end of a horrible week. yay.
finished 6 tests in 4 days. yay.
tmr short day. yay.
saturday watch mummy. yay.
sunday earn $3o. yay.
ok quick update.
tuesday. didnt go to school. slept the whole day away -.- so there's really nth much to blog about.
wedsnesday. the day of tests. studied for physics test on the mrt. screwed it a little with careless mistakes. screwed econs tests too cos i focused on the wrong stuff. baaaah. but nvm. i passed sailing test (: only hj stupid noob fail the theory then had to retake. lol. then we did rigging up and knots. and we didnt have time for launching and recovery cos we were invited to the olympics sailor send off. so we had our dry sailing test and brought our stuff for nth. zzz. 2 weeks later wet one.
pictures on shunije's blog.
today. computing test was zzz. sian. the thing kept hanging and lagging and $%^&*. and i physics spa was ok. it's the best one i tell you. which is good la, seeing that it's the most impt one too since it's A lvls. heh.
and then erm june papa fetched me and shunjie to tamp int. and you knw wad?! casava chips 30cents only lorrrrrr. wah i feel cheated. bzzzz. ok nvm.
had a great dinner (:
now i post some pics.
i wanted to do pw one but i have no mouse and i dun like working without a mouse. i love mice. lol. shall go get one tmr. or else i wun get anything done with a touchpad. lol.
oh and 5C21 got 4 pairs of new shoes. me shunjie thaddeus and sebas. so cool. haha. i shall ask sj to take a new shoes picture tmr. LOL.

look at what leeyan said. and i forgot to click alt so i took the whole screen instead of just the convo -.- as u can see, i was blogging when leeyan interrupted. naughty girl/boy.
the durian thingy i went for last saturday. one person $3. my father said we ate equivalent to $100 over cos the durians were good durians. HAPPY (:
that's joanne. me and jolene's beneficiary. i'm feeling quite guilty that i will be missing this sunday's curl. maybe i shld like erm develop this and give her or sth. lol.
yay (: on the floor outside school. lol.
joanne's mosaic. it's called spider-sun.