school has been so busy. full timetable, assignments, readings, catching up on chemistry, trying not to feel too lost during lectures and trying to stay awake... urgh happens like every lecture or sth. ok not every lecture. not the maths and more physics based one. those like chem, sustainable devt and stuff are like zzz. oops. haha. but it's like having computing all over again. understanding but not understanding and feeling totally lost and not being able to comprehend what i actually need to know and yah all that confusing stuff. and the worse is that it's not for one module. but for like 3? bleah.
homework isn't really piling up, just the stupid toy i have to make? it's really really damn irritating and i'm at a total lost of what to do for it now. i'm going to try again tmr. bleah. hope it works or else i will like ~!@#$^&*() got so much help, especially from jiapei. but it's still not working i'm so depressed about it ):
oh and we had to do this drawing assignment in which we had to make a sculpture of shapes and draw out the different views. i just randomly picked things off the shelf and drawers and placed them together. haha. damn cute.
got straight, got round, got irregular pyramid |
and my course is sooooooooooo expensive. so many things to buy. i had to get like drawing boards and special rulers and set squares and all that stuff. totally super duper expensive. but i found cheaper alternatives and like sourced for the cheapest available. but still expensive ): a scale rule cost
£4. like hello? my ruler is 40cents -.- bah that's it for school.
i'm going to join ewb (engineers without borders). i made it into the committee, am the events officer. have loads of events to plan. sounds fun and yah, it advocates for human development throught engineering :) so i like. i'm going to join frisbee too. trainings are weds and sat for outdoors and mondays for indoors. i will try to make for all the trngs but competitions will see as i go. cos i just really love the playing and training is fun. frisbee people are cool :D though i go whammed during training and my mouth bled and i got send off the field. haha. but chill, nth serious. and the training is at regent's park so pretty and so near the 99p shop in camden. omg have to stop going there to buy snacks. i am going to become fat. and i wanna commit to a volunteer society, looking at animals and soup kitchen. but the animals one all damn far and the soup kitchen may not be looking for volunteers now so hmm... i'm thinking about running for ucl singsoc exco but just thinking. i'm still evaluating the amount of time i have for like school and social life. haha.
oh and i wanted to join asian boards but thurs and i went to the asian boards thingy cos i needed to play mahjong. and erm well..
need i say more? |
ohhhhh sth super interesting. last friday, my hall's kitchen roof caught fire and erm we had to go to international hall (10mins away) for meals -.- and then on tuesday, while i was having lab, the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate. turned out an experiment produced smoke which set the alarm off -.- and the fire engines arrive whether or not there's a fire. as long as the alarm goes, the engine arrives. there was this hall with this guy bathing with the max temp hot water and he set off the alarm and the fire engines came. hahahaha.
monday a few of us went to watch a concert by the singapore symphony orchestra. we walked/ran there cos we were running late and we refused to take the tube. reached just in time. the concert was nice. the pianist was cool but too bad we couldn't see his fingers. after the concert we took a nice long stroll back, still refusing to take the tube. haha.
the orchestra |
free tickets from the suka dinner :D |
ok anyway highlight is probably like today. there as the ukssc hyde park picnic and jiahui came down from manchester. so last night mabel qingyi and i went to buy stuff for the picnic and mabel, fandi and i stayed over at cindy and qingyi's room. oooh dunman high gathering. i love being with dunmanians. gives me a sense of comfort :) morning 3 of us woke up to prepare the food (basically just tear the wrapper and throw into the oven) and then we wanted to walk to hyde park but little miss meng had to put contacts, decide to roll up her pants or not, straighten her hair dadadada in the end we just took a bus. it's my first bus trip in london. haha. so we went to hyde park and dhs mat has a lot of food :D yay. so i just ate, took photos and played frisbee. ucl played against imperial. i'm going to refrain from saying anything here. ucl won :D haha yay!
the food we prepared |
a little corner of hyde park |
dunman high! :D | | | |
after that mabel, fandi, jiahui, anthony (jiahui's friend from manchester) and i went to south bank. we wanted to walk but it was raining and it was quite far so we tubed. had lunch at this chinese place called chopstix (they don't have chopsticks though). buffet for £7. quite ex, but then it's south bank so yah. and the food was not bad. then we took photos with big ben and london eye and went to the royal theatre place. i wanted to go to the cheese and wine exhibition so they went with me :D yay. we went to this art exhibition by inmates first. some of the art pieces were really nice. then we went to cheese and wine. omg the cheese so nice yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy. i tried and refrained from buying. i have great self control. after that, i headed back to hall while they continued touring. and i nua until now. haha. bad bad. i should be doing work.
part of the buffet for lunch |
my favourite piece at the art exhibition |
tmr we're going to celebrate our 1st month in london. so fast. it's been a month. time really flies cos life is so packed with activities. and in fact, i don't really like miss singapore that much. i mean family, dog and friends of course, but on the whole, yah london is like home alrdy. there are always times when i wish my parents were here to watch ppstream with me, laugh with me, eat dinner with me, my dog was here to welcome me home, walk with me, look at me eat, and my friends just to be there (yes shunjie jolene leeyan weiliang i'm talking about you guys). friends here are just different. baah.
and i've made a pact with myself. i'm gng to start running. if i end late, i will wake up early to run. i must run, then i can take part in the marathon i set out to complete :)