. pretty amusing. damn cute show. but the 3d not very 3d. didnt have the whole wow 3d effect. but the movie was good la. great way to relax and release ct stress. haha.
after tht hungry boys sebas and qy needed to eat. went to find a place to eat. ended up at hip diner cos one-for-one and I GOT MY BROWNIE!!! and can change vanilla ice cream to chocolate ice cream somemore :D yay. the brownie was nice :D yumyum. i like rich deserts. yumyumyum. had more nuts than cafe oliv's but i think hipdiner's one was a little too sweet. but still yummy :D yay.
then we went home :D
today i woke up fat. HAHA joking, i'm not shunjie. was supposed to eat dimsum buffet with my mother jolene qy next weds cos got promotion, but fully book ): so no more. but it's ok, now we gng for another buffet to satisfy our stomachs and shun bian celebrate jolene's 18th bday. my mother not gng la of course. jolene's bday guan ta pi shi. lol.
ok i go help my mother prepare popiah. byebye.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
so my blood tests results show that i have PERFECTLY NORMAL LEVELS OF THE RIGHT HORMONES FOR A PERFECTLY NORMAL FEMALE. i just have a low level of thyroid hormones. the range is 10 to 18 or sth and mine is 9.6. so i had to do another blood test to test again. and the doctor said low level of thyroid will give a slower heart rate which explains my 54 heartbeats per minute. ok wait while i google thyroid hormones. cos weiliang doesnt know -.-
ok so basically thyroxins is the fight or flight hormone (that's what the doctor said) and it increase bmr, affect protein synthesis, regulate bone growth, neuronal maturation whatever that is, increased body's sensitivity to catecholamines (????) such as adrenaline (ahh... fight or flight). and it is essential for proper development it regulates protein, fat and carbo metabolism whatever it means. and thyroid hormones lead to heat generation in humans. and high levels will lead to easy excitation (smaller bandgap -.-) and adults with low thyroxine levels suffer mental slowness, weight gain, depression and fatigue. u can google the rest yourself.
i give u an excellent website. CLICK!
erm ok so maybe tht explains my slow metabolic rate (i suffer from indigestion) and erm frequent cold hands since i don't generate heat? and maybe that's why i don't get high like june. june i think u have too much thyroid. lol. but mental slowness? oh god, i am actly smarter and mentally faster? and weight gain... mmm... i can't be a doctor for god's sake.
ok so i had to do another round of blood test and the nurse who help me chou1 the blood had a daughter in dunman high and she herself was from dunman high and her dm was mr kiw and mr tantuigee taught her maths. and mrs kang taught her english. how interesting.
ok so my ultrascan results were fine as well. i have healthy ovaries. and my uterus lining is 2.4mm thick. i dunno if that is thin or thick. or maybe it's cm. ah whatever. there's no problem with my womb.
ok so the doctor presribed me contraceptive pills to make my mensus come and regulate it. i'm quite apprehensive about it because taking contraceptive pills got a lot of side effects. not everybody will experience them, so hopefully i won't. some side effects are nausea, vomiting, dizzy feeling, tiredness, headache, breast tenderness, abdominal pain, mood swings and weight gain. oops i should control my buffets :p but yah im pretty worried about the side effects cos cts are like in a few days time. urgh. and mood swings leh nehneh. so erm beware la hor. i'm such a nice person to warn all of u right now. oh! the doctor mentioned that the pills may either give me an outbreak or give me nice skin. i hope it's the nice skin, i don't want to look like weiliang. speaking of which, weiliang maybe u can erm try taking the pills since an outbreak probably won't be that u knw, huge effect on u :p OMG SO MEAN ):
ok and since today is june's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNE!), i gave myself a break. i went to robinson's sale with my mummy. bought quite a few pieces of tshirts. ohhhh i bought a pair of fcuk jeans for a freaking $39. hoohoo happy happy. original price 149 leh. yay :D
ok i'm tired and i shall stop blogging. byebye. oh tekka mall, now called the verge, the foodcourt has nice roti prata.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
ok so it's been like a freaking month since blogged. i shall give you all interested people an update about my very interesting and amazing life :D
ok so since the last post, had gp ct which im pretty sure i screwed up so that's not very interesting or amazing so i shall skip that. and then came the HOLIDAYS!!! LIKE WOOOOOOO!!!
why am i so excited about holidays when it's like mugging time for all yr6s? BECAUSE, HOLIDAYS MEAN MY LUNCHTIME IS NOT IN SCHOOL!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! so makan makan makan makan. oh damn i sound so greedy. i'm still feeling full from dinner. oooh dinner. today's dinner was great but i will elaborate on that later.
can you tell that i'm feeling high? hehheh.
okok i shall update you about boring stuff first. i mugged. like duh. i'm a chao mugger. so i mugged. i'm feeling pretty alright about physics and maths. just a little worried about econs essay and more than a little worried about computing.
ok now the more interesting part. ok so i went to cruise. yeahyeah again. and not i refuse to put it as overseas, cos im actly on the sea. so yeah relax ok, no h1n1 or whatever. i went in early june anyway, want to kena also kena. but then, if u are fated to have sth bad happen to you, you will choke on tofu. ok then i just erm ate lor. like duh right. oh and stepped into the casino legally, played roulette and yah that's it. oh oh and i went to cruise for 4D3N, which was just nice for me to wear whatever clothes that i never wear before :D yay.
ok and i went for a few buffets. really a few only. one hand can finish counting :D still got one finger never use :p ok im gng to skip this part cos i wanna blog about today. today was an exciting day.
today, i went to kk hospital for ultrasound scan. wooohooo im pregnant. yah right. it was just a scan to see my ovaries. lol. yeah anyway, so like duh first time ma, so i didn't know what i was supposed to do. so apparantly the bladder must be full. and mine was empty. though i already drank 600ml of water when i went to register cos the nurse said so. so i had to drink more water and wait for my bladder to fill up. so in total i actly drank 1.8ml of water in an hour and did the scan 3 times before my bladder was full. so on the fourth scan, i was finally able to finish the scan. and erm yah. results will be out tmr when i go for my appt. how exciting -.-
ooooh ok now here comes the great part. after the scan, my parents and i went to eat at cafe oliv. remember cafe oliv? the one shunjie and i went to for escargots and yummy yummy food. ok so this time had the steak and bbq ribs. the steak was good, but just normal good. the ribs were nice :D on par with kenny rogers. but the highlight of the day was the brownie. OMG THE BROWNIE WAS HEAVENLY. like mmmm mmmmm mmmmm ooooooooh. oh right, so we went to eat cos the voucher that shunjie and i got from the last meal was going to expire. and TADA GOT ANOTHER VOUCHER LEH!!! HAHAHA. it's such a cheapo way of making people go back to eat. but it works :D but if got voucher food no good i also won't go. no voucher food good i also will go back. and cafe oliv belongs to group 2.
oh this saturday me going makan session at my uncle's house. housewarming but not housewarming. he said go eat, cos he don't want us buy present but we all want to see new house. heh. ohhh and me have another cousin getting married, with dutch boyfriend. the two of them very cool one, they built their own house. like literally build their own house, brick by brick. yah so tentatively she's coming back to singapore to host a wedding dinner probably in sep. and i have another cousin's wedding dinner in dec and one more early next jan. woohoo. i love wedding dinners. ok fine, i love dinners.
and 11th july got all-you-can-eat durian feast downstairs. some rc activity that since last year's good reviews, becoming annual :D
OH AND ME IS FLYING TO TAIWAN ON 9TH DECEMBER 2009 :D and we haven't decided when we are coming back. so now only got the go there plan :D
oh i forgot about hugo. ok hugo turned 5 on 19th june. no bday party this year. heh. oh and he got his vaccination as well. he lost a kg since last year's vaccination. hahahaha. hugo is getting toned and fit :p and hugo pee-ed in the west. like WEST! now he can bark at the dogs in the neighbourhood laughing at them that they only pee in the east.
ok so why did hugo pee in the west? because we went to survey the western area of singapore to see where we can move to next year so that my brother and i are nearer to our schools. my brother is gng to nus and i'm aiming for ntu, cos nus doesnt exactly have the course i want. but the point is both in the west so if can then move nearer lor. have a place in bukit batok quite fit our criteria. near market, got bus go ntu (i dunno about nus) and it's near a civil service club which we will have access to cos my father is a civil servant. just opposite. so it's like a condo without fence. but the problem is, nobody selling -.-
and and and father's day! my brother pay, i cook. and i cooked lamb chop. the shoulder part. cos the shank and thigh raw one also very ex. i was quite apprehensive about it at first, cos my mother doesn't cook lamb cos she scared she cannot get rid of the lamb sao smell. but i know my father likes to eat lamb chop lamb shank basically mutton la. so i decided to try. AND YAY I GOT RID OF THE LAMB SAO SMELL AND MADE A GREAT MEAL OF 4 LAMB CHOPS WITH SOUP. TOTAL COST OF $17. please clap :D and after that we went to eat swensen's ice cream :D unfortunately, i met leeyan.
ok i think tht's it. my holidays quite boring hor?
Sunday, 24 May 2009
i have this ability to make things sound much nicer than they really are. like erm "Jasvin leads by example and is able to influence others positively and motivate them in fulfilling their roles." just cause thaddeus says that i'm his role model. thank you thaddeus, you're my source of inspiration. oh look you can put tht in ur pq :)
ah well, i took a pretty long time writing the PQ, but weighing my marginal benefits (me writing it and not well you-know-who) and marginal costs (time taken when i could erm mug), i wrote it diligently. ok typed it.
and in case you're wondering, nope, i did not put that i'm a cheat in my PQ. for story, ask me. i don't want to type it here. it is such an embarrassment and disgrace that i don't want to remember it and get reminded of it when i browse my archives next time -.- oh yeah sure. it's basically just an incident in which the ants built mount everest instead of an anthill.
school's been quite a bore. just teachers pushing us and getting us ready for common tests and what not. and yah gp common test is next thurs. somehow, i'm feeling quite nonchalent about it. maybe i will start panicking tmr or sth.
oh and we took our height and weight on friday during pe. guess what? i regained my 172cm from the earlier 171cm before CNY. yay :D and i lost 7kg this semester. i dunno how and i dunno where. maybe my brain got lighter or sth -.- oh well, i'm obviously not eating enough :D yeah sure. hahaha. speaking of which, me got buffet lunch this saturday :D whoooopeeee :D OH! and cafe olive date with shunjie hopefully on thurs if maths doesnt end too late :D
and im gng on cruise in june :D to eat and mug :D yay.
ok dinner time byebye. it's things like food that keeps us (or at least me) going.
Saturday, 9 May 2009
it's this lingering feeling i've been having for weeks. just feel like eating and eating and eating. nyamnyamnyam.
speaking of eating, shunjie and i went to cafe oliv for lunch on thursday before syf rehearsal. google it. ok anyway, the food is great. we are so going back there :D we had escargots :D first time trying for both of us. it doesn't have much of a smell, like a snaily slimey smell or sth. it felt like some really bouncy mushroom. then we had beef stew, tasted great. yumyum. had some parmesan chicken cutlet, didn't really get the cheese taste but it tasted great as well. beef stew was better, highly recommended. after that we each had a mudpie which was huge. like restaurants normally sell small little dessert. theirs was huge. like we both went WOAH! so it was 20bucks per person. really worth it cos it was yummy, and feeling and yippee :D happy :D and they gave us this 10 dollars voucher so we totally have to go back :D
ok so cs syf is over. results not out yet. hope for the best. but it think we did good on the day itself. like totally better than all rehearsals. cos the actual thing itself was the only time we finished under 15mins. and the everything was in the light circle :D like in the halo. lol. yeah so i think it's pretty amazing how i actually took part in cs production and then cs syf. heh.
ok i lost track of what i wanted to blog. i'm watching dog hotel. it's rather cute. haha. and it keep making me lose my train of thoughts so im not gng to blog anymore.
i need food.
Saturday, 2 May 2009
i've been having sudden cravings and the constant urge to want to eat these few days. sign of pregnancy -.- i'm not. heh.
ok thurs was speech day and being an under-achiever and lousy student, i have no awards so i had the day to myself. so i went to see a doctor. nope, i wasn't sick. it's my period. or rather, the lack of. so my mother got worried and she insisted that i go see the doctor. so i went to the polyclinic cos cheeeeap. then cos of swine flu, there was this check at the door and the some parts of the clinic was cordoned off for flu cases. what a time to go to a clinic -.-
ok so the doctor, being a general practitioner, and not a womb specialist or sth, she had to refer me to KK hospital. and in order to refer me there, i had to do a test. what test? pregnancy test -.- just to ensure that it's some problem that my period is not coming and not cos i'm pregnant. so pregnancy test is urine test ma, so must pee. which is a torture. cos u knw when u have no pee, u just have no pee and u can't pee. i drank a full litre of water and waited for like 20mins before i could squeeze out some pee for the nurse -.- ok so the test result is negative, like duh la. no sex how to be pregnant? and the doctor actly wrote negative on the paper even before i did the test cos she say if i have any chance of being pregnant, i wouldnt go see her with my mother. lol.
ok so my kkh appt is the day before gp common test, but if my period comes before that i dun have to go. the doctor say probably stress or hormonal stuff. and the consultation plus lab test is 8bucks. cheap hor? haha.
after that went to chinatown point to meet my papa for swensen's lunch. 1-for-1 ma. their new seafood lasagna very nice. yummmmmm. after that went to bugis with my mama. then walked ard shopped ard and then my father got off work early today and met us and we went to eat at swensens's for the student deal. 2 sundaes for 9.80++. yummmm. then after that went to tm to meet my brother for dinner. and cos we reached there rather early, before the student deal ended, went to swensen's again to eat with my brother. hahahaha. swensen's 3 times in a day. LOL. yummmmmmmmmmm. and dinner after that. yes i still had space for dinner :)
ok ytd was a normal little labour day. did a bit of physics. craved for food. ate lots of chocolate. craved for food. eat a lot of things. and at night i had this huuuuuuuuuge craving for durian and buffet. the buffet bo pian la. so as for the durian, i went to satisfy myself with 2 mouthful of durian icecream before i sleep cos i couldn't sleep cos all i could think of was durian.
today went back to school to paixi. the whole pai xi jolene and i were just waiting for it to be over so that we can go eat. haha. so two of us plus weiliang went to eat after that. went to waraku at katong village. ate a lot. shared a set with jolene ordered 2 sides that 3 of us shared. and then came the dessert. their stick cakes are yummy. especially liked the sweet potato cheesecake and green tea tiramisu. highly recommended. ok so we actly ordered 2 stick cakes. then we decided for a 3rd one. after we finished the 3rd one we still wanted more so we ordered one more. heh. bill came about $20 per person. for a full stomach, satisfy cravings and oooooh yummmmmmmmmmm. hehheh. ]
totally looking forward to next makan session. we wanna go chat masala, ice cream chef, cheesecake cafe, waraku de gohan @ starhub centre and a lot a lot more. we welcome interested parties. haha. yummmmmmmmmmmmmy :)
ok so after the calories exploding lunch, weiliang says he needs it cos he's underweight, jolene says she will go cycling and i decided to run (but then i alrdy do run like on every other day). weiliang went home and had a conetto ice cream, jolene went home and slept. i ran 3km. i am great.
tmr's breakfast is home made pancakes. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmy. have been craving for it since dunno when. and WE ARE GOING FOR A DURIAN FEAST TMR!!! oooooooooooooh :D
Saturday, 25 April 2009
so sailing 'A' Div was from tuesday to friday. tues and weds for boys and thurs and fri for girls. well, so both teams did well enough such that you see our name on the ranking paper and you can find us pretty fast if you look from the bottom of the list. haha. ok la we kinda expected it, so no complains. it was an interesting experience though.
im 26th out of 28. heh. but my personal best is 16 ok. SIXTEEN LEH. chio.
oh anyway, the wind and current conditions for both days were pretty strong and i had to retire early on thurs cos i injured my leg. so i only did 3 our of 5 races. so after i unrigged and showered, i decided to walk down to see if i could see the others sail. so i walk walk walk. then i saw the sailboats so i walked down to the beach to go to the breakwater to get a better view. then i saw this topless man swimming so of course i turn away in case he come ka chiao me. then i turn and i saw this old ang moh couple sunbathing NAKED. like WTH. naked. totally naked. urgh. good thing they were like faced down la. wah piang. i was damn freaked out. i just turned around and walked back, trying to pretend i didn't see anything. freaking hell. imagine u turn and see 4 ass cheeks staring at you. the guy not scared later got some crab crawl out and pinch his ahem meh? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
ok so friday was pretty much the same ba. sailed the remaining 2 races. finished pretty early. and mr tan said we didn't have to stay for prize presentation. he didn't want to stay also lor. haha. so he drove us out and the 3 of us went for lunch at pizza hut. horrible service. but filling nice food to satisfy our hunger. heh. after that i went to eat again with my family.
ok so that pretty much marks the end of my sailing life and frankly speaking, i'm really glad about it. i must admit though, i did have happy memories sailing and it was an interesting sport to be introduced to. i won't regret joining this cca, but it's time it ended. so yeah, byebye sailing :) lifejacket for sail, any takers?
ok today was innovateIT. too much waiting, too little stuff done. we didn't win, not even get into the finals. but it was a very funny day. there was this guy who brought a ba zhang to eat, and we just kept niaoing and talking about him the whole day. it was damn funny. some teams had pretty interesting ideas. it was quite an eye-opener. and the food was good. especially the cheesecake. kinda regret eating only one piece ): and they didn't let me have the fruits ): haha.
ok i am very tired. i shall go enjoy the last half an hour of hu yu wei on tv. byebye.
Thursday, 9 April 2009
if i say i'm unaffected or feeling pretty neutral about the B, then i'm lying. 'cos i'm really pretty sad and disappointed about the B, not that i was confident of an A, but there's nth wrong with hoping.
i was pretty much stoning throughout the whole bus ride home, thinking about the B, or rather, the lack of the A. i don't really feel any regrets, pretty much cos i don't know what i'm suppose to regret about. partially cos i don't really remember the course of doing PW and partially cos i don't know what went wrong. it may have been the presentation, Q&A, PI, EOM or WR. i don't know and maybe will never know. it could have been something wrong with the group work, it could have been something wrong with my individual work. there are a 1001 possibilities.
then i realise, i've got the negative emotions not because i didn't get an A for PW, but because, at the point when i saw the freaking B on the slip of paper, it just hit on me that i will never be able to attain the 8 distinctions which i set as a goal to achieve, that i know 8 distinctions is impossible even without trying.
but i guess i can't do anything about it now. i wave goodbye to that goal of 8 distinctions. i pasted the slip of paper on my mirror where i will see it everyday, to remind myself that i have 1 B too many, and that there's no space for more.
well, congratulations to all who got your A. now, excuse me while i go get my 6 other 'A's.
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Sunday, 29 March 2009
CS Production has come to an end.
I had my fair share of fun. it was definitely an interesting experience, an eye-opener actually, cos i've never been in a theatre production before. so it was pretty cool seeing the preparation process and actually been part of it. it was definitely quite weird having to turn at corners when we can just walk right through. had to exercise some imagination. but it got quite habitual afterwards.
i take my hat off to the people who put in effort. i believe that everybody did, whether i have a good impression of them or not, whether they were good leaders, good listeners or not for some of people that i actually interact with most of the time, i'm sure we all put in effort.
anyway, i have to admit that propsters as a whole was not efficient but ah well, i think we were good during the friday night performance, rather not that good during the matinee and great during the final show. im not gng to touch park benches for quite a while. heh. oh and some people thought there were machines to clear and put the props. i take that as a compliment :)
but i really felt that the final show was great. even though i couldn't watch the show, but i could feel the energy on stage and in the audience. and the xie mu was like woah. could really tell everybody was happy it ended, and on a great note.
and how can i end this post without talking about the propsters' island? the island is dimly lighted with this pathetic blue light and most of the time propsters are there. and we are totally capable of making ourselves comfortable everywhere. haha. but i don't think i will miss that place. i need light, like to erm photosynthesize or sth.
ok it was supposed to be a quick post. so i thank cs for the opportunity to be involved in this first ever cs theatre production, for the slice of very nice cake on my bday (which happened to be the first day of the show 27th march), for making me more appreciative of being full and good food (cos the food was really really horrible, so horrible i was never full and constantly hungry) and for letting me spend my bday more meaningfully than i would have (probably go school go out for dinner at swensens and go home sleep -.-).
i will wait for gladine to send me pictures then i post. she took a photo of me buying my first 2 bottles of alcohol. 2 for $9.90 ok. haha. and they are still in the fridge. buy for the sake of buying -.-
ah ok byebye!
Thursday, 19 March 2009
there, i've put it down in words and i'm gna work towards it. i've set an intensive regime to help myself gear up for attaining my goal. i hope it works.
anyway, it's been a long time since i blogged. i decided to blog now cos i figured the i should blog one last time before i turn 18 next friday (this is a very very subtle hint to you that my bday is next friday).
it seemed like nth much went on in my life since i last blog but it seemed so busy. probably cos whatever happened been like pretty much the same. school, studies, sailing, cs production dadada. been busy, but satisfied with my busy life. some downs here and there, but relatively fine. oh god my summary skill rocks. i jus basically summarised my life for the past 3 weeks in this tiny paragraph -.-
it's the march hols now im dng my share of work, exercise, rest and relax. yu le bai fen bai is great (: i'm watching zhong ji san guo now. ive decided to keep MIT for later cos the stories are per episode so i can watch those anytime. but zhong ji san guo is like once a week so once a week of hunk watching is perfectly fine and i can totally fit that into my intensive regime :D
Sunday, 1 March 2009
monday - first cardio kick-mix lesson. i inititally thought that the class will be full of not very young people and me and jolene will be like so out of place but it turned out alright. there was a wide age range. got us in our 10s. got 20s 30s 40s and the instructor is in her 50s. lol. it was a good workout. they should incoroporate this into pe. heh. tmr got lesson :) yay.
tuesday - i attended my first physics tutorial. if u rmb, i mentioned that i have to miss h2 physics tutorial to attend my h3 lecture at hwachong. so there was no lecture cos it was lab week and i attended tutorial for the first time. how exciting.
wedsnesday - there was house comm selection. frankly speaking, i really dun give much of a damn. cos ultimately, the house comm is part of sc so wdv they plan or carry out will be like u knw as a whole council. the house comm is just impt for the whole rarh rarh thing in each house. and yah since when have i been enthu about hse stuff? or sch stuff for tht matter. and some of them were talking abt bonding the 4 hses blahblah which i think is really quite crappy. cos seriously, u think hse competition will destroy any friendships that have been fostered in the first four junior high years? if yes, then that ain't a true friendship. i guess the house animosity thing in dhs isnt strong like in other schools because we have alrdy known one another before being splitted in hses, instead of being splitted into houses even before we got to knw anyone. had sailing. finally handed in license application form but not paid -.-
friday - ok la nth special also. couldn't gen xi cos my h3 ended at 7 at the other end of the world. and hwachong was so lively on friday. they were having some mass house dance competition or sth i suppose.
saturday - lian pai 2. i wasn't late :D but as sieu ping says, nth to be proud of. it's my responsibility to turn up on time. and me and jolene were just attacking sp's sweets. gummies to be exact. and i found this wrapper with no sweet, and another with 2 sweets. anyway, propsters screwed up quite a bit during lian pai. due to lack of practice, last minute changes and some lack of brains. seriously some people are starfishes in disguise. and then me and shunjie came up with a brilliant idea for a magical clock weather thingy. heh.
still saturday (new para cos i dun want the para to be so long) - went to watch marley and me with my parents and jolene. good show. i mean how bad can a show about humans and dogs be? puppy marley is uber cute and dog marley is uber beautiful. ok if u have a dog, i suppose this show will trigger memories and a thinking. and it makes me appreciate hugo more. cos marley eats fax machines. hugo doesn't, or maybe thts cos i dun hv a fax machine at home but nvm. ok but anyway, SPOILERS. marley passed away at the end cos of some twisted stomach and partially of old age and john (owen wilson) had to make the decision to put him to sleep. it kinda make me think about the time when it's time for hugo. i mean it will come sooner or later however much i dun want it to. and i was just wondering if i will hv the courage to put him to sleep if there is ever such a need. and i wonder how i will react to the fact tht hugo is not ard anymore some day. and if i will ever have another dog again (cos u knw after the first dog pass away many people can't bear the pain and will refuse to have another dog).
still saturday - i watched role model. ok it's just this really typical nc16 show with lots of vulgarities and 2 scenes of nudity (topless) and yah basically like this lor. worth the laugh and all. addresses problems about family issues and cohesion and stuff like tht, but the vulgarities overwhelm all the underlying messages. lol.
sunday - ): tmr is monday ): i need to get back to work. byebye.
qiang qiang is playing on the radio. how apt.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
ok so today early morning walked over to loyang to hitch a hike from jolene's father to go to the F1 pit building. reached there after a little detour. collected our bikes, adjust wdv needed to be adjusted and waited for the race to begin. even before we started, the 50km people come back alrdy which is like 1 half hr? o.o
ok so the cycling it was fine for the first few km. cos it was open road, so there were sceneries to look at. but when we entered the ecp area, it became all trees and trees and trees. so i got pretty sianed and bored and my ass was hurting like mad. but i continued cos got momentum. a little after the halfway 20km mark, this woman lost control of her bicycle and banged into me. i escaped with this 5mm scratch on my finger -.- she was rather badly hurt though. so i helped her like get a marshall cos it was a stretch of road where there was very little volunteers. then yah gave her my water cos she ran out of water and the next drink station was quite far. i am so nice. ok and after that, i couldnt get back my momentum so i started cycling like half leisurely. and when the ecp part ended and it was back on the roads again, i started gaining back my momentum. ok so i finished the 40km challenge in about 2hrs plus. faster than my estimated 2 half so im pretty pleased with it and i feel so accomplished. i can tell my grandchildren next time that their ah ma cycle 40km before on a bruised ass.
ok the week so far has been really tiring.
let's start on valentine's day. erm it was cs production's first lian pai. it was quite eye-opening la cos i nv take part in this kind of stuff before ma. and somemore all chinese. though i communicated with jolene and everybody else in english la. heh. and i think jolene and me are so efficient. sidenote: please remind me to get red corrugated plastic board. ok and i didn't have a date. went for dinner with my family and relatives who came back.
sunday went out with relatives and family also i think. aiya went out la.
ok school again on monday. didn't run cos need take cs picture. ok i think nth much happened cos i can't rmb.
weds sailing was cool. got wind got tide got current. just everything too strong. and i bruised my ass. explains the above (in cycling part). but it was a pretty cool sailing session. i capped many many times and i was tired from getting back up my boat. lol.
thursday i didn't go for the seminar that we all volunteered for cos i had h3 lab session at ntu. me and jochebed got lost at ntu but this kind man led us to the correct place. pretty straightforward kind of experiment. just got really tedious calculations. and i'm partner A so i need to do a formal lab report which i hv no idea how to but i will find out. i hv to cos the report is 10% of a lvls.
friday was a lethargic day. i was jogging at snail's pace during pe and the weather was so hot. june thaddeus and qy were absent. i went home after gp cos my head was aching and i was feeling damn giddy. the taxi driver was so talkative i had to ask him to ssshhh. went home slept, overslept and rushed to slumdog.
pretty good movie i must say. it's rather like a documentary but presented in a movie/drama kinda way to attract more pple to watch it. but then, the director was trained in documentaries so i guess the documentary training aspect came through.
saturday i went to watch benjamin buttons. the movie was quite draggy at the starting. and i think 3hrs is too long, especially for someone with a bruised ass. so i was practically lying down to watch it. the theatre was rather empty. but then, i went to klp, how crowded can it be? ok im not gng to say much abt bb cos i knw many pple want to and hv not watched it yet. but overall, its a pretty nice movie with excellent makeup. really really good. just a tad too long.
i wanna watch role model and marley & me next week.
ok back to maths ):
Friday, 13 February 2009
Thursday, 12 February 2009
ha. actly i was home at 3. but i walked my dog and went for a run. run ok. not jog. RUN. but short run. and during my run, jiaqi called me to ask me about thermal and she could tell that i was running. lol.
ok so since the last time i updated, nth much happened. school as normal.
sailing was great ytd. there was wind, a bit erratic but there was wind. need to hike out kind of wind ok. long time dun hv liddat alrdy. there was current, though it wasnt to our advantage but nvm. haha. apparantly, cos wad full moon then tide dunno wad or wad la. anyway it was before a rain so we moved. jolene moved :D haha.
my uncle and aunt came back from holland and they are sleeping in my room so im sleeping in my brother's room and when my brother returns from thailand on sat he can sleep on the sofa. my hse got a lot of sofa let him choose. yay my brother coming back :D
u knw when my brother first left for ns, it felt weird not having him ard in the hse. like sth was missing. then i got used to it but there are times that i will miss him one. aww so sweet. heh.
oh and i was reflecting ytd why i dun like some teachers and i got my conclusion. because the teachers cannot teach me what i dunno. i dun like those teachers that just teach us wad we need to knw then dun make sure we understand. all they care is we knw how to apply and score for a lvls. i want to understand wad im supposed to knw. and plus the way the teacher carries himself or herself and how he or she communicates with the students also very important. if the moe advert (u knw the one wad study history test geog study geog test history passion is children that one) interview me i will thank mr nigel koh.
ok and i was watching cna (which is wad the school canteen tv shld be showing) just now and all the news are like australia big fire death toll 191 and expected to rise, or people die in iraq cos of dunno wad shooting, or earthquake magnitude 7.0 in indonesia which activated tsunami warning, or pyongyang dunno wad nuclear test which dunno wad (basically sth bad), or some company lost over a 100 million USD in dunno which quarter. like all bad news u knw. if i only watch news, i will be a very pessimistic person. oh and i saw this news title but didnt read it cos the newspaper wasnt mine and its sth abt gum disease triggering aids.
that's a reason why i dun want kids. ok partially. i dun think i will make a good mother with my temper and yah u knw la har. and yah the world is a place gng downhill. oooh gp gp. discuss -.-
and i will share with u a piece of news regarding the australia fire.
SYDNEY - ONE turtle's shell melted and fused to its body, while a baby wallaby's ears were fried to a crisp. Kangaroos seared their feet, and birds scorched by Australia's worst-ever wildfires plummeted from the sky.
More than 180 people were killed in the weekend's fires, and on Wednesday, the scope of the devastation to Australia's wildlife began to emerge with officials estimating millions of animals also perished in the inferno.
'It's just horrific,' said Neil Morgan, president of the Statewide Wildlife Rescue Emergency Service in Victoria, the state where the raging fires were still burning. 'It's disaster all around for humans and animals as well.'
Animal shelters and clinics across the region have been inundated with hundreds of burned and blistered creatures who escaped the fires.
Many of the kangaroos rescuers found were suffering from burned feet, a result of their territorial behavior, one rescuer said. After escaping the initial flames, the creatures - which like to stay in one area - likely circled back to their homes, singeing their feet on the smoldering ground.
Already one furry survivor has emerged a star: a koala, nicknamed 'Sam' by her rescuers, was found moving gingerly on scorched paws by a fire patrol on Sunday. Firefighter David Tree offered the creature a bottle of water, which she eagerly accepted, holding Tree's hand as he poured water into her mouth. A photograph of the encounter has now been seen around the world.
Sam was being treated at the Mountain Ash Wildlife Shelter in Rawson, 170 kilometres east of Melbourne, where she has attracted the attention of a male koala, nicknamed 'Bob,' manager Coleen Wood said. The two have been inseparable for the past few days, with Bob keeping a protective watch over his new friend, she said.
Meanwhile, workers at the shelter were scrambling to salve the wounds of possums, kangaroos, lizards -'everything and anything,' she added.
'We had a turtle come through that was just about melted - still alive,' Ms Wood said. 'The whole thing was just fused toether - it was just horrendous. It just goes to show how intense (the fire) was in the area.'
The animals arriving appear stressed, but generally seem to understand the veterinarians are trying to help them, Ms Wood said. Kangaroos and koalas are widespread in Australia and are not particularly scared of humans.
Wildlife Victoria, a wildlife rescue group, has teams in place at several staging areas near the worst-hit regions, with volunteers seeing a range of injuries from burned lungs and smoke inhalation to singed paws.
Rescuers were just being allowed to venture into the blackened zones on Wednesday, and while the scope of the impact on wildlife was still unclear, it was likely to be enormous, Wildlife Victoria president Jon Rowdon said.
'We've got a wallaby joey at the moment that has crispy fried ears because he stuck his head out of his mum's pouch and lost all his whiskers and cooked up his nose,' he said. 'They're the ones your hearts really go out to.'
Rescuers had set up vaporising tents to help creatures whose lungs were burned by the searing heat and smoke.
'There will probably be a significant number which probably can only be euthanised to end their suffering,' Mr Rowdon said. 'And my heart goes out to the people who are given that task.' -- AP
from straits times interactive.
happy birthday to the many people whose bday is today, sieuping, kk, kennard and chinyi (though i dunno u but nvm). and abraham lincoln and charles darwin. today google got a lot of birds.
Sunday, 8 February 2009
cny was boring. like seriously. cny eve ate steamboat at home. chu yi went to my third aunt's hse for potluck. i cooked on behalf of my mummy and everyone said good :D i didn't gamble cos i didn't feel like gambling. eat. watched a bit of watched people gamble. no angpaos. chu er i can't rmb what i did. i think i stayed at home and watched the stupid cny shows. but i can't really rmb. chu san stupidly went back to school for the celebrations. but since it was on the way to my next destination, i took it as a long detour.
friday my brother went to thailand for trng but i couldn't send him off cos i had h3. i missed the chance to see jason. my mother say he is as tall as my brother and looks pleasant. i shall go to the airport to welcome my brother home.
then sch 2 days. then chu liu daphne, qy, ly, wl, jolene and andy came to my hse. before tht they went to andy's hse but i cannot go cos andy's family bai tian gong. then daph's hse then ly's hse where we thought the not very smart weiliang how to play mahjong and he just died without ly's help.
then... school lor. busy busy busy. i decided to finish all hw given on the day itself so i won't drag and pile everything up since my only early day is thursday. monday until 545. and when cardio starts, monday will end at 8.15. tues h3 until 6.30 at hwachong. weds sailing. fri h3 until 7 at hwachong -.- and now sat will be taken up by cs productions. so yay i love thursday.
ok speaking of cardio, it's supposed to start tmr but it has been postponed ):
ok and the code of conduct is getting anal. like seriously. i really dun see what is wrong with 3 black stripes. but anyway, i got my running shoes.
weds had the first sailing session of the year. apparantly we all passed lvl 1 but we haven't apply for the license -.- and me and jolene got promoted. last year, jhing sailed us out. this year, we sailed the yr5s out. haha. and then they had to jump off and swim back while we sail back. in my case, i was pulled back by the power boat cos there was no wind -.-
oh ytd went to my father's colleague's hse for a bbq. i was bored cos all uncles and aunties. but it was interesting listening to them analyse why ho ching stepped down from temasek holdings.
oh i went for cs meeting ytd. in chinese ok. though i asked qns in english but...
oh my. my life sounds boring.
Sunday, 1 February 2009
WASHINGTON - THE search engine Google sparked online confusion on Saturday when a glitch in its security program temporarily warned users that websites from all search results were potentially harmful.
Between 1430 and 1525 GMT (10.30pm and 11.25pm Singapore time), sites turned up in search results were marked as harmful and users received the message: 'Warning! This site may harm your computer.'
'What happened? Very simply, human error,' Goggle vice-president for search products and user experience Marissa Mayer said on the company's official blog.
Google receives regular updates to a list of malicious websites from, which investigates consumer complaints.
'We periodically receive updates to that list and received one such update to release on the site this morning,' Ms Mayer explained.
'Unfortunately (and here's the human error), the URL of '/' was mistakenly checked in as a value to the file and '/' expands to all URLs.' Users who tried to access the site were blocked by Google, which directed them to The firm works with Google to determine which sites are dangerous.
'This led to a denial of service of our website as millions of Google users attempted to visit our site for more information,' said in a statement.
Google was back to normal between 1510 and 1525 GMT (11.10pm and 11.25pm Singapore time).
The company expressed 'apologies to any of you who were inconvenienced this morning, and to site owners whose pages were incorrectly labelled.'
The Mountain View, California-based company said it 'will carefully investigate this incident and put more robust file checks in place to prevent it from happening again.'
The outage, widely discussed on Internet blogs and forums, did not affect Google's news search service.
Google controls about 70 per cent of Internet searches, a market share that has grown steadily in recent years. -- AFP
[Taken from Straits Times Interactive]
-.- no wonder was a malicious site last night. i was so frustrated cos i needed to open ppt -.-
Sunday, 25 January 2009
so 2 weeks of school have passed. feels like 2 mths. so busy ): im stressed ):
ok orientation was ok i guess. i missed the watafest cos of my leg. might as well. everybody came back black and sunburnt with weird tan lines all over. and they are all peeling for chinese new year. haha. sorry saddistic :)
ok school, as usual lor. the teachers are not slacking. can't say much about the students. but can tell the teachers are all OY IT'S A LEVELS BUCK UP!
i'm watching what a girl wants now on okto. and i think the ian in the show is cute. ok digressed.
ok so for the teachers, form teacher still mr gi. computing teacher is now mr gi and mr pang. maths teacher still mr ng :) physics teacher still ms chia :) econs teacher still mr lee. gp teacher changed to ms pauline-ann tan. i will not grow up to be like her ok.
ok and there's h3. i took the semi conductors module by NTU at HCI. with jochebed. the trip there is uberduper long. the trip home is uberdupersuperzuper long. released before 6pm and i only reach home at 8pm. super late. but it's ok, i will endure! HA! oh and i have to miss physics tutorial for h3. cos h3 starts at 4.30 at HCI and physics tutorial is from 345 to 445. and tht's the only physics tutorial in the whole entire week.
and i got my eyes on the Nanyang Scholarship. and maybe the CNYang Scholar's Program. hmm...
ytd my brother and his gf made pineapple tarts tgt. in very interesting shapes. got penguin, crab, pig, bear... and hotdog bun -.-
ok dunno wad to blog alrdy.
happy chinese new year. gong xi fa cai. xue yue jing bu. HUAT AH!
everybody study hard!
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Saturday, 10 January 2009
ok so i watched australia today cos the timing was erm more able to fit or else klp nth to shop then ongbak2 must wait longer. oh i bought a shirt today :D heh. from chickout. yahyah i knw guys clothes. but girls can wear guys clothes too. ha. 70% off leh. $61 i buy for less than $18. yay.
ok so australia is a pretty good movie. it's a damn long movie too. sit until my ass sore.hugh jackman is hot. it's more of a 感情戏. ok im not gng to elaborate anymore i just want to give special notice to one scene. there was one scene where hugh jackman was topless soaping himself and washing away the soap in the wilderness. and then he was posing in the johnny bravo way u knw. wah hell. that scene is like redundant. it's just to show the world his hot bod. seriously. i'm not complaining. it's my favourite scene. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
ok after that went to makan at old airport road. then home.
tmr i will be 300bucks (??) richer :D yay. but i'm not giving u a treat. nanny nanny poo poo.
Friday, 9 January 2009
wednesday i made cha siew pau. made as in made, y'knw. the pau, the filling, everything. the filling was good, very yummy. the pau was, well, many many spaces for improvement. hahaha. it wasn't fluffy enough and my pau-pinching skills can be improved. haha. but for a first time, i think it's good but im not gng to post any pictures cos i didn't even take any. heh. but at least the paus tasted like cha siew pau so erm yay. heh.
thursday had dim sum buffet with my parents at river city restaurant. we didn't order cha siew paus cos hahahahahahaha. weds eat too many :b the dim sum was quite good. my daddy went back to work and me and my mummy went to exercise off our dim sum by shopping. we shopped from plaza sing down to orchard. bought many things :D yay. but i still haven't found a jacket which i like. i want a new jacket. sth bright and vibrant. different from my plain black one now which is 2 years old alrdy.
today i cooked again. i cooked 奶黄螃蟹 and some brazilian pumpkin thing which i dunno the name but i cooked that cos there was leftover pumpkin. the pumpkin didnt change into a carriage ): ok lame. u knw wads 奶黄螃蟹 not? the creamy buttery crab that tze char stalls will have. please praise me. i can cook tze char leh. i knw how i to cook the 麦片虾 also. thankyouthankyou :D hahaha. sorry feeling high cos the crab successful :D

:D i shld hire a photographer to take the pictures next time. my hp does my food no justice. oh look at the mantous! hahahahaha. i bought the ready made ones and steamed them. didn't have the confidence to make the mantous myself after the cha siew paus. heh.
the crab. the green green things are curry leaves in case u sotong u dunno. it's very easy to cook only. really. my mother say can be spicier cos i used fewer chilis then supposed to cos i dun eat spicy then i scared spicy. lol.
the brazilian pumpkin thing. i knw you only see tomatoes here that's cos there were 2 left so i decided to finish up the tomato so i placed them on top. now they look like mexican food. lol. it's yummy. i was quite doubtful about it at first, but after trying it, i think it's nice and worth the work. not enough cheese though. cos yah leftoever cheese. basically, this dish is made with whatever i could find in the fridge. such a coincedence that this dish uses everything i happen to have left in the fridge. heh.
ok tomorrow gng to go on makan spree at either maxwell or golden mile food centre. then ongbak2 or australia depending on what time we finishing makaning :D