getting ready for school is sooooooooooo tiring, for the past 2 days, we've been doing lots and lots of walking just to prepare for school and life in london.
monday was spent on getting the phone card and buying like daily stuff. i brought so much fruits. the strawberries so cheap. haha. so finally got the phone card and i have like unlimited text and free incoming and 100mins outgoing for £10 (shit the £ sign is so troublesome). and walking the whole day is super tiring. we kept walking up and down tottenham court road and oxford street. omg oxford street! shopping! and primark is sooooooo cheap :D super got to go there and shop. and there will be a wailing siren like every half an hour or so, like london is in a lot of crisis. had a lunch meal deal from superdrug (like a guardian, watsons place). a sandwich, packet of crisps and a bottle of drink for £2.49. not that bad. and dinner in hall was not bad too. hopefully the standard remains and not deteriorates as time goes by as many people claim...
lunch | |
oxford street |
today went to enrol, get the student id card, get the ucl password and id and tried opening a bank account but it is soooooooooooooooo troublesome. omg i love singapore banks! walked around to all the banks and they all want the stupid student letter in a specific format and all banks different format -.- wahpiang damn troublesome. so i have to go my department to ask for the letter -.- shit troublesome man. but we got the water filter (london has hard water with a lot of calcium or sth which is not good in the long term so we need a water filter). jiapei lujie and i shared one so jiapei is gng to do the filtering and we just go get the water. what to do? save money is like that one. haha.
the main quad |
my department is here so this will be where most of my lessons are held i suppose |
ok this is the REAL body of benjamin bentham and the head is fake. cos apparantly students from rival schools kicked it around like a football. disgusting. |
ohh lunch today was free! :D ok not entirely. i dabao-ed from breakfast and brought some fruits which i bought last night. woohoo money saving ttm. for dinner, we had some pizza and pasta night to welcome early comers at connaught hall. there was wine too. and like music. haha. the food is really not bad hope it maintains. and the lift is REPAIRED! OMG YAY!
lunch |
dinner |
and we just had a water tasting session to try out our new filter. haha. it works. yay. ok im tired, shall go sleep long day again tmr and hopefully i can get my bank done. urgh.