aaaaah... i'm still settling down. still rather unused about some things, like the weather, the efficiency of the banks... lalala. oh but i love they way they walk. fast.
i caught a cold and now my voice sounds like a tranny. my nannies have been forbidding me to eat chocolates, mooncakes and heaty things and complaining that i don't drink enough water. naggy people hahahahaha. ok la, they are just being caring :)
ok so the past few days i've been like still settling all the registration and banking stuff. registered with the nhs and had to do the urine test. hate it -.- setting up a bank is a horrible experience. hate it. so much things to do. and i have no idea what to do with portico and stuff -.-
weather's turning cold. cos of the rain maybe. rained for past 2 days. wind is like cold cold cold. wind come, hide behind somebody but wind still come. somehow. hopefully today is a sunny day. there's a carnival going on. excited :D
ok so other than the settling down troublesome stuff, i've been visiting various halls. ok so our toilet is shared by many and maybe we don't have auto doors and all the atas stuff. just a really simple hall with the necessities and some extras. but i think connaught hall is a really cosy place and the layout makes it easy to see people and make friends. so yeah, i'm liking my hall. just need to do up my room. heh.
and ytd was like tourist day. went to the charles dickens museum with mabel jiapei lujie and zuxin. its a mini museum inside the house he used to stay in. i read 4 of his books and didn't know he wrote so many haha. and i rmbed his biography was the first which i tried reading. didn't finish of course. and i wanna watch oliver! love the book though read it so long ago i've already forgotten what's it about. haha.
there was a short film on charles dickens' life |
a little portion of his published books from different eras |
oliver twist :D |
i remember going with jiapei but different dates leh... haha. |
the house. all houses that belonged to famous people have the blue plaque on top. |
we went for the open-top tour bus in the afternoon. £2 for ucl students. original £20. worth the money we paid. haha. so touristy taking the bus and taking in the sights. saw the beautiful architecture and some famous landmarks. saw people running in tanktops and shorts dunno how they do it while we were freezing on the bus cos of the wind. but yeah. pretty cool. saw the part of london to far to walk to. i haven't taken any public transport you know. amazing. just walk everywhere.
connaught and friend (mabel is the friend, she's from canterbury) |
love it the way they have such old architecture in the middle of the street. |
do you see ben? (no not the yellow guy) |
westminster abbey |
you can view other pictures from my facebook :) ok i'm going for a run later with my nannies.
i love it in london, but i miss home...