omg i haven't blogged for a week! i'm so busy ): ok fine it's not that bad. at least i'm doing sth in london and not just hanging around.
weds 29/9
had a walking tour for my first assignment. went to the river thames area. it was raining, so there was just this big group of people standing in the rain, drawing the london eye -.- so we took a walk along river thames, saw some famous bridges and stuff. really pretty. after we completed the walk, i walked back to connaught, taking in the sights along the way. everything is so old and quaint. and i stopped by the horse guard museum and saw the guards changing. the horses were quite smelly though. haha. horsey smell. so took a long walk back. wanted to go to borough market, but it wasn't in the way, so i headed to covent garden market. a market aimed at tourists. there wasn't much food, so i didn't buy anything. haha. found my way back by just walking and following random signs. woohoo i didn't get lost :D
drawing in the rain |
graffiti on some building |
River Thames |
at the horse guard museum |
a part of the covent garden market |
some church i went in to look look see see |
later that night, brought a cake which i bought from marks and spencer to ramsey hall to celebrate john's birthday :D oooh i love surprises. he was so touched :D yay :D mission accomplished :D
the cake. yumyum. |
birthday uncle |
thurs 30/9
went to freshers' fayre. took a lot of chocolates and sweets -.- signed up with a whole bunch of clubs and societies. but i don't i will be able to join all cos my timetable is really really cramped ): and a lot of activities clash. plus, it will be quite expensive. horseriding, gliding, mountaineering... all too expensive ): so i've got to decide on which one to focus on, and i'm inclined towards frisbee, engineers without borders and hiking and walking. oh and asian boards, just for the mahjong. haha.
the fair. had to queue to see the booths. for like 20mins -.- |
after that met john and we headed to the buidling centre, which is like singapore's ura. they had exhibitions on too :D totally going to visit every exhibition :D so nearby somemore :D yay love it :D
engineering exhibtion |
london plan |
fri 1/10
had a meet the mentor session. well... i was the only one in my tutorial group to turn up. lovely. really. and my mentor was telling us how busy we will be with homework and assignments and all that stuff and how 30% fail and only 2 get first class. really, a great welcome speech -.- after that had our first official lecture. and by the end of the lecture, we had another assignment. we have to make a toy which will accept 3 spheres and 10secs later, the spheres will come out via 2 exits in the sequence of exit A exit A exit B... and the toy is for toddlers and must be able to be dismantled into 3 pieces to be kept in a box. like real toy. rumour is that 5 quit after receiving this assignment. not sure if it's true though. haha.
at night went for singapore uk association (suka). they had their annual agm and dinner. half of the people there were from uclsingsoc. it was like a singsoc event -.- they elected their new comm, which is like a walkover. after that had dinner. and there was singapore food! omg. satay, nasi lemak and sambal. you don't know you miss the food until you taste it. not the best, but better than nothing :D and the teh tarik was great :D
singapore high commission |
yummy yummy |
sat 2/10
connaught hall had a basketball session and i went to watch. it was pretty interesting watching from the top. i could like analyse what each player likes to do and what they cannot do. haha. after that, connaught brought us to camden town. then it was free and easy for us. walked around the markets. wanted to buy things for the boat trip but didn't get anything. bought cheap door hangers and liquer chocolates from the 99p shop :) that will be my favourite shop along with primark. haha.
connaught hall basketball |
camden! :D |
love the way they try to attract attention |
then had a dhsya(uk) meeting. settled things for the picnic and day trip. and yah ate at the korean place assa again. why are we always eating korean food in london? and it's not that great. good, but not great. would rather grab a sandwich. cheaper. haha.
the food we had... |
sun 3/10
jio-ed people out last minute to play frisbee at regent's park. lovely day, lovely weather. and it was really fun :D i want more frisbee sessions :D just recreational and all fun, enjoy the company enjoy the weather :D
oooh and we cooked supper, using minghao's induction cooker and jiapei's pot. bought the ingredients, and we had a curry party :D for what we had, i think the curry was not bad. yumyum :D 1st homecooked meal in such a long time :D i miss cooking ): ohh the pot was totally empty by the end. satisfaction yo! haha.
marketing! :D |
had to use the curtains to cover and people fanning so that we won't activate the smoke detector :b |
even had toasted bread |
yummmy :D |
stop salivating :D |
mon 4/10
lectures officially start. but then i alrdy have 2 pieces of homework. so it doesn't really count as an official start for me -.- and seriously, they just plunged us head on and kick us in the butt. still need getting used to after such a long break, but hopefully, i will be fine. ok fine, i will be fine. i'm sure :) yes! haha. ok i'm being optimistic :D
): |
had a welcome buffet by connaught hall. the food was quite bad. normal dinners are so much better. the buffet wasn't really free flow. you can only take up to a certain amount each round you queue. they had to control the food so that there was enough. and yah, the food was quite bad ):
tues 5/10
lessons again ): even more. 9am to 6pm with an hour's lunch break. but i finished my work earlier and went back to rest before going for a volunteer meeting session. was so hungry by then. after that, rushed to meet and speak the engineers without borders chairperson. put my name for comm. then after that went to the hiking and walking meet and greet session. after the briefing, lost them when we were heading to the eating and socialising place. so i didn't get dinner ): had lujie's digestive biscuits to curb the hunger. and jiapei's apple. and some chocolates. and tea. haha. great to have hallmates who stock up for war. hahahaha.
weds 6/10
omg today! my summary skills are great. so fast 1 week alrdy. haha. anyway, had lessons, like duh. see my timetable. it's terrible. ended at 12 today. and yah it's so early cos it's like "do you own things day" something like cca day. so i ended at 12, rushed back to changed, ran to the bank to activate the card that finally came, deposit leftover money, ran to nando's at brunswick (yes shunjie! they have nando's here and water is free flow) to say happy birthday to rachel. sat for a while then jogged to the northern end of regent's park for frisbee! :D yay it was really fun :D i'm going to join it :D it's fun, it's something i like, and it's one of the cheapest sports club. haha. but then, joining frisbee, i probably won't join hiking and walking cos both have activities on weekends. sucks. in such a dilemma. eeeek. so frisbee for the entire afternoon, went back to connaught for dinner then headed to sports night and the uclu bar with frisbee people. first sports night. interesting experience. i just concentrated on the game so i won't lose so i don't have to drink so much. but i'm actually feeling woozy. see, and i still blog, so noble :D haha.but it was really amusing seeing them make people drink (as long as it's not me) :D haha.
ah well, school has been really really busy. cramped up timetable, lots of activites from clubs and societies and connaught hall itself. and i still need a social life. baaa. but i will find a balance, i'm sure. and yes, i'm aiming for the prize given to the department's top student :D go jasvin! :b